first evil king

Chapter 248

Chapter 248
"Peng Peng Peng..." The sword shadow collided with the barrier, and collided with the powerful force of the barrier. Countless explosion points exploded in mid-air, and the sky exploded like thunder, and the sky and the earth also violently Shaking, two powerful forces formed a terrifying wave of air and rushed in all directions.

Under the impact of powerful force, the indestructible barrier finally cracked a small crack, but it still held on tenaciously. Such a force enough to break mountains and crack ground was still not enough to break it open. No wonder that information is so important to the central area. There are only a few words in the record. Come to think of it, those seniors who set up this enchantment think that there are few people in this world who can break the enchantment!According to Yingjue's estimation, even if he recovers the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage, he still cannot break the barrier alone.

In terms of cultivation, no matter how talented Jun Xie is, she is still far from being able to break through the barrier alone. Even when the barrier is at its weakest, she has the most unique secret weapon, and breaking the barrier is not hopeless.

I saw that Jun Xie was not discouraged at only splitting the enchantment into thin cracks, but instead showed joy, the coquettish blue light in his eyes was even worse, and the blue sword light that erupted from the Excalibur also gradually overwhelmed the white sword light, Thousands of sword shadows turned into sky-blue dragons. With the sound of dragon chant, they roared and swooped down towards the barrier. Unexpectedly, the roaring blue dragons did not face the barrier head-on, but they sprang from the cracked thin body very strangely. It slipped in between the cracks, disappeared in an instant, and the world became silent all of a sudden.

From the invisible rays of light shot out from Jun Xie's pupils, it can be seen that after entering the barrier, the cyan blue dragon transformed from a mental wave will rampage from the inside out from various points, continuously bursting out dazzling fire, but unless it has a mental wave Otherwise, they would never see this scene. From the perspective of outsiders, they can only see Jun Xie standing in the air, holding his sword in a forward chop.

Circles of ripples began to appear in mid-air. When the circles of ripples merged together, the fluctuations of the airflow in the air were astonishing as a landslide and tsunami. The airflow above the entire mountain was constantly It was tumbling and boiling, as if a monster with a huge beard was fighting a trapped beast surrounded by dragons.

it's time!

Jun Xie saw the timing, turned his wrist slightly, retracted his arm, and the white radiant sword passed in front of the sky blue eyes, reflecting a pair of mysterious and strange blue eyes. He tilted his head slightly, and his whole body suddenly rose again More than ten meters high, he shouted: "Broken..." Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands at the same time, from right to left, he swung down with [-]% of his strength towards the precarious barrier. With the sound of the dragon roar, it exerted its last strength and at the same time delivered the strongest blow to the enchantment.

'Bang bang... Pengpeng...' An earth-shattering bang pierced through the heavens and the earth, and a huge energy breath blasted out to the surroundings like a tsunami. Huge balls of fire burst in mid-air, turning into countless A beautiful little fireball the size of a fist falls down, just like a beautiful Martian rain under the night. On the surface, the vegetation and stones are like snowflakes in a storm. The fireball under it was completely burned.

With the falling of the 'Mars Rain', a black robe also floated down, the sleeves of the clothes fluttered, and the black hair flew up. The slender and straight body was full of immeasurable power, as if there was something more majestic than the most majestic in the world. The mountain peak is even taller, and the domineering aura spread out even more undisguisedly. The sword in his right hand touched the ground lightly, the corner of his mouth was lightly raised, and the charming temperament appeared on his evil face. Within one meter of her, a vacuum zone with a radius of about one meter is formed with her as the center. She is the king of the world, and any gods, ghosts, and creatures must automatically avoid it when they see it!

'Boom...' Right in front of Jun Xie, the barrier flowing with a powerful electric glow burst open, and the huge mountain was still in front of him, but Jun Xie knew that this mountain was different from the previous one Yes, she has already broken the barrier in the central area.

Being able to break through this barrier with the cultivation base of the foundation building period, Jun Xie couldn't stop the agitation in his heart, put away the divine sword, and called out to the rookie and Xiaobing who were "having a great time": "Stop playing, Go in quickly." As he said that, he took the lead and walked forward, obviously just strolling leisurely, but he walked a mile away in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he heard Jun Xie's call, Xiaobing, who was deeply oppressed, immediately ran towards Jun Xie happily, swinging her two small soft arms. He came to Jun Xie's side, stood affectionately on her shoulder, and looked at Xiaobing proudly, Xiaobing was even more wronged, his mouth puckered, and he almost cried.

"Rookie, don't bully Xiaobing anymore." Jun Xie folded his arms, hugged the poor Xiaobing, and gave the rookie a serious look. In fact, he didn't know how much he admired the rookie, because Xiaobing's teary-eyed look really It's too cute, too cute, I must bully it more in the future.

Jun Xie's protection made Xiaobing's mourning face suddenly rainy and sunny, her two mung bean-like eyes narrowed into a slit, her small mouth grinned, curled up, and rubbed straight into Jun Xie's arms. Let it know what Jun Xie is thinking now, it is estimated that the 'cloudy sky' will immediately turn into a downpour.

The rookie is just the opposite. Under Jun Xie's stare, the sunny face suddenly turned cloudy, and then saw Xiaobing change the little subject in front of it, and happily took the opportunity to eat Jun Xie's tofu,' Cloudy' immediately turned into a violent storm, with tears streaming down his face. Unfortunately, Jun Xie and Xiaobing, who were having a good time, were indifferent to its howling and crying. Occasionally, they gave it a look but stared fiercely, and then threw a Word: "Noisy."

The rookie hid her face and ran away in tears. At this time, how much it missed Xiaobai who was always against it. Although it was often bullied by Xiaobai in the past, but now it is acting as the bully, and the bully was replaced by poor Xiaobing, but at least The master will not be like now, who often ignores it, the eccentric master.

Under the endless resentment of the rookie, Jun Xie carried Xiaobing to the foot of the huge mountain, but there was no way up the mountain, and the mountain blocked its way like a god blocking the way.

Jun Xie was not in a hurry, his eyes moved lightly, he raised his head, looked at the bright moon moving westward under the dark night sky, and quietly "appreciated the moon". About half an hour later, when the moonlight of the bright moon fell to the ground, When the earth's surface was at 45 degrees, the unmoving mountain suddenly trembled. It was even stronger than an earthquake.

(End of this chapter)

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