first evil king

Chapter 7 Rebirth

Chapter 7 Rebirth
"Phew, it's okay, it's okay, I'm still angry, I'm scared to death..." The young man patted his chest, exhaled heavily and said happily, then looked at Jun Xie with pity again, and finally It turned into a deep sigh, stretched out his hands, and easily hugged Jun Xie, turned around, and ran back and forth quickly, leaving only the rolling yellow sand along the way.

No one noticed that Xiao Baifang, who was lying under the tree sprout, opened his slightly narrowed eyes the moment Jun Xie woke up, and only lazily looked at the little boy who had offended Jun Xie when the figure of the boy disappeared into the woods. Glancing in the direction where the bird disappeared, he lay down on the ground as if dying, completely ignoring the sounds of those extremely dangerous beasts.

...Xiaoxiang is the first release, and reprints must be investigated...

The south in summer is graceful and graceful. Even in the hot summer, it is cool and cool. Although the sun is hot but not poisonous, it turns the cloud city in the evening into a golden layer, mysterious and noble.

A large area to the west of Yuncheng is the location of Nangong Villa, the largest force in Yuncheng. At this time, on the martial arts training field in the village, a group of young people are swaying the sweat of their youth. .

In stark contrast to the martial arts training ground, a remote small courtyard in the villa looked cold and dead.

In the shabby room, the young man in lavender brocade was busy turning around, his handsome face was full of worry, and he untied the girl's belt on the bed with clumsy and careful hands, when the thin and undeveloped body came into view In the middle of the night, a few blushes crept up on his worried face, and his big and energetic eyes were bright and clear.

Although they are brothers and sisters, there is a difference between men and women after all. With his eyes closed, the boy wiped the ointment on the little girl indiscriminately. Fortunately, he had his eyes closed. If he saw the little girl at this time There is no good skin on his body, and he loves his sister like his life, so I'm afraid it's strange if he doesn't go crazy!

Even so, he could still feel the viscous liquid oozing from the bumps and bumps in his hand. He didn't need to think about it, he knew what it was. The hand that applied the medicine was trembling, and the breath of anger and sadness permeated the air. throughout the little house.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside the house, followed by voices that made the young man furious.

"Fifth Brother, such a messy place really has polluted your identity, so let us brothers drag that little bastard out for Fifth Brother to play with." The slightly immature voice was full of flattery.

"Fifth brother, Xiao Yezhong must have been seriously injured this time, otherwise, let's play again later..." Immediately after, another hesitant voice sounded.

Angry, furious!The boy quickly put on the little girl's clothes, turned around, and walked out angrily. He didn't notice that at this moment, the eyelashes of the person on the bed moved.

Lying on the bed, Jun Xie felt that his body was sticky and uncomfortable. His eyebrows frowned, and he opened it abruptly. He stared at the strange roof for a while, and his consciousness slowly gathered. The influx of memories rolled up again like a tide.

She, Jun Xie, the number one expert in the cosmic era, was unlucky enough to become a time traveler in the story.

Nangong Junxie, the name of the body she possesses, Miss Eighth of Nangong Villa in Yuncheng, is only 12 years old, and Nangong Zhiluo, the owner of Nangong Villa, is his third uncle.

It stands to reason that with such an identity, at the worst, she should be a young lady who is well-fed and well-lived. With the status of Nangong Villa in Yuncheng, she can definitely be regarded as an earth princess.

Unexpectedly, the real situation is...

From the influx of memory, we can know that Nangong Villa is just a branch of the Nangong family, and Nangong Zhiluo is the leader of this branch. Her father is called Nangong Zhihao. He used to be a very remarkable person. , I don't know what she committed and was executed by the family, so she is a "sinner's daughter", and she was exiled from the family to this small town with her mother.

Her mother, Mo Lingxi, has always been a secluded person and rarely sees people. Back then, her mother was brought into the gate of Nangong's house by Nangong Zhihao when she was born. Therefore, even if Nangong Zhihao claimed that Mo Lingxi It was the wife he married when he was away from home for three years. Nangong Junxie was his biological daughter, and she couldn't erase the sign that she was a 'wild species' in the eyes of others.

One of the evidences is that she is born with a beautiful father and mother, but she is a natural "salt-free girl". A red birthmark in the shape of a palm on the corner of her face has become an indelible stain on her. Another more important evidence is that she is unable to heal. Every child of the Nangong family can practice and only the children of the Nanjia family can practice the 'flaming heart'. However, when Nangong Zhihao was still the light of the family, she really lived like a princess. I dare not say that she is not from the Nangong family.

Having lost the protection of Nangong Zhihao, Nangong Junxie, who is cowardly by nature, extremely inferior, and has no self-thought, has been living a tortured life every day under the name of "family disgrace" and "wild sinner" since coming to Yuncheng. The day of bullying and humiliation.

Just like this time, just this morning, Nangong Junxie took a bowl of rotten rice that even dogs would not eat, and ate it by himself in the small house. The two brothers dragged her to the Beast Star Forest outside the city. It was a small but full of danger forest. There were all kinds of monsters and fierce beasts in it. There is no return, and only these martial artists will set foot in it for the sake of forging themselves. If they are lucky and capable, they may be able to catch a few low-level monsters.Nangong Junhua took her there because he wanted to use her as bait to catch monsters.

Thinking of this, the mind automatically came up, she was thrown in front of the yellow wolf beast with its fangs, and there were a few young men in brocade clothes standing beside them, until she was pressed to the ground by the yellow wolf beast and bitten to death. When he was enjoying himself, one of the teenagers took the opportunity to swing a palm, and the fiery red palm hit the yellow wolf beast impartially. Then, amidst the praise of several other teenagers, he carried the spoils and left triumphantly. , didn't even look at her who was already dying. Finally, she finally struggled to get up, but she still couldn't hold on, and fell on the edge of the forest exit, dying.

A cold light like a knife suddenly flashed across his clear black eyes. Jun Xie endured the pain and sat up slowly. Yao Xiang looked down, her small face turned green in an instant, and under the loose cloth, she could faintly see yellow, green and green ointment all over her upper body.

(End of this chapter)

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