Chapter 353

Meng Jun struggled and wanted to argue, but was knocked unconscious by a sudden stick.In the end, the two were locked in a small black room again.

But this time, the two were not locked together, but locked up separately, and the two could only look at each other through the window.

Meng Jun was knocked unconscious, and he didn't get up until the next day when the sun was being polished.

"Su Wei! Su Wei! Are you still there?" Meng Jun shouted while holding the window open.

Su Wei was still asleep, got up in a daze, and saw Meng Junhou yelling towards her anxiously.She gestured over there to make him stop: "Don't worry, it's not yet noon, it's early, a little more sleep is a little while."

After all, Su Wei lay down on the haystack and fell asleep again, only Meng Jun on the other side was still anxious like an ant on a hot pot.But it was useless to be anxious, the blow he received yesterday was really severe, and his head still hurts, and he fell asleep again after a while.

The two woke up again, and they were woken up by the sound of firecrackers.Meng Jun got up and looked at the opposite side by the window, and saw several big men opening the small black room where Su Wei was, and then dragging Su Wei out, stepping on the debris from the firecrackers just now, He took off his clothes and put on the wedding dress.

Immediately afterwards, something was thrown at the door.

Meng Jun couldn't see what it was, but Su Wei knew it.Those were the miscellaneous grains she urged the villagers to prepare yesterday. She clearly remembered that there were nearly three barrels of them prepared.

Being hit in the face by something I prepared is really like throwing a stone at my foot.Su Wei's hands were controlled by the two big men, and she couldn't cover her face to resist, and she felt speechless.And every time those rice grains hit her face, Su Wei felt a shock in her head, as if something was about to be smashed out of it.

Su Wei was smashed all the way, listening to other people setting off firecrackers and talking about neighbors.She inadvertently glanced around, and saw the girl who proposed to go out to find an expert smiling at herself triumphantly.

Su Wei was speechless. Could it be that the girl was the one Uncle Li had promised to destroy her?But why?Could it be that Cheng Cheng was trying to steal Meng Jun from him?Are you kidding? He is not my type at all!
I don't know how long it took, but the baptism of whole grains finally stopped.Su Wei already had rice grains all over her head and face.Looking again, it was indeed in front of the high platform that Meng Jun had led in advance.

Everyone gathered over, but they were not in a hurry to press Su Wei up and light the fire. Looking at the master, Uncle Li, he had already changed his clothes, holding a handful of soybeans in his hand, and was walking towards him, mumbling something.

Su Wei looked at Uncle Li's steps and found it strange. He didn't wear Taoist robes, but why did he walk with the seven-star step?How strange.

What makes her even more strange is that she is clearly on the verge of death, so why is she still in the mood to think about these things now?How strange.However, she believed in her own judgment. She might not be able to survive even if she escaped from the village. However, she had a chance to survive by eliminating the female ghost.

While thinking wildly, suddenly; there was another pain on her face, and then Su Wei felt as if her whole body was going to explode, she screamed in pain, and fell to her knees.

It was Uncle Li who threw the soybean in his hand towards her face.At the same time, the onlookers heard not only Su Wei's scream, but also a shrill scream that almost didn't sound like a human voice.

That was the voice of a female ghost.

Later, Su Wei was put on a high platform in a daze and tied to a wooden stake.It was only when she couldn't move at all that her heart began to fluctuate. This was a huge gamble for her. If she lost the bet, the price would be her own life. Maybe it was right to escape after being locked up in the dark room last night. s Choice.

"Let me go! Let go!" Su Wei felt that the female ghost was controlling her body. She kicked her legs, trying to pull herself out from under the rope.But every time he struggled, the friction of the rope would cause great pain to his shoulders and arms.

Layers of oil were poured under the pyre, and the villagers lit the pyre with torches.Logically speaking, the fire should rise rapidly, but now, there are only wisps of green smoke, which seem to be extinguished at any time.

At the same time, the screams of the female ghost were still lingering all around, and everyone was staring at the high platform in horror. At this time, Su Wei saw that Uncle Li handed a bowl of oil to the village chief. The villagers immediately passed each other, pricked their fingers with a silver needle, and a drop of blood dripped out to be placed in a bowl. Finally, the bowl was passed back to Uncle Li's hand.

Uncle Li took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms.When the yellow paper touched the oil surface, it ignited with a "swish" sound, and then fell into the bowl and burned.Uncle Li threw the bowl towards the high platform under Su Wei.In an instant, flames burst out, and the tongue of fire immediately licked Su Wei's toes.

Su Wei exclaimed, curled up her legs, and looked around in panic.But where the villagers were willing to help her, the flames immediately surrounded her, just like in a dream, Su Wei could almost smell herself being roasted.

The burning fire took away her air, and she slowly began to feel dizzy and headache, and finally passed out...

At this moment, Meng Jun was finally released from the small black room and brought to the scene.Looking at the raging fire, he shouted frantically, took off his clothes, and tried to put out the fire, but in the end it was still in vain.

Just when Meng Jun was desperate, suddenly, the fire was suddenly separated from the middle by a strong force, and the rope binding Su Wei was burnt.Su Wei was wrapped in a golden air current and floated out of the fire.

Everyone was surprised and all backed away.Only Meng Jun rushed forward.Uncle Li nodded secretly: "Take her away. The female ghost has been eliminated. After leaving this village, someone will naturally take you two in. Live a good life in the future, and don't come back again."

Meng Jun quickly thanked, hugged Su Wei who had fainted, and walked towards the entrance of the village under the eyes of everyone.

In the cold night, Meng Jun wiped Su Wei's face with river water.Su Wei woke up slowly, and looked at Meng Jun in front of her in confusion: "I'm not dead?"

Meng Jun shook his head and told Su Wei what happened. Su Wei breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his gamble was not lost. It was the peace charm that the couple gave him that saved his life.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard a noisy sound coming from the depths of the woods.

"Don't run so fast! Be careful if you fall, I won't carry you!"

"I'm going to run away. My apprentice is still waiting for me in the woods!" It was the woman's voice.

Su Wei turned her head and saw two figures, a man and a woman, walking towards this side.Su Wei and Meng Jun hurriedly stood up and greeted them.The four stood still, and the woman looked at Su Wei: "You still don't want to be a teacher?"

Su Wei was pleasantly surprised and bowed as a disciple.As for Meng Jun, that man took him under his wing.The four of them set off again, facing the moonlight and walking deeper into the woods.

 Crab, everyone’s support, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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