Chapter 25

[The system is settling points...]

[The host task is determined to be successful and one hundred points are obtained. 】

[Purchase bombs and waist protectors for a total of [-] points, and gifts of [-] points. 】

[Current balance: negative two hundred points. 】

Yu Quietly: "..."

After listening to this calculation process, I am even more angry.

"So why should I buy a waist protector after all? Is it okay to have the same price as a bomb?!"

[The calculation rules of each plane are different.Bombs are one-time consumables, but waist guards are permanent! 】

"...So what's the use? You prodigal dog!"

Yu Qingqing has no idea about points, and she is not very motivated. She must earn as many points as possible, but she just lost points at the beginning. Is this ridiculous? !

[The host is a bastard! 】

The system had no idea that it had been scolded thousands of times by Yu Qingqiu in his heart.

Because it is also complaining about the host.

Hum, they kindly made the point calculation process transparent and open to the public, but the host was not satisfied and even more angry.

It also has a temper, so I won’t say it next time!
[After completing one more mission, you can open the system mall, and there will be more things you can buy at that time. 】

She nodded, "Before you buy something next time, say something. Our family can't stand a defeat like yours, Agou."


What dog?
It has a name!

[People call it the single dog system. 】

It's not a dog like a cat or a dog!

"Understood, dog."


No different from Agou, right?In other words, it sounds even worse!

Yu quietly fell into deep thought.

After this experience, she finally understood that when she was not around, the plot line of the world was still moving forward. With her or without her, the plot line would not be the same. No wonder the words of those people in Mary Sue's plane were incoherent.

However, her influence on the direction of the plot is still quite large. The plot will not change in general, only the details can be changed.

Yu quietly stretched and said, "Let's start the mission."

[Received, the plane is loading...]

School Z. Class A.math class.

The man on the podium wore gold-rimmed glasses, broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. The cuffs of his shirt were rolled up, and the metal buttons gleamed a little.

He was giving a lecture, and there were dense mathematical formulas written on the blackboard. The writing on the blackboard was beautiful, and the man's voice was also very nice, but it was no different from a lullaby to someone who was asleep.

Yu quietly opened his eyes and found that he was in an unfamiliar environment, with a pile of books stacked on the desk.

The crisp bell for the end of get out of class rang, and the man on the podium gave her a meaningful look, and then walked out of the classroom.

"Luoluo? Was Teacher Mu looking at you just now? You won't fall asleep again, will you?"

what's the situation?
Who are you all?
What about plane information?
"I really convinced you. There is no math class where you don't fall asleep. If you put it in the past, it's fine, but now you are in the third year of high school, what are you going to do?"

The girl's tone was indeed worried, not pretending, and Yu quietly lay on the table without answering.

"But I still don't understand. You used to say that you fell asleep in math class because Teacher Wang was bald. Now you have changed the teacher, and you are so handsome! Why are you in the mood to sleep? After Teacher Mu came, our class All the girls here look like they are actively studying, but you, go to bed as usual."

Seems to be on good terms with her?

Yu quietly responded on the desk, "But I just can't get through math, what can I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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