first evil king

Chapter 92 Illusion (2)

Chapter 92 Illusion (2)
Damn it, is it a miscalculation!

There was a bit of seriousness in Jun Xie's eyes, and she wanted to fly away, but was shocked to find that her hand that was hitting the tree trunk was tightly sucked by the tree trunk, as if it had become one body, and no matter what she did, she couldn't shake it off. With the violent shaking of the flower tree, her whole body swayed like a tumbler, and countless invisible flames burned from the bottom of the tree immediately, and hot air waves surged up from her palms along her arms, enveloping her whole body In a sea of ​​fire waves, she was so hot that she was sweating all over her body.

Gradually, the entire world turned from a dull yellow to a complete crimson red, like being in a flaming mountain. The scorching heat enveloped the world, and the tornado swept across the world more and more frantically. The earth rolled and broke like waves, as if the end of the world was coming. will be destroyed.

'Boom... bang, bang...' There was a loud bang, the earth cracked, the sky was turned upside down, and the whole world was turbulent, which made people tremble with fear!The air waves, like burning flames, rushed into the space in all directions from the bursting flowers and trees, and there were continuous loud explosions.

The tyrannical and destructive force swept across the entire barren world, and what was reflected in the eyes of all the survivors was a sea of ​​flames swallowing flames.

"Evil..." The deep and magnetic voice came to Jun Xie's ears when the world was destroyed, and the last thing he saw before losing consciousness was an extremely fierce golden wind rising into the sky, a slender The tall figure gradually appeared in the golden light, but unfortunately, before she could see the figure clearly, she was completely plunged into the endless darkness.

I don't know how long the consciousness wandered in the dark. When Jun Xie's consciousness returned to the body again, and the moment he opened his eyes, he was shocked, even more frightened than when he first came to this world.

The surroundings are boundless, without boundaries, surrounded by shining nebulae, with various colors, colorful, extremely beautiful, and extremely mysterious.

Being in the vast interstellar space is no stranger to Admiral Jun. As a general in the military and political affairs of the earth, she visits alien planets from time to time. When she is free, she drives an open-air spaceship to the sea of ​​stars to count stars and various nebulae. Surrounded by her, very comfortable.

But for Jun Xie, who was reborn as Nangong Junxie, it was not so pleasant to suddenly appear in such a starry sky.

Could it be that she died again?After death, the soul returned to the future world?

Damn, this is too shocking!And even if she really went back and forth between the two worlds like that, she should be sitting in a spaceship at this moment, not floating in the starry sky without any support.

Staring blankly at the surroundings, Jun Xie despised his own wild thoughts very depressedly. He shook off these unrealistic thoughts, moved his body, and immediately floated up lightly, without feeling any weight at all.

Frowning tightly, Jun Xie slowly stretched out his hand to hold it tightly. It was powerful, solid, flesh and blood, not a ghost...

The real body has no weight at all, and can move and float at will. This feeling is extremely wonderful and terrifying.

Come on, Newton's law of universal gravitation will be overturned!

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the vast interstellar space: "Little guy, you are very calm."

Jun Xie was startled, but soon calmed down, his deep black eyes narrowed evilly, shooting out a sharp light, and said in a lax voice, "Who are you? Heh, in front of this little guy like me If you need to hide your head and show your tail, it seems that your Excellency is a cowardly person, such a person is not worthy of letting me know his name, or should you tell me what is going on?"

After a while of silence, the voice laughed happily: "Hehe, the little guy is so brave. No one has dared to talk to me like this before, but such aggressive methods are useless to me."

Jun Xie didn't answer the words or felt the slightest embarrassment of being seen through, and he was sure that the voice would definitely continue.

It doesn't matter if it is seen through using the aggressive method, she didn't think that the voice would be the kind of person who would impulsively tell how many hairs are on his wife's feet, but, from a psychological point of view, some people Knowing that the other party is using the provocative method, but when he exposes it, the other party's reaction is not as he expected. Instead, he can't help being provoked obediently, and speaks out by himself.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the voice said with a little frustration: "Okay! Since you want to know, then, let me tell you, remember, my surname is Ji."

Ji!Huangfumi said in "Emperor Century": The Yellow Emperor had the son of Xiong's Shaodian, and his surname was Ji!

Damn it, don't tell her, this voice is the Emperor Xuanyuan who has been dead for thousands of years!

There were countless black lines on Jun Xie's head.

"Hehe, little guy, don't guess, I'm not Emperor Xuanyuan." The voice seemed to know what Jun Xie was thinking, and didn't continue the topic. His tone changed, and the voice revealed a majesty: "Okay, now I I'll tell you what's going on."

Although he was very curious about the identity of this voice, Jun Xie didn't mean to know it. He just heard the voice and continued: "In the mausoleum of Emperor Xuanyuan, there are a lot of treasures left by Emperor Xuanyuan when he passed away, among which the most precious The most important ones are Tongtian Emperor Scroll and Xuanyuan Divine Sword. In order to prevent evil spirits from getting these two things and bring catastrophe to the world, Emperor Xuanyuan appointed the Qin family as the tomb guard family to guard the tomb for generations, and set up a phantom array around the tomb. Only with the blood of a member of the Qin family can the formation eye be opened and enter the mausoleum space..."

space?Couldn't it be the Xumi space written and described in the fantasy novels she read when she was bored and panicked in her previous life!
The voice continued: "Emperor Xuanyuan once predicted that the Qin family can only guard the tomb for ten thousand years, and after ten thousand years, the Xuanyuan tomb will reappear in the world. Therefore, the succession of the Qin family's patriarchs will definitely leave a legacy for the next patriarch— —When the secrets of the mausoleum are leaked, you must choose someone who is destined to enter the tomb."

With a flick of his eyes, the corners of Jun Xie's mouth lightly raised: "So, I am the destined person chosen by Qin Huting!" So she was surprised that it was so!At first glance, Qin Huting was not the kind of person who could be easily persuaded. Although he had grasped his weakness, he would compromise so quickly, even revealing all the secrets of the tomb he knew without reservation. It made her feel strange to agree to all requests, but only made one request to her. Now, she finally knew the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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