first evil king

Chapter 422

Chapter 422
In the past few months, the atmosphere in Huocheng has been as solemn as the eve of a rainstorm, and it is so depressing that it makes people mad. As the lord of Huocheng, the Nangong family has been in chaos since they were raided by Guijue.

During the raid, the Nangong family suffered heavy losses and was hit hard. Some important positions in the family were vacated. Nangong Jinshan always wanted to fill the vacant positions. The common line controls the power of the family, so it spares no effort to make things worse, and finds opportunities to be inserted into those vacancies by the children of the direct line, and the collateral line seems to be sniffing the opportunity in this family turmoil, and starts to make big moves, but in general , the real battle for power, the collateral is still not involved.

Over the years, the family seized power, especially after Jun Xie was "forced to death" from Nangong Villa, and gradually put it on the surface from behind the scenes, but the patriarch Nangong Jinlie has always been suppressing it as much as possible, so no matter what The dispute was limited within the family and was not brought up in front of outsiders. However, since Nangong Jinlie entered the hinterland of Mausoleum Mountain, he has not come out again. Without the suppression of the Patriarch, the battle for power has intensified. It even evolved to the point where there was a big fight in the city openly, the four elders couldn't hold it back at all, and in the chaotic present, they couldn't concentrate on dealing with it, so they could only hope that the Patriarch would come out as soon as possible.

During the seizure of power, there was another reason for the chaos within the clan, which was the return of Jun Xie. The common line wanted to drive her out of the family or kill her again before the patriarch came out, while the direct line tried their best to protect her. She used her as an excuse to suppress the common line, and the collateral line had disagreements on this matter, some people supported the direct line, and some supported the common line.

Naturally, this is an internal reason, as well as an external one.

After the ghosts came back, the ghosts did not restrain themselves, but seemed to be enraged. They aggressively attacked the human cultivation world, and even pointed the magic sword at the court of Nanyan Kingdom many times, especially the Xiuwu League that guarded the dynasty. Fortunately, under the protection of Tianjianzong and some mysterious cultivators, the ghost clan could not succeed, but the scattered branches of the Nangong family were not so lucky. In a short period of time, it was picked to pieces, and the family had no time to take care of it due to internal strife. As for the other four elements of the five elements, they were also destroyed by the disaster.

The behavior of the ghost clan is much more unscrupulous than before, it seems that they have completely ignored the human cultivation world and can slaughter at will.

The demons continued to act in a low-key manner, looking for trouble with the five elements in a high-profile manner. In the eyes of human cultivators, they are more unpredictable than the arrogant ghosts. After all, the unknown is more dangerous and frightening.

The actions of the ghosts and demons have already made the five elements, who are concerned about each other, start to feel uneasy. They intend to come to an alliance to discuss countermeasures, but it seems that the other four elements are not stable internally, so they have been dragging on.

In the wing room of the largest restaurant in Huocheng, the culprit who disturbed the entire Nangong family was standing by the window, his slender fingers were holding on to the wine glass, swaying slightly, and the corners of his mouth on his masked face were slightly raised.

Behind him, Mingsha reported the situation to Jun Xie in a straight-forward tone, and continued without any fluctuations in his tone: "After the attention of the ghost clan was drawn to the fire city by the master, Xie Fan and I joined forces with the Heavenly Sword Sect to attack the Ghost Sect , as the master expected, most of the people left behind in the ghost clan are members of the ghost clan. There are not many members of the ghost clan, but they are basically ghost generals, and they have left formations..." Speaking of this, Ming Sha's eyes flicked A wisp of disdain, in the eyes of others, the powerful ghost formation is just a child playing with mud.

Jun Xie naturally understands, not to mention that Ming Sha is only greatly reduced in cultivation base, or completely abolished. Based on his understanding of the ghost race, the so-called formation is only mediocre, which is why Jun Xie sent the rescue mission this time. The reason why the full power was given to Mingsha, and her own task was just to be a bait. The success of this bait also had a lot to do with Liu Xue and the others using Nanyan Chaotang and Xiuwu League to create momentum. Naturally, she was the bait It's not just ghosts that are aimed at.

Everything went according to Jun Xie's plan. Although there were some obstacles in the process of rescuing people, there was a ghost, and any difficulties were not a problem. According to Jun Xie's plan, they were secretly sent to Tianyan City. There, Jun Xie gave the eighteen teenagers a task. The brother who fought with her.

Of course, Ming Sha would show no mercy in his attacks. The Ghost Sect, known as one of the three sects, was completely destroyed in the hands of Ming Sha. Perhaps this was also one of the reasons for angering the ghost clan.

"Master's Bi Ape has been brought by that... rookie to Tianyan City to guard Xie Fan and the others, and I also set up a formation there to break the connection between the Heavenly Sword Sect and Xie Fan and the others. It is impossible for Zong to find them again." Mingsha continued, for more than a month, he has been running around, busy, and has truly fulfilled the duty of the so-called 'little brother', pity his majestic generation of Hades !

"Well, I'm relieved to have Xiaobi watching over me." Jun Xie nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile. Speaking of which, she really didn't expect that the body of the stone ape who had been with her on the desert island for five years was actually a high-level animal. Holy beast, on the level of beasts, and the first level of spiritual beasts, the white jade crystal pillow was taken from the hands of the blood dragon to break the seal for it, now it is guarding it, even if the ghosts can find them, it will be easy Can't hurt them.

Hearing this, Ming Sha curled his lips secretly, with the formation he set up, even without the Bi Ape, those little guys would not be in danger, but... thinking of how cruel those little guys were to him, even if he I can't help but tremble in my heart, especially those guys who are born without spiritual roots, blindly trusting him, an insidious master, to do something that has never been heard of changing the meridian and changing the veins. Destroying his physical foundation completely, the scene made him almost lose control of his hands and feet, but they managed to sustain it alive.

He now understands what it means to attract birds of a feather. With this perverted guy in front of him, it's no wonder that there are all perverts around her.

"By the way, you said earlier that Fengyan is not in Tianyan City?" Jun Xie suddenly turned around, looked at Mingsha and asked.

Although half of Jun Xie's face was covered by a mask, Mingsha was sure that her brows were tightly furrowed at this time, and she nodded with the doubts in her heart: "Half a month ago, I sensed that Saint Yan Tianzun left Tianyan City .”

What is that guy doing away from his place for no reason?Now that the ghost clan is raging, what is he trying to do by running around alone at this time?
Jun Xie moved his lips, wanting to ask Mingsha if he knew where Fengyan was going, but he didn't ask, because she knew without asking, and with Mingsha's temperament, he would never be bored enough to track down Fengyan's whereabouts. With this time, he might as well find his own son!But with Fengyan's ability, even a ghost master like Guijue couldn't hurt him.

For a while, neither of the two people in the wing room spoke again. At this moment, the air next to Jun Xie suddenly twisted, and a figure gradually emerged.

Ming Sha's eyes flashed a stern light, and he raised his arms to make a move, but he heard a warm laughing voice beside his ear: "Xiao Sha, it's my own."

One of our own?Ming Sha stared at the man who had already shown his full shape with sharp eyes, and narrowed his eyes dangerously: "A member of the Tianyi God Clan?" , is actually the Holy King of the Tianyi God Clan."

"His Royal Highness Pluto of the Underworld of the Ghost Clan!" Xiu Yutian's golden eyes swept lightly, his jade-like face was neither happy nor angry, and no emotion could be seen.

"Uh, it seems that I don't need to introduce you." Jun Xie sensed the weird atmosphere between the two, laughed dryly, inserted between the two and said, whichever of these two guys are released will let the four realms and six regions If a person who is trembling three times is not pleasing to the eye here, and makes a few random moves, it will not destroy the city of fire.

As soon as Jun Xie opened his mouth, the two people who were looking at each other immediately shifted their eyes to her, looking so thick-skinned that she couldn't help shrinking her neck slightly, extremely uncomfortable.

Damn it, it seems that he really underestimated his master, even the holy king of the Tianyi God Clan has become 'his own' with her.

Xie, my master, it's only been a few years, but you have grown to this point, and even the ghost king of Pluto is under your command, maybe there are forces that I don't know about!

Ming Sha and Xiu Yutian were calm on the surface, but their hearts seemed to be turbulent, and they looked at Jun Xie as if they were going to dissect her.

"Ahem, Xiaobai, what's the matter?" Jun Xie was finally defeated by the eyes of the two great gods, coughed a few times, and asked Xiu Yutian.

Xiu Yutian's eyes turned just now, the corners of his resolute mouth curled up, and he didn't shy away from Mingsha, and said with tenderness: "These days I worry that what happened to the fire element will also happen to the other four elements, so I will Casting a spell to spy on the fortune of the five elements, but found that there is a very powerful force in the dark that is preventing me from spying, and I can't really find out. However, just yesterday, the luck of the fire element suddenly weakened sharply. I got a glimpse." At this point, the tone gradually became dignified: "The fate of the five elements is already confusing, I'm afraid the situation of the other four elements is no better than that of the fire element."

Jun Xie's expression changed when he heard the words, but he didn't show any worry. His obsidian-like pupils were bottomless, and wisps of strange light flashed. He walked a few steps in the wing room, then turned around and asked: " The five elements have luck, so what about the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

"Uh..." Xiu Yutian was a little stunned, not understanding why it was related to Tianjianzong, and turned his mind slightly, and said: "Tianjianzong is an ancient sect inherited from ancient times, it has its own luck, and it is strictly controlled. It is said that the Heavenly Sword Sect is the sect that is most closely connected with the world of human cultivation and the heavenly realm, and its founding patriarch established the sect as a sword fairy."

The five elements are the five elements that support the human world, and the Tianjianzong is closely connected with the heaven?
Jun Xie tapped his chin lightly with his finger, lowered his head and meditated.

At this moment, Ming Sha suddenly opened his mouth and said: "When I was in Guijing, I had fought against people from the Heavenly Sword Sect, and found that although his cultivation was acceptable, he didn't have the aura of immortal vein inheritance, or It should be said that it is very thin, so thin that it is almost imperceptible.”

(End of this chapter)

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