first evil king

Chapter 224 Savage (2)

Chapter 224 Savage (2)
The loud laughter made the wooden house squeak, and the other people who were waiting for the news outside were very disturbed and almost collapsed because of the sudden laughter, feeling an extremely powerful force coming out of the house , crashing into their bodies, causing their true essence to lose control, and their pulses fluttered. Such a sudden impact does not give them time to react and defend. It is impossible for such a direct impact of powerful force to avoid internal injuries. Looking at the stone ape at the door of the house, they had already rushed into the wooden house or turned around and ran away.

The hearty laughter passed through them, rushed to Jiuxiao, and echoed on the island, more like venting something through it, whether it was a dragon rising out of the tsunami for nine days, or a tiger descending to shake Jiuzhou.

Having already received such a powerful impact in the outer room, one can imagine what it must be like for the people in the room, but fortunately, the people in the room have relatively deep cultivation bases, and they can protect their hearts even at close range. The heart pulse will not be shattered, but it is inevitable that one by one will vomit blood and fall to the ground dizzy. Only Mu Feng and Ye Qiu, the two foundation cultivators, can barely stand, but their faces are also pale and bloodless .

When they all regained their senses, it was already an hour later. During this time, Mu Feng was being dragged by the savages, one was sitting on the bed, the other was sitting on a chair chatting happily, one A black face, a yellow face, the inside and outside of the words are unavoidable to test each other, and there is something in the words, the picture is both harmonious and full of gunpowder, which is both weird and eye-catching.

"Oh? You guys were going to Liuyan Island, but you encountered a heavy rain vortex on the sea, and you were swept here? After the catastrophe, you have good luck." After listening to Mu Feng's words, the savage asked frivolously, his nimble eyes were light Turn, as if thinking about something.

"Hehe, our trial team originally consisted of a hundred people, but we lost more than ten people in the heavy rainstorm, and the rest were swept into the unknown sea by the vortex, and we only discovered this island after floating in the sea for a few days. It's a deserted island, but I didn't expect to break into your territory. Speaking of the rest of my life, it is true, but whether the luck is good or bad depends on you." Mu Feng also frivolously frowned, seeming to smile Fei smiled and said, he just woke up and looked full of energy, and his brown hair was messed up and more individual.

"Look at me? Luck, some people say it depends on God, but you say it depends on me, heh, do you really think it depends on me?" The savage's bright pupils shone with confidence and domineering light, but his tone was disappointed.

Mu Feng's words were originally intended to tease the savages, meaning that their lives are now in his hands, if he is willing to let them go, then of course they will have the rest of their lives, and there will be future blessings, if he refuses to let them go If they pass them, they will be doomed. Whether this luck is good or bad depends on the savage's thoughts, but now his words with no deep meaning make him think deeply.

Is luck really something that is given by others, by heaven?No, he doesn't believe in heaven or people. The only person in this world who can believe in him is himself, only himself...

A ray of pain quickly flashed through the depths of Mu Feng's eyes, and it was fleeting. There was a brilliant smile on the corner of his mouth. Anytime, anywhere, in any dangerous situation."

The savage smiled appreciatively, he did not misunderstand the person, since the first time he told Shi Yuan that he was his friend, he knew that this Mu Feng was very similar to him in some aspects.

You, only you, luck, destiny, everything in life can only be controlled and created by yourself, don't place your hope on the sky, don't place your hope on miracles, don't place your hope on others, never give up, don't get angry, don't give up Blame others, don't make excuses!For seven years on a deserted island, hunger, disease, disability, strong wind, heavy rain, scorching sun, severe cold, poisonous miasma, poison, spirit beast, loneliness, remodeling, training... His life was threatened at all times, and the god of death was always on the verge of death. Standing beside him, what supported him to survive, is it a fluke?God bless?Hades refused to accept it?No, it's faith, it's the faith to live, it's the belief that I am the master of my life, which keeps me alive from the brink of death time and time again.

The wild man's eyes flashed with waves, and he quickly regained his composure. He seemed to remember something and asked, "By the way, what happened to the trial team you just mentioned?" Isn't the world of comprehension untouchable?Even if you go out to practice, it is mostly on an individual basis, how could you come out to practice in groups!Never heard of this before!

"Trial team adventures began a few years ago. In recent years, various ghosts and spirits have appeared frequently in various places, and the human world has been greatly threatened. Due to the fact that the monks of all parties have been at ease for too long and have their own affairs, not only cannot maintain The world is peaceful, and it is retreating steadily, with heavy losses. For this reason, it is necessary to form a team to go to various dangerous places to experience, slay demons and eliminate demons, so as to strengthen its strength. It has risen and has been highly praised by all major sects of cultivation. Among them, the monks in the southern cultivation world are the most enthusiastic about this activity. I heard that the earliest team is composed of our southern monks. In the south, all trial rules and profit distribution are uniformly stipulated by the General Assembly. The trial team can be formed voluntarily, or the General Assembly is responsible for the distribution. Regardless of the form, it must be registered at the General Assembly. The meeting will provide the conditions of the trial site, maps, transportation and other necessary items for the trial. If necessary, the general meeting will provide some conveniences such as a leader. Just like our team, the general meeting will form a trial team of [-] people according to the rules. , the trial location, map, and building ship are all provided by the General Assembly. Of course, the General Assembly lists the trial locations for us to choose...East, North, West, and Central Plains set up 'Adventure Branches', and the system is the same as The general meeting is the same. Two years ago, we organized a trial team composed of monks from five directions, and the benefits of that time were very large, so the name of the 'Adventure Guild' became even more popular..."

As soon as he talked about the trial team, Mu Feng seemed to open his mouth, talking non-stop with bright eyes, so excited that he could not wait to dance, which is enough to show how much he respects the trial and how much he admires this new industry. What a passion.He is not surprised that the savage, as a cultivator, knows nothing about the most popular "adventure guild" in the cultivation world. In his eyes, the savage must have been isolated from the world for many years on this deserted island, and naturally he has no clue about the changes outside. I don't know.

(End of this chapter)

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