Chapter 135 Hello, Zombie King 2
Just like this, she sat quietly on the spot without moving, the crazy look in her eyes gradually faded, and finally turned into a pool of icy cold water. She returned to her senses and began to calmly think about how to deal with her current dire situation.

After thinking about it quietly for a while, she decided to let nature take its course, so what if she drank blood, it was just for survival. Didn't she also eat chicken and duck for survival when she was a human?In fact, there is not much difference, it's just that the target of killing is replaced by a human being!
Three years later, the original owner is completely different from the past. Now she can cut up the corpse without changing her face and even cook "delicious food" by herself. She is no longer the little zombie who screamed loudly when she saw the bloody corpse.

Yes, zombies.

Not long ago, she overheard from other survivors that she was now a new zombie infected by zombies.

But now the Zombie Kingdom has been continuously expanded to a considerable scale, and what shocked her even more was that the current Zombie King turned out to be——Shen Mo!
After going through many twists and turns, she came to the center of the Zombie Country and recommended herself to become one of Shen Mo's subordinates.But what is unexpected is that the leaders of the human base are now Shen Ye and Ye Lanshan.

Shen Ye is Shen Mo's biological brother, and Ye Lanshan is his beloved girlfriend when he was a human being.

As the zombie king, Shen Mo believed in the initiative of the two of them to "seek peace", but what he never expected was that his younger brother and girlfriend killed their relatives righteously and gave him a fatal blow when he was least prepared.

Shen Mo was killed, and the zombie kingdom was destroyed.

When she heard the news, her first reaction was to not believe it. She didn't want to believe that her great king did not fall heroically on the battlefield, but was plotted against by a despicable villain. The unwillingness and hatred in her heart completely filled her heart. heart.

She hated Ye Lanshan and Shen Ye for playing the family card and winning in a despicable way. She also hated herself for not being able to protect Shen Mo. She had become like this, so she didn't dare to expect too much. She only had one wish - to be good. Live on, live longer than anyone else.

But obviously God doesn't care for this poor woman, and will eventually destroy the place where she lives. She just got the news that Shen Ye and Ye Lanshan are working together to slaughter the compatriots in the Zombie Kingdom. Her last home— - is going to perish.

After three days and two nights of bloody fighting, she was exhausted. Looking at the blood-stained sunset, she seemed to silently recount the three days of killing. In the end, the human base was completely wiped out with the sacrifice of two-thirds of the supernatural beings. All the high-level zombies in the Zombie Kingdom have been exhausted, and some remaining low-level zombies have been imprisoned underground. The new era of peaceful unification that human beings have been longing for has finally arrived.

She is a high-level zombie, so naturally she cannot escape the brutal slaughter. The only one who has supported her for so long is Shen Mo. It can be said that Shen Mo is the motivation and hope for her to live, but——she has lost him.

My king, I believe that if you do it again, maybe you and I will survive...

When the memories came to an end, Su Wei couldn't help but draw a line of tears from the corner of her eyes, she knew that it was the original owner's emotions that were affecting her.

She frowned and had a headache. She didn't like this feeling very much, as if she couldn't control her emotions. She raised her hand and wiped away the tears, and began to think about the next road. She suddenly exclaimed: "When did the zombies come?" ?”

As soon as the words fell, she realized belatedly that she was cooking now, which coincided with the time when the zombies appeared in her memory.

Quickly picked up the kitchen knife again, stared at the half-open window very vigilantly, and then looked at the sky outside the window, as if there was a touch of weirdness.

Sure enough, within a short while, the heavy footsteps of "Pa-ta-pa-ta" sounded outside the window, and an unpleasant stench rushed towards her face. Su Wei's forehead broke out in sweat, and her plain white hands clenched the kitchen knife in her hand more and more.

Silently cheer yourself up, if you want to change the fate of cannon fodder, you must first escape this disaster.Just like the memory of the original owner, a familiar blue and black hand appeared in front of him according to the memory.

A disgusting zombie stood in front of the window and rushed towards Su Wei.

Su Wei had been prepared for a long time, and swiftly avoided the zombie's attack, which was not too swift, and then stepped back dozens of steps, leaning her back against the wall.

The zombie in front of him was just a rudimentary zombie, moving slowly but with the fear of being infected with a virus.

Seeing the zombie swaying in front of her eyes, Su Wei cut off the kitchen knife in her hand neatly, and a black arm fell to the ground, but the zombie continued to attack as if completely unaware.

Thanks to the memory in her mind, Su Wei knew that the zombies would not have any pain, and cutting off any of their torsos would not stop them. Only by attacking the forehead and taking out the crystal nucleus could they be completely killed.

She cut off one of the zombie's arms again, while deliberately keeping a distance, because although the junior zombie was slow in movement, it was extremely powerful, and being stained by his blood might lead to infection, so she did not dare to take it lightly.

In the end, Su Wei found an opening, and cut the center of its eyebrows with a kitchen knife, and the zombie fell down with a "bang".

Su Wei first wiped the white sweat on her face, then squatted down and picked out a crystal core with a kitchen knife. According to the memory of the original owner, the crystal core was helpful to human evolution.

Su Wei didn't dare to rest, fearing that another zombie would break in the next moment.

Moreover, Shen Mo in the memory of the original owner at this moment has not been bitten and turned into a zombie. She was about to rush to the company to rescue Shen Mo, but what she didn't expect was that she had just come from the kitchen to the living room and found that she was dizzy and feverish like a cold. symptoms.

Su Wei understood that she was about to awaken her powers.

She rang the alarm bell, and while she was still conscious and had some strength, she closed all the doors and windows inside and outside the room tightly without leaving any gaps, and then prayed in her heart that she would be lucky enough to survive this disaster and return to the bedroom to lie down.

As soon as Su Wei touched the pillow, she passed out half-consciously. Her body could not sense the external environment, but she could not ignore the severe pain running up her body, as if her whole body was being torn apart and reorganized.

After an unknown amount of time, she opened her eyes and woke up, feeling that there was nothing wrong with her body, as if the torture just now was just a dream.

Su Wei awakened her ability, but she didn't know what her ability was, because she had rewritten the original owner's life, so she couldn't know the specific function of her ability at all.

She tried it and found that when she gathered her thoughts in her hand, she could emit white light. However, when she tried to test the attack power of the white light, she found that it had no effect.

After scratching her mind, she couldn't figure it out, so Su Wei simply stopped thinking about it and went directly to rescue Shen Mo.

After spending some time packing up food, water and weapons, Su Wei was ready to go to Shen Mo's company.

 Crab user who reads "Xifeng Alone Liang" rewards, okay O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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