Chapter 69
Tonight, Qin Zihao met his father in the light of Jun Xie. Qin Ziyao had to keep the mask of a good son and good brother, so naturally he couldn't torture him anymore. Therefore, when Jun Xie and Qin Huting were having secret talks in the study, Qin Zihao didn't have to go back to the firewood room Instead of chopping firewood, he went back to his room to change his clothes, only to find that the whip marks on his face were about to be tied. After thinking about it, he immediately understood what was going on.

Although he has been laughed at as a sissy because of his appearance, after all, no one would want to see people with two scars on his face, so he waited here with a grateful heart, just to say thank you to her .

Tonight, she and Qin Huting have reached a consensus. Even if she is prepared for the secret of the Nanshan Mausoleum, she will still be surprised. So, there will be a big battle in ten days. It seems that she has to prepare well in these ten days.

Thinking of this, Jun Xie fixedly looked at Qin Zihao, who was twitching at the corner of his mouth, and said seriously: "I have always wanted to ask you a question. You have excellent bones, extraordinary talent, and are familiar with martial arts in the world. The Qin family is even more masterful than clouds. Why not?" Learning martial arts?"

Unexpectedly, she would ask this question, Qin Zihao's body trembled, and the strong alertness in his beautiful phoenix eyes emerged again, and even the voice he said was cold: "It's none of your business."

As soon as he finished speaking, two domineering gazes fell on him. Although the look of guard did not diminish, his tone softened a lot: "I have never liked martial arts since I was a child."

Don't like martial arts?This excuse is really bad!

Jun Xie's eyes were like lightning, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He stretched out his hand and quickly pressed his abdomen, and said in a cold voice: "Do you not like martial arts, or can't practice martial arts?"

The abdomen was suddenly held down by a soft hand. As a normal man, Qin Zihao felt a heat rush into his body, which divided into two streams, one upward and the other downward, a strange feeling he had never had before. It filled his whole body, he wanted to retreat, but he couldn't, he wanted to pull her hand away, but he couldn't.

After finally suppressing this strange feeling, Qin Zihao blushed with a bright red face, and said without any momentum: "I don't like martial arts, what do you mean by that?" Did she already know?No, it's impossible, they've only met three times, how could she know.

I didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this action at all. Jun Xie pressed his hand firmly on his stomach, his smile instantly subsided, and his voice became colder and harsher: "The dantian is broken, the sea of ​​​​qi collapses, Qin Zihao, what kind of deep hatred needs to be destroyed like this you?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Zihao seemed to have thought of something terrible, his whole body shook violently, and even a ruthless person like Jun Xie was startled by the mournful aura.

What kind of injury, what kind of pain, can make a person let out such a silent cry like a lone wolf!Jun Xie's gloomy expression was replaced by doubt, and he let go of his hand on his stomach, not interested in further questioning.

A powerless person like Qin Zihao shouldn't have aroused her interest, but she found that he obviously has a very high talent for martial arts, and inadvertently showed his desire for martial arts, but Not practicing martial arts, this made her think of the dead Nangong Junxie.

When I was in Fenglin, on a whim, I checked his condition with mental waves, and I was surprised to find that this person's meridians are flexible, and he is an excellent embryo for practicing inner strength and true energy, which is more than ten times better than her current body , but when she probed his dantian, a feeling of extreme anger immediately spread.

Damn, such a good martial arts seedling, which bastard bastard actually made such a cruel move and destroyed him.

Maybe she has already guessed the answer, now, judging by his reaction, without his answering, she knows that she guessed right.

"I said before that you don't have to deal with my affairs, Mr. Jun. There will be no future." With a hoarse voice, Qin Zihao was as frozen as a sculpture, with pain engraved in his eyes, he took two steps back and turned around indifferently.His pain, his suffering, he doesn't want to be seen by anyone, especially her!

Pressing his turned shoulder, Jun Xie had already restrained her fluctuating emotions, and her habitual evil smile appeared on her face again, and she said in such a low voice: "I'm afraid I can't, I've already asked your father After leaving you, you will be mine from now on."

"What, what do you mean?" Qin Zihao, who was still indifferent just now, stared at his beautiful phoenix eyes. I have to say that she really has the ability. Every time he retracts into the turtle shell, she has this ability. It only takes one sentence to make him stick his head out again.

"That's what it means. From tomorrow onwards, you don't have to chop firewood anymore. Remember to report to Jucaifang at tomorrow's hour. You will live there for the next ten days. Your father will tell you what you should serve for me?" In an extremely good mood, Jun Xie paused, patted his shoulder, leaned close to his ear, and said with a hey smile: "Remember, you owe me one more time." After finishing speaking, he left humming a little song, leaving Someone who is dumbfounded.

It was hard for Qin Zihao to digest the news, whether it was good news or bad news. He raised his head and looked at the back of her leaving, feeling a sudden feeling of reluctance. However, he thought in his heart that if he owed it so much, he would not be able to pay it back until he had a physical promise in the future.

Just after walking out of this street, a white light flashed in front of his eyes. Jun Xie caught Xiaobai knowingly, hugged Xiaobai in his arms, poked his rabbit face with anger and anger, and said helplessly: "I am It’s not that I spoil you too much, and dare to follow the master.”

Holding back his breath, Xiaobai pursed his lips, and kept rubbing against Jun Xie's hands, as if he wanted to rub some dirt off her hands.

These hands touched a certain beautiful man tonight!More than once!
Yuncheng Nanshan, as the name suggests, is a small mountain range located in the south of Yuncheng. It occupies a small area and is a small mine. It’s just that the mine here is a bit strange. The mountains are not connected, forming scattered hills. There are as many as seven or eight paths, and people who don't know the way are very likely to get lost once they enter.

The Qin family has a big business, and it doesn't matter if there is one more mine or one less mine, so Nanshan has always been vacant. Coupled with its special terrain, there are few people and it looks barren.

It is rare for Nanshan to welcome so many "guests" today, and it became extremely lively, even the small flowers and grass at the foot of the mountain swayed happily.

(End of this chapter)

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