my villain is too cute

Chapter 942 Spoiling the Prince (65)

Chapter 942 Spoiling the Prince (65)

After Li Fanan woke up, what he heard was the news that both the emperor and the empress had passed away. Currently, the coffin is placed in the Shouhuang Hall.

She couldn't accept such news at all, the nerves in her head jumped suddenly, accompanied by the discomfort of soreness.

Li Fan soothed his afflicted head, propped himself up and got out of bed, and walked out step by step.


The servant hurriedly supported her, held her arm to prevent her from going out, "Princess, the imperial doctor said, let you rest at ease..."

"Let go of me!!" Li Fanan yelled and shook off the servant's hand, how could she calm down?
Overnight, her father, queen and queen are gone, how can she calm down...

Li Fanan staggered out, and bumped into someone just as she was going out, she raised her head.

It's Li Huaian.

Li Fan'an looked at Li Huai'an's somewhat pale face, his eyes were full of confusion: "Brother Emperor, Father Emperor..."

"It's true." Li Huai'an picked up Li Fan'an, walked inside, and said something calmly.

The three words made Li Fan'an dizzy, and he frowned and closed his eyes tightly, tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes, and his heart throbbed with pain.

Li Huaian put the girl on the bed, and was about to get up when he felt his sleeves being pulled.

"He did it..." Li Fanan pulled Li Huaian's clothes, raised his eyes and stared at him closely, and asked, "Did Ruan Fang do it?!"

"Yes." Li Huai'an's eyes were calm, like frozen lake water, he seemed indifferent to the death of his parents.

"But..." Li Huai'an wiped away the tears from the corner of the girl's eyes, "Fan'an, don't blame him, Li Qing owes him this..."

"I owe..." Li Fanan murmured and repeated.

"Yes." Li Huaian sat on the edge of the bed, hugged the girl in his arms, and stroked her back with his palm: "Not only Ruan Fang, but Li Qing owed a lot of, me, the queen mother..."
Besides Ruan Fang, Lin Jingshuang was owed the most by Li Qing.

Everyone didn't know that Lin Jingshuang was pregnant with Li Huaian before she became the queen.

At that time, Lin Jingshuang was still a well-known family. At a palace banquet, she was noticed by Li Qing with her eyebrows and eyes similar to a woman.

As an emperor, if you want to be alone, you don't need anyone's permission.

That night, Lin Jingshuang became pregnant with Li Huaian.

Later, because the courtiers coveted the vacant position, Li Qing just got the news that Lin Jingshuang was pregnant, so he simply gave her the position.

But this position is not easy to do. There are countless jealous and vicious women in the harem, and Lin Jingshuang has suffered a lot.

It's just that Lin Jingshuang is a gentle and kind woman, almost without temper.

These things she can hide if she can, and endure if she can, but the emperor's favor is beyond her control.

That day, Li Huai'an, who was still young, saw how the respected father and emperor treated his mother.

Like a ferocious devil, ugly and disgusting.

Simply being in the palace, there are no secrets, there are always a few places where shady taboos flow.

Not long after, Li Huaian knew everything.

The woman who somewhat resembled Lin Jingshuang was the late Regent Princess. It was rumored that the emperor had that beautiful woman in his heart, but because she was married, he regretted accepting it.

It is said that he has taken his mind off, so what is the queen mother who is tortured every day?
The young Li Huai'an can't do anything...

Then, in less than a year, Li Huai'an watched his mother become more and more silent, and her temper became more and more irritable.

Lin Jingshuang is going crazy...

Even so, Li Qing still didn't let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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