first evil king

Chapter 364: Magic Weapon (1)

Chapter 364: Magic Weapon (1)
'Chi Chi...'

A sound that was almost magnetically attracted faintly came from Jun Xie's body. Of course, Feng Yan couldn't hear this sound, but Jun Xie could hear it clearly, and he also felt that the place where the sound came from was abnormal. Concussion, that is - Xuanyuan Shenjian.

"This knife was stuck in front of my eyes when I woke up. At that time, it was scorched like my body, but it was much better than mine. From the perspective of my thief king, even if this knife is not a divine weapon, it will It is a fairy weapon, to have such an unusual knife, the original owner of my body must also be unusual, even if it is not as we thought, it will not be so weak after reaching the late stage of the tribulation. After a while, I found that the cultivation of this body has only reached the stage of distraction, but I always feel that his own cultivation should be more than that. I don’t know if it’s because of being struck by lightning or my soul entering. Unfortunately, I only absorb His remaining memory is basically some basic knowledge about the cultivation world, but he has no memory of the origin and cultivation status of the body itself."

Feng Yan stood about five meters away from the Huoyan stove and stopped, pointing to the handle on the Huoyan stove, his tone was as depressed as he wanted to say, the original owner of this body didn't know why What happened, the memories that should have been left for him were not left behind, but he remembered the insignificant memories clearly.

Jun Xie's eyes were completely attracted by the knife on the Huoyan furnace, and she didn't have the mind to pay attention to Feng Yan's depression. She could feel the unusual induction between Xuanyuan Shenjian and that knife. If the handle is an artifact left over from ancient times, then this unusual long knife is very likely to be an artifact. You should definitely know the origin of this long knife.

Thinking of this, Jun Xie's bright eyes suddenly dimmed, and then there was a glimmer of light, and subconsciously, when encountering any puzzles about cultivation, Ying Jue would be the first to flash into her mind People, this point has almost become a habit, and this habit made her mood brighten up again with the tendency of storms again.

Feng Yan had already fallen into self-depression, and didn't notice the change in Jun Xie's mood. Seeing that she had been staring at the knife, she also cast her gaze on the fire rock furnace, and suddenly felt that she continued: " The reason why I chose to settle here in Fengyan City is because of this natural underground fire rock furnace. It can be said that this place was found by this knife. When I woke up that day, this knife was not what it is now. The whole thing is just a black charcoal knife, without any aura, and it became what it is now after being calcined by the furnace rock."

He almost lost the knife that day, but because of the strong connection between the original owner of the body and the knife, he was completely unable to throw it away, and when it returned to its original appearance, He suddenly thought that he was his most loyal partner in the previous life—Huoyan Dao was back again. Huoyan Dao was trained with spiritual wave as its origin, and with his current spiritual wave cultivation base, it can't meet the requirements at all. It has to be said that he crossed over The most disappointing part.

According to his estimation, the knife and the original owner of the body should have resisted the lightning strike that day, and then the original owner couldn't resist, and his soul flew away, but the body remained for unknown reasons, and finally his soul entered This body is in control of this body, and this knife was damaged in the lightning strike, and the rock fire here is very effective for reforging it, so it can gradually recover.

Confirming what he thought in his heart, Jun Xie didn't have the heart to listen to Feng Yan talking about his answer to this sword while being roasted here, and he didn't have any idea about this magic sword that was very likely to be equal to her magic sword. The slightest bit of jealousy or desire to possess what she has, she pursues power, but she is not greedy for what she deserves. Of course, if the owner of today's magic knife is not Feng Yan, but an enemy, then it will be a different matter up.

This time, Huang Quan led an army to besiege the city without making a sound. Everyone thought they were coming for the Nangong Mansion in the city, and a few people thought they were coming for the Adventure Guild, but Jun Xie thought that the two were coming. Neither is the main reason. First, the Nangong Mansion in Tianyan City is just a branch of the Huoxing family. Although the lord Nangong Zhiming is the son of the Huoxing family owner, it is not enough for Huangquan to dispatch eight ghosts and immortals. The legion came to besiege the city. Secondly, Huang Quan's dispatch of troops this time was obviously prepared and planned. The adventure guild only emerged in recent years. Maybe the ghost king doesn't know that there is such a thing as an adventure guild in this world, and No matter how powerful the Adventure Guild is now, it's just a newly emerging force, and it won't be able to make such a large-scale invasion of Huangquan.

After thinking about it, Jun Xie thinks that part of the reason why the ghost domain is so aggressive is because of the ghost, but obviously, this is not the main reason, because after a little probing by her, the ghosts outside the city didn't seem to think of it at all. Ming Sha is still alive, presumably because he has confidence in the formation specially designed to deal with Ming Sha.

So what is the main reason?

Excluding all possibilities, from various indications, the reason may have appeared on Fengyan, or it should be said that it was Fengyan's body. Looking at the entire Tianyan City, except for Mingsha, the most powerful person in terms of cultivation today It belongs to Fengyan, the stage of the human cultivation path, divided into seven realms and 21 small stages, Qi refining is the lowest level, and the above is the foundation-Jindan-Yuanying-distraction-combination- Each realm is divided into three phases, the first, middle and later stages. Only the monks who have become monks can reach the Mahayana realm, and finally achieve great success, achieve the body of the fairy body, and go to the heaven, which is commonly known as becoming a fairy.

It is conceivable how powerful a monk in the distraction stage should be, but how rare it is, even the entire Huo Xing family can't get ten out of them, and generally those who can reach the distraction stage are some extremely powerful people People, there is always something about this kind of person that makes people jealous, whether it is the person himself, or something about him.

This time, the power gap between the enemy and us is too great. Unless Mingsha takes action, it is impossible to break through. But now, Jun Xie doesn't want Mingsha to be exposed too soon, so she wants to find a way to defeat the enemy from the source. She persistently wants to know who Fengyan's body is.

Obviously, if this knife is a magic weapon, it is very likely to attract the siege of the ghost army from the ghost domain, and the actions of those ghost immortals also make it clear that their purpose is not to kill the monks in the city, but to kill the monks in the city. For someone or something in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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