first evil king

Chapter 235 Harvest (1)

Chapter 235 Harvest (1)
Smiling evilly in satisfaction, Jun Xie's eyes moved slightly again, and countless red beads gathered together as if consciously, and then rushed towards her, and when they arrived in front of her, they all turned into A red light sank into her chest and disappeared without a trace. Finally, the rows of 'hollow branches' returned to where they should have been. The whole process did not damage 'Chijiaohua' at all.

The red Chiwa Valley suddenly fell into an extremely quiet place. If it weren't for the strong smell of blood in the air and the horrible huge skeleton lying on the ground, it would have been a scene of tranquility and peace.

"My lord's volley control is getting stronger and stronger. This kind of stunt is really an eye-opener." Out of the air, Jun Xie's body suddenly sounded as cold as a machine. People are terrified enough, but the rookie who always likes to make a fuss is extremely calm. It can be seen that this kind of thing happens often.

Since Ying Jue saw Jun Xie's unique stunt for the first time, what a surprise!That eye-opener!A person who is so indifferent that he will never say a word of nonsense immediately turns into a Tang monk, insisting on digging out the secret of Jun Xie's unique skills, that is like a martial idiot discovering a martial art that he has never seen or heard before. Get out of Jun Xie's body, grabbed Jun Xie to ask him clearly, and when he jumped up and down excitedly, Jun Xie just coolly gave him three inexplicable but truthful words: "Spirit wave." There is no further text.

You know, Ying Jue is just a touch of divine consciousness residing in Jun Xie. It would take a lot of real energy to speak directly in Jun Xie's body like this. If he appeared directly, with his current cultivation base, at most It can only last for half an hour, and it can consume most of his vitality at one time. It takes a long time to recuperate to recover. It is extremely dangerous for him, but for the sake of "spirit wave", he unexpectedly appeared No less than five times, and basically as long as Jun Xie used the 'spirit wave', his voice would come out, cold with suppressed excitement.

Ying Absolutely is a very special existence to Jun Xie. After all, he has lived in her body for so many years. It feels like two people have one life, but in fact it is not. Unless necessary, the two basically did not talk to each other. As if it was just an ordinary relationship between a master and his subordinates, Jun Xie didn't explain Ying Jue's curiosity to him too much. A cultivator who has lived for thousands of years, but it is difficult to understand the high-tech of the future world, so Jun Xie, who is too lazy to speak, besides throwing him the word 'spiritual wave', does not mean to explain his doubts at all. No.

Jun Xie just smiled slightly, as if he didn't hear Ying Jue's voice, he walked towards the 'Chijiaohua', Ying Jue just said a word and didn't speak again, probably in the process of practicing to restore the lost true energy .

'Chijiaohua' still exhaled a pungent spicy smell, and the layer of red mist floating on the surface was unabated. Jun Xie only glanced at it, and swept his right hand, and there were only bare vines left on the big rock. One hundred and eighty years, no one would want to see a 'red pepper flower' here, it was really scraped off.

Patting the necklace hanging on her chest, Jun Xie smiled in satisfaction, spread her right hand forward, and a roll of parchment appeared in her hand, unfolded it, looked at it for a while, her nimble eyes moved lightly, and raised her hand He snapped his fingers and said hello, "Let's go, rookie." The rookie flapped its wings happily and flew over Jun Xie's head, one person and one bird, heading for the second destination.

At the first stop, Jun Xie returned home with a full load. Along the way, she passed a few stone mines, but she didn't even take a look at them, so she just walked over. Although it was just a low-level obsidian, it was also a trial team. One of the reasons for this adventure to the island.

Next, Jun Xie found some elixir she needed in a few places around the periphery. Of course, it was inevitable to beat the guardian beasts, killing the beasts that were difficult to deal with in the eyes of other cultivators. The medicine was swept away, leaving nothing but scum.

I don’t know if it’s her luck. Occasionally, a high-grade obsidian will appear in the lair where the elixir guards the beast. No matter how much effort others have spent, it is rare to find that one, but she doesn’t care about it as an ordinary stone. Swipe away at will.

In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed, and they have traveled all the places in the outer areas. Jun Xie took the rookie to the buffer zone. During these ten days, Jun Xie did not meet other cultivators. The reason is that Liuyan Island is really big, and the elixirs she was looking for were all uncommon elixirs like 'Chijiaohua'. These elixirs are not very effective for ordinary monks, and they all grow in more dangerous places , the ferocious beasts guarding them are basically middle-level and high-level ferocious beasts.

But as soon as he entered the buffer zone, Jun Xie met other comprehension worlds speechlessly, no, to be precise, he encountered the corpses of other comprehension practitioners.

Jun Xie was standing outside a small forest, looking strangely at the three corpses lying on the edge of the forest. The first corpse was an old man with gray hair, lying on his back, his eyes wide open, black and blue There was panic on his face, black blood flowed from his seven holes, and he died a miserable death. It seemed that he died of poisoning, and he still held a strangely shaped revolving knife in his hand.

The second corpse was lying on its side. It was a thin man with disbelief on his monkey-like face, holding a scepter about one meter in his right hand. On the chest, blood can be seen oozing from between the fingers, and one can tell at a glance that the fatal injury is in the heart.

The third corpse was just five steps behind the second corpse. It was a middle-aged man with a burly figure. The expression on his rough face was the same as that of the second corpse. Blood was hanging from the corner of his mouth and he was covering it with his left hand. Looking at the neck that was bleeding blood, a heavy hammer fell beside it.

Implanted on the ground a little later in the third body was a revolving knife of the same style as the one held in the first body.

Judging from the environment at the scene, it is not difficult to see that these three people were not attacked to death by some ferocious beasts, but killed each other, and finally died together. Moreover, the second corpse and the third corpse belonged to the same group, Yi Jun Xie speculated that the skull in the hands of the second corpse must be able to emit poisonous smoke, and the first corpse must have been sprayed with poisonous smoke during the fight, but before dying, he used up his last life to throw it out. The whirling knife, the second corpse and the third corpse probably didn't expect him to be able to make a move at the end, he was unprepared for a moment, let the whirling knife pass through the chest of the second corpse first, the speed was very fast, so it was shot by a The sword pierced the heart to shed so little blood, and the saber did not stop after piercing through the body, but swirled and smeared the neck of the third corpse before stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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