first evil king

Chapter 221 Stone Ape (1)

Chapter 221 Stone Ape (1)
"Humans, who are you? How dare you intrude into your ape grandfather's territory and disturb my dreams." The stone ape's green eyes coldly shot at the human beings opposite, roaring like thunder.

"Ah..." Dozens of screams sounded, and Ye Qiu and the others on the opposite side retreated unconsciously. Ready to shoot.

Can talk, it can talk, then it is...

"Spirit beasts? Stone ape spirit beasts? Damn..." Mu Feng cursed in a low voice. When meeting a spirit beast, Duke Zhou and his wife would have to let her go, no matter how beautiful the country is. With a more serious expression than when he encountered a big storm at sea, he put the silver judge's pen in his right hand, and took out a silver hairpin from the storage ring and put it in his left hand. He had already put on the defensive armor on his body.

Spirit beast!Sure enough, damn it, they were so lucky to meet spirit beasts, isn't this the death of me?Every time the trial team tried, there were not a few monks who died at the feet of fierce beasts. Today, they were allowed to run to the territory of higher-level spirit beasts. This is not a big trap, this is simply seeking death!

It's all Wei Feng's fault, if he hadn't acted recklessly, how could he have woken up the sleeping spirit beast, and he would have killed him now.Everyone couldn't help complaining about Wei Feng from the bottom of their hearts, and their unkind eyes drifted straight to him.

Wei Feng also knew that he didn't control his emotions for a while and hurt everyone. He felt both fear and guilt in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. Suddenly his sweaty hand was held by a warm little hand, and he turned his head in surprise. , Wei Yan was blinking her innocent eyes and smiling at him, instantly like a warm current flowing in, dispelling the accumulated haze in her heart, even if he were to die now, there would be nothing to be afraid of.

"We are monks from the realm of comprehension. We were drawn here because of a storm and vortex at sea. We really strayed into your land by mistake and did not intend to offend." Ye Qiu forced himself to calm down, took a step forward in full armor, and said neither humble nor overbearing. It was the first time he saw the legendary spirit beast, and he couldn't help being a little excited in fear. If he could subdue a spirit beast, then for him, his overall strength could not be described as a qualitative leap. As far as he knew , the whole thing is that those monks above the alchemy stage in those big clans can only have one or two.

"Regardless of whether you have entered my territory by mistake or not, it is my food." The stone ape looked at the humans in front of him as if staring at prey, and said to himself, "I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time, Zhihou... ..."

Hearing the malicious words of the stone ape spirit beast, everyone immediately gathered together, ready to act preemptively, when they heard the stone ape roar, and in an instant, the roar shook the sky, and a strange strong wind blew up, flying sand and rocks, and the grass and trees were everywhere. Flying, they smashed towards them in unison, and after a burst of tumbling, the beautiful lake also shot up a column of water and rushed towards them.

"Defend quickly." Mu Feng roared, dodging the falling stones, and threw out all the defensive magic weapons, trying to form a barrier to defend. He knew very well that everyone was needed at this time Only by working together can one avoid a catastrophe, and one person's defense alone cannot save one's life.

At this time, many people were hit by flying stones, blown down by strong winds, or rushed out by water jets because they couldn't dodge in time. The whole scene was in chaos, and screams rang out one after another. It was as if it was vulnerable, it had no defensive effect at all, and the magic weapon in his hand was almost destroyed, but after all, he was a monk who dared to come out to try, and many people had escaped from death many times. Hearing the words of the soul leader Mu Feng Roar, anyone who can make a move throws out his own defense method to inject energy into Mu Feng's defensive barrier, making this barrier strong enough to cover everyone in it, firmly resisting strong winds, water jets, and flying sand and rocks.

"Quick retreat, quick retreat." Ye Qiu shouted and commanded while manipulating his magic weapon. Although he wanted to get this spirit beast very much, he knew very well that with his current strength, let alone subdue it, it would Self-preservation is very problematic in front of him, and it is more important to save his life at this time.

Everyone retreated while manipulating the magic weapon.

"Squeak..." There was another ear-piercing roar, which made everyone's eardrums ache, as if they were beating their ears with a big hammer, and the barrier above their heads was rippling.

What frightened them even more was that the stone ape spirit beast seemed displeased that it didn't kill their 'food' with a single blow. With a roar, its bulky body shot out from the other side of the lake like a shooting star in the blink of an eye. It landed in front of them, and raised two thick stone ape arms to smash them down heavily on their barrier.

"Wait, wait..." In an emergency, Mu Feng shouted hastily: "I, we are here to find the owner of the wooden house, and we are his friends."

The stone ape froze for a moment, and did not drop his raised arms immediately. His green eyes shot out a dangerous light, and he looked straight at Mu Feng: "What you said is true?"

Mu Feng also had an idea and thought of the wooden house they found before. Based on what they have experienced so far, the only living thing found on this island other than vegetation is the owner of the wooden house and this spirit beast. 'Distance, the relationship between the two must be unusual, otherwise how could that person build that wooden house on the 'site' of this stone ape spirit beast!
This idea flashed through my mind quickly, before I could think about it, I could only gamble out of desperation, now hearing the tone of this stone ape spirit beast, and the stone-like face, I am not sure whether my idea is correct , perhaps, it is not impossible that this unusual relationship is the enemy?Maybe the owner of the wooden house was eaten by the stone ape, matter what it is, now he just bites the bullet and continues to make it up, hoping that he guessed correctly.

"Yes." Nodding his head very positively, two lines of cold sweat flowed from Mu Feng's temples following the word 'yes', and his unusually bright eyes faced the stone ape fearlessly.

Shi Yuan kept his movements still, as if he was thinking about the authenticity of his words, the air seemed to be frozen like this. The people on Mu Feng's side were puzzled at first where Mu Feng's words about flying immortals from outside the sky came from. After their intentions, they dare not act rashly. Now their chances of survival are only five or five.

(End of this chapter)

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