Chapter 546
"This snake is not only corrosive, but also soul-eating!"

The white robe couldn't see the way the red clothes were looking at Zhuang Jin with red eyes, and now he folded his arms around his chest and pretended to know a lot.

"How do you know?"

As expected, the red dress turned her gaze back to the white robe, and the white robe swung around, cleared her throat, with the haughty look of before the red dress: "I read it in an ancient book!"

"What did you encounter when you saw it?"

Hong Yi sneered.

"What ancient book are you reading?"

Zhuang Jin looked at the white robe and spoke, as if thinking about something.

"It doesn't have a name, but it's all about the characteristics of the portraits of various monsters."

Bai Pao thought for a moment and replied, Zhuang Jin nodded and didn't say anything more.

The four originally thought that after killing the snake, they would encounter more snakes, but no, the sky quickly turned dark again after the green water rotted into the ground, which proved that they had broken the barrier and returned to the place of trial , come here so easily?Isn't it a place of trials?


It was Hong Yi's voice, following the direction Hong Yi was pointing at, it was a waterfall, a very swift waterfall.

"It's not just a waterfall..."

Bai Pao glanced at it, not paying attention, but when he turned his head again, he found a difference—this waterfall is very fast, but there is an obvious gap in the waterfall, that is to say, there is a cave inside the waterfall. And to enter the cave, you can only go through this rapid waterfall.

There is only the way forward along the way, not even a fork in the road, so when you encounter a waterfall, you have to go forward and go into the cave.

"I'll go first, and if anything goes wrong, just go back the same way."

Zhuang Jin jumped up with the sword in his hand and made Qinggong fly. He could see it more clearly from above than from the ground. The waterfall was more rapid than he could see, but the cave was not as big as he saw, and could only accommodate one person. , Zhuang Jin frowned, and flew towards the narrow mouth of the cave.

Zhuang Jin formed a barrier for himself in the air and flew towards the waterfall.

With a sound of "Bang!", the enchantment that touched the waterfall flashed white light, and it was instantly torn apart. Fortunately, Zhuang Jin reacted in time, turning over and directly entering the cave.


Hong Yi was startled by the sound of the barrier breaking, only seeing the fragments of the barrier falling down, but not seeing Zhuang Jin, and couldn't help stammering: "Ten... Fourteen princes, no... not……"

"He has entered the cave. The waterfall is not an ordinary waterfall. Don't act rashly."

Su Wei cast a sideways glance at Hongyi. She didn't want to speak at first, but she didn't want to hear the unlucky words from Hongyi's mouth again.

After entering the cave, Zhuang Jin found that the inside of the cave was very big. Zhuang Jin glanced around and found that there was only the entrance of the cave, but the inside of the cave was very bright, as bright as daytime.

Scanning around carefully again, Zhuang Jin fixed his gaze on a smear of red on the right wall, no doubt it must be Zhu Guo.

Zhuang Jin did not act rashly, walked to the entrance of the cave, sent a signal to Su Wei below, and then entered the cave to wait. He believed that Su Wei would know how to get in with her intelligence.

"Get there first."

Seeing Zhuang Jin's signal, Su Wei thought for a moment and pointed to the rock wall next to the waterfall, and then continued: "Climb to the center of the waterfall with bare hands, and be careful not to use the enchantment!"

Hongyi went up first, and at the waterfall, Su Wei was about to fly up to help Hongyi, but found that Hongyi cleverly used her short body advantage to miss the rushing waterfall and climbed directly to the entrance of the cave.

After the red clothes climbed into the cave, Su Wei let the white robe go up, but the white robe didn't say anything, so Su Wei had no choice but to go together.

"I'll wait for you here, you go first."

Su Wei was about to speak, but was preempted by Bai Pao's words.


Su Wei didn't refute, and climbed into the cave with a few steps of light work. Looking at Zhuang Jin who was sitting on the ground and squinting slightly, she was a little lost for a while, but she quickly realized that the white robe hadn't come up for a long time. I was about to go to the entrance of the cave to see it, but I noticed something was wrong before I reached the entrance of the cave.

Zhuang Jin also seemed to have noticed something was wrong, opened his eyes and looked towards the entrance of the cave, listened carefully, and quickly got up: "Hurry up and get away from here with Zhu Guo."

After saying that, he got up and flew towards Zhu Guo.

As soon as his hand touched Zhu Guo, he could only hear the sound of sharp arrows coming out of the bow from around his body, secretly screaming that something was wrong, and was about to catch the sharp arrow, but found that Su Wei had already pounced on him, turned around, and the arrow had already shot One by one, they were inserted back into the wall.

"Uh..." Zhuang Jin, who had already reacted this time, slowly landed on the ground holding Su Wei, who had been pierced by an arrow through her shoulders. A large number of monsters appeared on the ground, most of which were snakes. Wandering in the cave with their tongues, some climbed onto the walls, leaving sticky marks.

The red clothes strenuously killed the snakes, and finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing Zhuang Jin flying down with Su Wei in his arms: "We have to find a way to get out of here quickly, the number of snakes is not decreasing!"


Zhuang Jin was startled by the deep animal cry, guardian beast? !

Sure enough, when he raised his head, there was a gap in the place where Zhu Guo was stored just now, the sound of beasts came from there, and a huge monster slowly crawled out.

"It's the Demon Flood Dragon!"

Zhuang Jin exclaimed, no wonder these "snakes" are different from ordinary snakes, they are not snakes, but magic dragons!

Zhuang Jin put the unconscious Su Wei in a safe place, then slowly drew out the sword and flew towards the Mo Jiao.

If Baipao was here, he would definitely know how to deal with this demonic dragon after reading ancient books... Hongyi flew to Su Wei's place and drew a barrier to surround her and Su Wei. Then he sat on the ground and watched Zhuang Jin think of a solution. .

But before Hongyi could figure out a way, Zhuang Jin was already defeated. Even though he had just been stalked by the dragon, Zhuang Jin couldn't help but sigh inwardly, he really deserves to be an ancient divine beast!
Just as he was about to catch the dragon's tail, he saw a red dress flying towards him, it was a red dress.

"I know how to deal with the demonic dragon, please take Su Wei and leave immediately!"

Hongyi threw Zhuang Jin to Su Wei's place, and quickly dealt with the magic dragon.


Zhuang Jin tightened his hand holding the sword, and then led Su Wei out of the cave.

His plan was to send Su Wei under the waterfall and then fly up to rescue Hongyi. Unfortunately, as soon as he placed Su Wei under the waterfall, there was a pain in the back of his head, and then there was a blurry scene in front of him. No matter how hard he tried When he opened his eyes, there was only a fuzzy black shadow in his eyes.

"woke up?"

Zhuang Jin looked at Su Wei who slowly opened her eyes and opened her mouth softly, her lips turned white from not being in water for a long time.

Su Wei moved, and her hands and feet felt heavy. Obviously, her hands and feet were tied with black ice chains. When she raised her head, the same was true for Zhuang Jin on the opposite side. Su Wei was surprised to find that her injuries were also healed. Looking over his shoulder, the blood is still there, it's not a dream.

"We are..."

"It was plotted against."

Su Wei moved her neck and looked at the cabin in front of her. There was a candle that was half-dyed: "Is it already noon?"

"According to my calculation, it should be."

Su Wei understood.

As soon as the words were finished, the wooden door was pushed open, and a man in black walked in, quietly, and at first sight he was a martial artist, holding a plate, and put it in front of the two of them, which was a bowl of water and a steamed bun.

After feeding them, they closed the door and left without saying a word. Su Wei didn't bother to ask fruitless questions. She just looked at the man in black carefully and stopped thinking when she found that there was no information available. Look no further.

After two days like this, every day is the same, a bowl of water, a steamed bun.

(End of this chapter)

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