Chapter 22
There is a protruding tree root in front.

Yan Hong ran in a hurry, didn't pay attention to the road in front of her, and was knocked down by the tree roots, and just as she was knocked down, the light circle caught up.

Huge and fiery aperture.

The light circle first passes through her feet, then to her waist, her chest, her hands, and her head.

During the entire process of being covered by the aperture, she only had time to let out a shrill scream, and then she was as quiet as a puppet, dragged outside the aperture, and turned into a wisp of green smoke.


Jing Rong quickly followed Zihua, as if signaling her to walk slowly, he patted her on the shoulder.

Zihua Dai frowned slightly, and a light flashed in her eyes.

The soreness from swinging the sword last night still remained on his shoulder, but now besides the soreness, there was also a tingling pain.

She quickly stepped back a foot away from Jing Rong, staring at his hands defensively.

A sense of dizziness hit her, everything in front of her eyes seemed to be covered by thick fog, blurred, and finally she only had time to see the silver needle in Jing Rong's hand and closed her eyes wearily.

Jing Rong reached out to support her in time, carefully.Caressing her cheek with a big hand, he murmured: "My good junior sister, you can sleep well! It's not your turn to play yet."

Then with one hand, he hugged her by the waist and walked towards the dense forest on the right.

Jing Rong put Zihua on the grass and hid in a corner.

On the small road ahead, people passed by one after another.

Seeing those monsters that didn't look like humans at all, he raised the corners of his mouth, and his eyes showed a look of satisfaction.

"Senior brother Jing Rong is really a good trick. He tricked others into being a ghost, but he himself hid from the side."

The leper walked out from the side of the dense forest with his hands folded, a strange smile on his face, which seemed excited, sad and helpless.

Jing Rong was frightened by the sudden voice, and stood up suddenly.The face, which was originally mild, suddenly became gloomy, and the lavender pupils gradually became darker.

"You've been following us all this time?"

Seeing the lunatic nodding his head briskly, Jing Rong looked at him fiercely.

"Crazy man, I advise you to take care of your own affairs, don't interfere, and spoil my good affairs, otherwise..."

He paused, and flew out a string of silver needles.The big tree on the left side of the leper made a clear clicking sound and then fell down.

He went on, "Otherwise your neck will be like that tree, broken by a needle and never reattached."

The lunatic wiped his mouth with his hand, as if hearing some funny joke, he laughed, his mouth wide open, while laughing, he covered his stomach with one hand and pointed at Jing Rong with the other.

No matter the action or expression is extremely flat.

Jing Rong was clearly irritated, his nostrils were expanding, and his eyes were burning fiercely.


Choking on his own saliva, the leper stopped laughing and coughed violently.

After a while, he straightened up, but the smile on his face was gone, and he looked at Jing Rong expressionlessly.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to ruin your good deeds, but I can only get what I want by ruining your good deeds."

Jing Rong narrowed his eyes dangerously, and for the next moment, without saying anything to him, the silver needle in his hand flew towards the lunatic without hesitation.

The lunatic reacted very quickly, almost dodging before the needle in his hand arrived, and at the same time threw the dart out of his hand.

It's just that the dart flew not at Jing Rong, but at Zihua lying on his right side with his eyes closed.

Jing Rong sensed his malice, cursed despicable words in his heart, flew forward to block Zihua, took the dart, and let the dart pierce his right back shoulder.

The lunatic laughed exaggeratedly when he saw this scene, "I guessed right, you want to get this mortal body. Then let me guess whether you want to be a demon king, or not, let me think... "

He held his chin with his right hand and tapped his cheek rhythmically with his four fingers.

"Think, right?"

He jumped on both feet, and suddenly said such a sentence, his eyes, one big and one small, were full of excitement, and they looked at Jing Rong brightly.

Being seen through all his thoughts, Jing Rong's complexion became very bad, as if there was a cloud of black energy condensing on his already gloomy face.

However, the leper didn't care about his emotions, and laughed again.

Jing Rong looked at him with dissatisfaction and forbearance.

It's okay to deal with other normal people, but it's too tricky to deal with this lunatic in front of him.

He made moves that did not follow common sense, and his behavior was somewhat different from the madness of ordinary people.Just like a gambler, he gambled too much, lost his mind, and didn't leave any way out for himself, just to win this game.

If this kind of person can, he doesn't want to carry him head-on.

"What exactly do you want from me?"

The lunatic spread his hands and replied casually, "It's nothing, it's just a mortal body."

Jing Rong's face that originally wanted to compromise instantly collapsed, "Since this is the case, then we can only fight to the death."

The two who seemed to be about to truce fought again, and the leaves were innocently involved in this dispute, and they fell slowly, falling all over the ground.

A few flakes floated onto Zihua's face, and her bluish eyebrows moved.

Only then did Jingrong's needles not stick hard enough, only making Zihua's body as if asleep, unable to move, but her consciousness was awake, so the conversation between Jingrong and the lunatic was transmitted to her ears verbatim.

Jing Rong has always wanted to have her body. In this way, it is understandable for him to decal yellow on the mirror and use willow thrush for his eyebrows. All he has done is to prepare for owning her body in the future.


All his preparations were bound to go to waste.

Because she has a use for her present physical body, not as a last resort.

Zihua mobilized the breath in his body and tried his best to open all the closed acupuncture points on his body.

One floor, two floors, three floors...

A bloody smell welled up from the throat.

Zihua's pink and petal lips were stained with blood, and they were enchantingly red.She adjusted her disordered breath a little, and opened a pair of watery eyes.

The fight between Jing Rong and the lunatic is not over yet, and the two are still testing each other with darts and needles.

Seeing the darts, Zihua suddenly remembered the previous world. She left the darts that hadn't hit that day, and took out a dart from her pocket with itchy hands.

She casually aimed at Jing Rong, and with a whoosh, she threw the dart out of her hand.

The sharp dart drew a graceful arc in mid-air and almost pierced into Jing Rong's left shoulder.

Seeing this result, she showed regret, she still threw this dart very badly.

The stabbing pain on his shoulder made Jing Rong turn his head in bewilderment, and saw Zihua who had woken up. He opened his mouth wide and his purple pupils protruded as if he had seen a ghost.

"Junior sister... when did you wake up?"

The lunatic who was busy throwing darts over there also stopped, and looked at Jing Rong with a funny face.

(End of this chapter)

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