first evil king

Chapter 425 The Death of Brother (2)

Chapter 425 The Death of Brother (2)
"Let me tell!" Nangong Junfeng explained Nangong Junming's embarrassment. She knew that one of the reasons why he couldn't say it was because Nangong Junhua was her biological brother. Once he said it, her brother would have no way out. , then let her tell, let her bear the sins of her father and brother together!
"Eight sister, I'm sorry, sixth brother...he's not in Nangong Villa." Gently closing his eyes full of pain, Nangong Junfeng's voice fell into Jun Xie's ears as softly as a feather. , but turned into a ruthless sharp blade in an instant, stabbing her with pain all over her body, and her eyes were dark.

Nangong Junfeng said: "When we returned to our clan, we entrusted other brothers in the village to take care of us, but soon after, news came that the sixth younger brother was making a fuss every day with his broken body. Don't go to see him, even if the sixth brother is disabled, he still wants to get justice for you, but it's useless, his actions will only irritate father and fifth brother even more. On the day he was recalled, the forbidden room where the sixth brother was imprisoned...was burned to ashes, the sixth brother, the sixth brother was wiped out..."

Head dizzy, Jun Xie stood up staggeringly, raised her hand to support her head, if it wasn't for Xiu Yutian's support, she would have fallen to the ground, and a deep sadness emanated from her body.

"Brother Six, Brother Six..." He bowed his head and murmured to the sunny boy who hadn't been together for a long time. In his memory, he always smiled warmly at her, like a beam of bright sunshine illuminating her dark At the bottom of my heart, the sunshine that belongs to her now was burned to ashes in the fire because of her. Is she going to lose that warm and sunny smile forever? No, he once said that he would protect her for the rest of his life. Broken promises, no, no!
"Evil..." Xiu Yutian worriedly whispered to the person who was leaning against his arms as if her whole body was powerless. Her ability to control her emotions was so strong that she couldn't control her emotions like this. I haven't seen it before, so it can be seen how much this news hit her. In her heart, Nangong Junyang is her biological brother, the closest relative other than her mother. Once a heartless person has love, he will be far away. It was stronger and hotter than anyone else, he knew this best, so he could empathize with Jun Xie's pain at this time.

Xiu Yutian's soft call seemed to wake up Jun Xie who was trapped in his own world. He raised his black pupils covered with water mist, and looked at the handsome face in front of him full of worry and distress. Jun Xie forcibly suppressed it. The monstrous pain suddenly became more like a flood from the embankment, covering himself completely, followed by a weakness that had never appeared from the depths of the soul, raised his hands, and embed Xiuyu tightly. Tian's arms, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, leaned his head lightly on his shoulder, and said in a low and helpless tone: "Xiaobai, I... am actually a very useless person, right?"

Mother left before her eyes. She wanted to keep her and avenge her, but she couldn't do anything, not even protect herself. She could only struggle to survive in a humiliating way!

Qin Zihao disappeared right under her nose. Even if she wanted to find him, she couldn't find him. To this day, she doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. It seems that all she can do is wait, waiting for someone who has something for him. The news fell on her head by the gift of heaven!
The Eight Great Ghosts and Immortals besieged Tianyan City, she won a big victory, and she became famous all over the world, but her achievement was a shameful use of Fengyan and those "friends" who followed her. She is unparalleled in resourcefulness and strategizing, but in fact she is just a selfish villain!

Where was she when Sixth Brother was tortured and died for her?She was struggling to survive overseas, but even if she was in the village, what could she do?She still can't do anything, maybe she can only watch him suffer and watch him die, even now, she knows the truth, but she still can't directly kill the enemy and avenge him, she still has to endure!
Ever since she came to this other world, she really lost the face of the omnipotent general in the past!Oh, yes, maybe she shouldn't forget that she is no longer the number one master in the universe in her previous life, Jun Admiral, but just a wisp of ghost floating in another world!

This is how people are. Once they fall into a pessimistic world, their thoughts will magnify this pessimism by thousands of times, making their world full of doomsday-like darkness and despair. A strong person will inevitably be dominated by this kind of fragility and pessimism. After all, no matter how strong she is, she is still a person, and a woman!

The death of Nangong Junyang completely aroused the negative emotions buried in Jun Xie's heart all this time, and there was a complete explosion, her mother's departure, Qin Zihao's disappearance, Feng Yan's use of Feng Yan...all of these things were given to her. It was a big blow to her, but when the incident happened, all the emotions she should have were suppressed by her strong mental endurance, but they did not disappear, but fermented in her heart, only waiting for a Fuse to make them explode completely.

Fortunately, the eruption was still early at this time, otherwise these negative emotions would definitely become her most difficult demons to get rid of in the long run. In the future, even if she can defeat all the enemies, one day, she will also be defeated defeated by his own demons.

Xiu Yutian knew this very well, and patted the shoulder of the person in his arms to comfort him silently. When his heart ached for the pain of the person in his arms, he also felt more fortunate. He thought, he should take this opportunity to let the She had a good time venting, but...

Turning his eyes, he glanced at Nangong Junming and Nangong Junfeng who were petrified by Jun Xie's gaffe, and Ming Sha staring at them strangely. Xiu Yutian's domineering heart broke out. How could he let other people See the other side of his family's evil!

Flicking his robe lightly, Xiu Yutian took Jun Xie with him while the others in the room were stunned, and disappeared from the room with a single movement.

When Nangong Junming and the two came back to their senses, only Ming Sha, who was so handsome and inhuman, was left in the room. Unfortunately, the evil spirit on his body was so frightening that people could not appreciate his beauty in the future. Stay away.

Jun Xie and Xiu Yutian left irresponsibly, and although Ming Sha was reluctant to stay behind, he had to do what his younger brother should do, to deal with the aftermath of the master, and personally sent Nangong Junming and the two back.

(End of this chapter)

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