The female supporting role in fast time travels online

Chapter 257 Ghost King Black Belly (239)

Chapter 257 Ghost King Black Belly (239)

When sending Rong Yu away, Chu Ruoxi's heart was actually very heavy.

Rong Yu's worry is not groundless.

Even if the entire Yin-Yang School remains silent and pretends that Li Tianya has never been tainted, Sin Yu will not let go of this opportunity to attack the enemy, and those sects that have a relationship with the Yin-Yang School will also respond to this series of events. He was deeply interested and at the instigation of someone with a heart, he pushed both Yin Yang Xuezong and Li Tianya to the forefront.

"The next step is the real tough battle!"

Chu Ruoxi touched the tip of her nose, feeling that the road ahead was getting more and more difficult.

The wonderful dream last night also made her embarrassed. If the girl in the dream was herself and the red-haired man in the dream was King Yan, then... when did these things happen?Could it be that there is also a subtle connection between himself and the Yuluo Dynasty?But her soul clearly comes from the technological world...and...

Chu Ruoxi recalled that King Yan once said that her soul was the child of him and the Lord of the Nine Realms...

Chu Ruoxi, who became more and more frightened as she thought about it, grabbed the veil tightly, and said to her back: "King Yan, where are you? Can you hear my voice? If you can, please come out immediately! I have something very important to do." Talk to you right now! Please! Don't ignore my voice! I..."

"If there is any trouble, tell me to make me happy."

As leisurely as if a boring note flew past Chu Ruoxi's ear, the woman turned around and grabbed King Yan's collar.

"Don't give me that smirk," she said, "I have something very, very important to talk to you about!"

"Don't talk like that, I don't have a hippie smile at all," Yan Wang let go of Chu Ruoxi's grip on the collar, and asked gently, "Why are you so excited all of a sudden, what happened? Is it difficult?"

"It's very difficult," Chu Ruoxi said seriously, "I had a dream."

"Can you predict dreams?" King Yan asked, "Awakening the Phoenix bloodline to a certain extent can indeed predict the future."

"It's not a precognitive dream, it's more troublesome than a precognitive dream." Chu Ruoxi said, "I dreamed about the past... at least the past ten thousand years ago!"

"This... are you kidding me?"

King Yan showed a weird smile.

Chu Ruoxi shook her head: "You know I don't like joking, I can tell you for sure, I had a dream, a world ten thousand years ago, and you still exist in that world!"

"This joke is not funny at all," Yan Wang said with a dry smile, "You have been too tired recently, that's why you have strange dreams."

"No, this is not a dream, these are things that really happened in the past."

Chu Ruoxi can clearly distinguish between dreams and reality.

"It is impossible for a dream to be so clear and organized. I know that what I see is not a dream, but reality."

"Even if it's true, so what?"

King Yan's question was accompanied by a gentle smile and an indifference that made people wonder how to explain it.

Chu Ruoxi suddenly felt scared for a while: "You actually knew those things long ago?"

"Yes, I know. I know everything I should know, including the things you don't know."

King Yan suddenly became so frank, Chu Ruoxi was surprised.

"Are you acquiescing?" she asked back.

King Yan said: "How much do you know about this world? Do you know what a soul is?"

"I don't know anything about this world," Chu Ruoxi said frankly, "although I have been in this world for a long time."

"In fact, most people don't know anything about this world, although they have lived in this world for a long time."

King Yan's voice was slightly tired: "Stop asking the truth, you may not be able to bear the weight of the truth."

"A heavy price..."

Chu Ruoxi recalled a period that was like a dream but not a dream.

At that time, she had just been attacked by Duanhen, and her life was hanging by a thread. King Yan once put her in a modern emergency room. At that time, he explained that he read the memory from her memory, and she believed it.But looking back now, Chu Ruoxi felt that things might not be as simple as it seemed.

"King Yan, who are you? You...and the Lord of the Nine Worlds...what is the reason for the glass bell?"

These broken thoughts made Chu Ruoxi's heart extremely agitated, and even looked at King Yan differently.

"If this world itself is illusory..."

Chu Ruoxi's mood completely collapsed!

She clutched her sleeves tightly, feeling a chill rising from the depths of her soul.


Everyone from the Yin Yang Xuezong had gathered and looked at Chu Ruoxi with bright eyes.

Chu Ruoxi knows that everyone puts their future hopes on her, even if it is for their hopes not to be shattered, she must fight hard!
"Where are the people in the sin area distributed?" She asked, "We can't continue to be passive!"

"But with our current strength, we simply can't-"

"The current strength is not enough, so what about the future strength?" Chu Ruoxi asked back, "If you don't work hard, how do you know that you can't do it!"


"After you've worked hard, say you can't do it!"

In this chaotic situation, might is the only way.

Chu Ruoxi knew that after doing so, she would become the enemy of many people, but she had no right to choose.

Either kill or live!
This is the only chance she gives to everyone in Yin Yang School!
After a brief thought, the members of Yin Yang School finally nodded silently.

People often say, will you die if you don't work hard?
But this time Chu Ruoxi wanted them to understand that the knife was already on their necks, and if they didn't work hard, they would really die!
Everyone in the Yin Yang Xuezong knew that Chu Ruoxi really thought about them, so although her speech was a bit too strong, they all accepted it.

After a little preparation, the map was spread out in front of him.

Chu Ruoxi pointed to the stronghold of the crime domain marked on the map, and said: "I think you all know the current situation better than me. Our enemy has an absolute advantage in manpower and material resources. No matter how hard we try, we can The whole army is wiped out! But there is one thing they don't have! That is - we can't retreat! Because if we retreat, we die! The whole army dies! The whole family dies! Do you understand!"

Before he finished speaking, there were already low whimpering sounds in the crowd.

Chu Ruoxi continued: "If you don't want to die, right? If you don't want to die, just kill the people who might kill you! This has been done in the mortal world, and you can do the same!"

The law of the jungle is the law of nature, no matter what era or world!

Everyone in the crime domain is a slave to the laws of nature, the same as the Taoist world, and everyone in this world.

Everyone in the Yin Yang school felt that Chu Ruoxi could not back down, and a bloodthirsty light flashed in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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