Chapter 348 Movie Emperor Big Boss23
If you want to compete in appearance, temperament, family background, and all aspects, he is very confident.

It's a pity that what frustrated him was that when An Sheng appeared, she seemed to have lost her soul. Could it be that she couldn't compare to An Sheng?

"You're so boring, put me down!"

Take a few deep breaths to get yourself out of the bad mood.

No matter what she said at this time, she wouldn't let him hold her. What's more, with the lessons learned from the past, she was afraid that if he took action, he would throw her into the swimming pool again?

So I simply pushed him and jumped out of his arms quickly.

When he landed on the ground, his movements were a little hurried, so he staggered a few times and even sprained his feet. "Ah! It hurts!"

With an exclamation, just as she was about to fall, the men standing on both sides suddenly stretched out their hands, trying to support her.

An Sheng didn't know what he was thinking. When he saw her fall, his heartbeat, which had not fluctuated greatly in more than twenty years, actually beat violently a few times at that moment.

He didn't want him to bruise somewhere when he fell, as if he would feel bad if she got hurt, so he acted faster than he thought in his mind, and he immediately went to help her.

It's just that the one who moves faster than him is Xiao Chen who has been paying attention to Xu Shenshen on the other side.

The soft and delicate body that had left his arms before was brought back into his arms at this time.

His big powerful palms tightly held her slender waist, he gritted his teeth, almost wanting to pinch her chin, but resisting the urge, all his words came out through the gaps between his teeth.

"What on earth do you want to do? How can there be such a stupid woman like you?!"


To be honest, when being hugged, Xu Shenshen did feel very at ease, because he would not fall down.

But when she saw that the person hugging her was him, her mood sank to the bottom again, and her originally relaxed heart suddenly became tense again.

She pressed her hands against his chest, not letting him get too close to her. "Even if I fall to my death, it's none of your business. Whether I'm stupid or not is none of your business!"

Xiao Chen's cold eyes flickered a few times, he ignored her struggle at all, and picked her up again.

The world was turned upside down for a moment, Xu Shenshen almost wanted to vomit, but his lower abdomen, pressing on his hard shoulder, hurt like hell.

"Bastard, as I said, it has nothing to do with you, and you're messing with me again, let me down quickly!"

Directly punched and kicked, Xu Shenshen felt like he was going crazy. How could there be such a person?After experiencing so many human planes, no one has ever treated her like this.

Xiao Chen completely ignored all her movements. At this time, he glanced at An Sheng next to him, his eyes were very dark, and there was a sharp edge in his eyes, which flashed past.

"Let's leave first. As for the person who offended you, what compensation do you want? Just ask my assistant, I don't have time to deal with you!"

After saying that, he stepped forward with his long legs, carried the person on his back and left.

And An Sheng was hit by his unceremonious words, and he stood there without moving for a long time. After a long time, Yao Xixi who was behind him ran up at this time and looked at him very worriedly.

"Are you okay? Actor Xiao has this kind of character!"

(End of this chapter)

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