The host, she just wants to lie down and win

Chapter 490 The Little Princess Dressed as a Villain (29)

Chapter 490 The Little Princess Dressed as a Villain (29)

In the following week, Julian always went to Xihai Palace to find Chi Shuangwan under the banner of Sebastian.

Chi Shuang often stays silent all day on purpose, or lies on the grass and sleeps all afternoon, but Julian doesn't feel bored, he just stays by Chi Shuang's side quietly and silently, even if he doesn't say a word, even if he is bored .

Chi Shuang couldn't figure out why this kid was always clinging to him and couldn't be driven away.

Anyway, he didn't violate his own low line, behaved well, so she just let him go.

"His Royal Highness asked Lord Robert to return the gift box to me that day..." Since Julian started the conversation, she listened.

She opened her eyes with great interest, "Huh? How did you deal with it?" I have to say that sometimes Julian really matures so much that he doesn't look like a nine-year-old child.

Julian sat on the grass with his legs bent, facing Chi Shuang sideways.He can't see the indifference in Chi's eyes, just as Chi can't see the tenderness in his eyebrows:
"I don't like things that Her Royal Highness doesn't like. I threw her into the ancient well and added forbidden magic. I think after a while, her soul will disappear and she will reincarnate on her own."

Julian glanced at Chi Shuang's expression and saw that she wasn't too disturbed, and immediately said: "I vaguely sense that this soul doesn't belong to this world... I mean, her aura is different from ours. I will not let anyone who hurts Her Royal Highness be spared, and I will become a knight to protect you."

The little princess was secretly surprised.

"Julian, do you know that your speech is very dangerous..." Don't think too much at a young age, this, this is scary!
Does Julian like Olenna?
Chi Shuang began to think about the plot in the book.


She wrote the story from the perspective of the female director Yuyao, and only summed up the real story between Olenna and Julian in one or two sentences.

If you really think about it, it is estimated that Ren Yuyao knows a lot more than her.

"Your Highness, I speak from the bottom of my heart..."

Why suddenly—?
Chi Shuang regained consciousness: "What?"

"I will work hard to join Lord Robert's knight order, become the strongest knight commander in the Victor Empire, and protect you by the princess' side. I know that the first knight order has high standards, but I will do my best... "

No, I didn't say it, Julian, can you have a deeper and clearer understanding of yourself!
You are the second genius in the Imperial Academy of Magic after Princess Olenna!
Rounding up, except for Olenna, you are No.1!

How can you think of only being a knight commander!

Also, things like taking care of me... guarding me...can you not make it a target, you put me under a lot of pressure.

Chi Shuang's heart was enough to create a big show, but she couldn't say a word when she met Julian's unwavering and sincere eyes.

In the end, he could only pretend that he didn't understand anything, and solemnly said with a harmless expression, "Julian, I'm still young, so I can't understand too much."

Yuli was stunned for half a breath, and suddenly chuckled softly: "'s okay, wait until you grow up."

Well, it's still young.

Olenna, in my heart, you have always been that little mass of Xihai Palace.

That soft little hand grabbed the cute appearance of his clothes, and the soft and waxy voice revealed the innocence of ignorance of the world: "Brother, brother..."

He will never forget it, Julian thought.

And selfishly, he wanted to protect her as a knight for the rest of his life.

Protect the only princess in his heart.

 There is one more~
(End of this chapter)

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