The host, she just wants to lie down and win

Chapter 275 The Mother of the First Daughter (27)

Chapter 275 The Mother of the First Daughter (27)

Chi Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Anyway, I can't explain so many things at once, let's talk about it after I remember everything?"

The woman looked a little dignified, "Maybe it's a bit selfish to say that, but I don't want to make a promise to you without any memory."

"I think this is a responsible performance." Fu Xingzhou suddenly leaned forward, with a smile on his brows and eyes, and his thin lips opened and closed with a bright red color.

There was a faint, indescribable fragrance on him, which was extremely pleasant.Chi Shuangshen felt that he was happy when he got along with Fu Xingzhou, and maybe everything that happened in the past would be beautiful.

The woman tilted her head slightly, and a slight smile appeared on her quiet and elegant face, "So, when does King Ling plan to marry me into the mansion?"

Fu Xingzhou heard it, waved his hand, and a golden imperial decree appeared on the table.

"Your Majesty called me into the palace this morning to discuss state affairs. I asked His Majesty for an imperial edict in front of all civil and military officials." There was a bit of joy in his voice that could not be ignored.

Chi Shuang's mind was clear, and he guessed what was in the imperial decree in an instant.

Suddenly he smiled, "Shen Yanzhi is also in the hall, aren't you afraid of offending him?"

"What is he?" Fu Xingzhou's expression was indescribably disgusted when he mentioned that man. "When I met him a few times, I really didn't like him. He was hypocritical and contrived, and his eyes were full of calculations and schemes. It was really annoying."

"Your words are pretty sweet, but his nature is even more annoying than that. So, I'm curious what you said in the court? The Spirit King has always been rebellious, and he is also a member of the Spirit Race. The ministers and the people all respect you." Three points, I am also afraid of you, even the emperor will call you every time he discusses state affairs. I think, no matter what you say, they should be able to... um, accept it?"

Chi Shuang rested her chin carelessly, and looked at Fu Xingzhou with bright eyes.After knowing that they have such a relationship between whoring and being whored, they unconsciously got closer to him.

Fu Xingzhou glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and there was a bit of seductiveness in his lazy and deep voice, "Do you really want to hear it?"

"of course."

Chi Shuang Baba raised his head.Then, to show sincerity, he picked up the teapot on the table and poured Fu Xingzhou a cup of cool tea, "Talk while drinking."

Fu Xingzhou cleared his throat, and then resumed what he said earlier this morning.

"The minister and the youngest son went to Beijing in March. Fortunately, Mrs. Chi wanted to live and fell in love with her. After learning that Mrs. Chi had a family, she gave up thinking about it. But recently, she heard that Mrs. Chi and An Guogong had reconciled. The Lingwang Mansion lacks a mistress, so why don't you ask the emperor to connect the two of us and give us a marriage contract."

"The group of ministers probably looked at you as if they were looking at a fool. Xiao Yuchi is already 30 years old, and he is in a divorced body. This appearance is not as beautiful as a fairy. Your Majesty is highly respected by your spirit king. , looks so handsome, and marry a young and beautiful young lady from an aristocratic family as his successor, I am afraid that countless ladies from all over the world will shout that I am willing. Why did you choose me?"

Chi Shuang poured himself a cup slowly, took a sip, and the cool tea had a special taste.

She laughed again: "The group of ministers are probably calling you blind in their hearts."

"If you don't know me, how can you know my happiness." The white hand held the cup to his lips, and the long eyelashes like crow feathers drooped slightly to hide the smile in his eyes.

People in the world will only judge others with their eyes, but they don't know that these judgments are biased, but they are just the views of frogs at the bottom of a well.

They don't know how good you are, and they don't know that you are my treasure.

What kind of talk is wasted with such a person?

(End of this chapter)

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