my villain is too cute

Chapter 252 Stunning Merman (18)

Chapter 252 Stunning Merman (18)

He knew someone was looking for him and heard her voice,
But he couldn't wake up and couldn't give any response.

I don't know how long it took,
The woman outside who was so scrambled was standing silently by the sea,
The strings in her heart were about to break, that white figure was lonely and out of the world, but the breath was faintly hostile.

As if, as soon as you get close to her, it will disappear into the world.

There was a storm in her dark eyes, and suffocating pain and anxiety swept through her whole body.
The aura around him was faintly unstable, revealing a powerful coercion.

If you look at the dense white light clusters belonging to various worlds in the void,

You must be able to see a faint hint of disintegration in it.

The world consciousness hastily stabilized the world,

The Dao of Heaven on the clouds also began to help, with indescribable horror in my heart.

a dark place,

Sang Yu slowly opened her eyes, staring at the darkness in front of her in a trance,
I just felt a stuffy feeling in my heart, which made him want to cry,
"do not do that……"

Qing Ling's voice murmured confusedly,
After a while,

He slowed down, his icy blue eyes became clear again, his expression was a bit sad,

The vitality in his body was slowly draining, and he used his last strength to listen to the movement outside.

Nothing, no familiar voice...

Did she not find it...

That cold and indifferent face was pale, the Merman's own healing ability was useless,
The pain in the body spread, dissipated, and gradually became numb...

The hostility in Han Jin's heart gradually dissipated, and he suppressed the uncontrollable power again, forcing himself to think of a solution calmly.

But at this moment, her mind was blank, and she couldn't think of any solution.

Jinghong looked at the mess of people, put away the complicated meaning in his eyes, sighed, and said speechlessly:
"Tracking Ring,"

The expression in Han Jin's eyes suddenly relaxed, but it was still a little tense.

Slowly feel the location of the tracking ring, and follow the route to find it.

That place is only a few hundred meters away from here.

This is the back of the stone platform, and there is a small hole in sight.

Han Jin threw away the umbrella in his hand, lowered his head and walked in,

The space inside is very narrow, and the arms will touch the sharp stone walls on both sides from time to time.

After walking a few meters inside, there was no more light, and I couldn't see my fingers around me.
The road under my feet was bumpy and bumpy.

She took out the night pearl to illuminate it, and there was only a little bit left on the road ahead.

A breeze blew from nowhere, and there was a faint smell of blood.

Han Jin's pupils shrank suddenly, he pressed his blood-stained lips tightly, and continued to walk forward, but his breathing was a little disordered.

Sang Yu seemed to hear a little movement, she moved her ears slightly,

Turning his head to look, the surroundings were pitch black, his back was tense, his eyes flashed brightly, and he calmly said:

There was a sound from around the corner, and the sudden brightness made him squint his eyes.

After adapting to the light, he saw the embarrassed woman clearly.
The white robe was soaked and dark in color, and the hem of the clothes was covered with mud from the cave.

The bloodstains on the elbows and lips are particularly conspicuous against the white robe and pure white skin,
That exquisite face was still very beautiful, and the black eyes were still calm and indifferent, except for the gentle smile, and his face was a little pale, there was no difference.

But the dead and desolate atmosphere around him makes people feel distressed at a glance,

Sang Yu just looked at her in a daze, the corners of her beautiful lips rising slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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