Chapter 265

Yes, compared with Song Ankang, a tender and tender young man, the Qin family's ex-husband is like an old corn, without any comparison value at all.

What's more, he was rich, powerful and powerful, and the Qin family really didn't have any room to resist under the pressure of all aspects.

So, the matter was settled like this.

Moreover, except for the two twins, everyone else in the Qin family was kicked out by Song Ankang.

It was really merciless to do this.

Song Ankang looked down on the twins, but for the sake of his future children, he still ordered the housekeeper to treat the two children well.

After all, he wanted to use these two children to appease Ye Linglan. If something unpleasant happened, it would be fine if Ye Linglan died. Where to buy regret medicine.

The process of 'waking up' Suzuran went smoothly, but before she woke up, Suzuran encountered a minor problem.

The soul of the original owner, Ye Linglan, became restless again.

This time Lily of the Valley could clearly feel a desire from that soul, longing to be with her child for a while, just for a short period of time.

It was an extreme longing, so strong that even Lily of the Valley felt a little shocking.

It's just that there is a mark on the system side, once Lily Lan gives up this control and completely returns the body to the original owner, then the original owner will really be resurrected.

Moreover, because the original owner and this body are [-]% compatible, she will not be able to regain control of the body after the exchange. If she replaces it forcibly, the final result will be to devour the original owner's soul.

And in that case, the soul of the original owner will disappear, and the so-called purification will no longer exist.

In that case, her mission would be a failure.

Returning the body to the original owner sounds like a pretty good thing.

After all, it is to eliminate the resentment of the other party. No one can understand his resentment and hatred better than the original owner. It should be very easy to make up for it.

But it is not.

A person's failure is not something that can disappear if you do it all over again. Any failure has a reason.

Some reasons come from external forces, and some external forces come from oneself.

But whether it is external force or itself, the fundamental reason is still because of its own insufficiency.

Maybe the original owner can avoid the wrong choices she made in her previous life, but this does not mean that there will be no new tragedies in her life, and she will not have new resentments and hatreds.

This is why the main god would rather find a suitable envoy to do the task than use this ability to give the original person a chance to start over.

Because the so-called restart is just a kind of cheater who answers the question with the answer.

When the roll paper and exercise questions are replaced with new ones, and when faced with new problems, no or no, it will not be possible to get full marks this time just because the person got full marks last time.

Because this world will never remain the same because of one person.

Of course, if Lily Lan can guarantee that after changing her body this time, the original owner can eliminate her resentment, the merit will be even higher.

This was a matter of choice. Suzuran thought about it and finally chose to switch.

The exchange process only took a blink of an eye, and by the time she realized it, she had already entered the crystal where the original owner was staying.

And the original owner has returned to his original body.

The crystal was woven into a bracelet by lily of the valley and put on her wrist. After the original owner woke up, she looked at her wrist. When she saw a golden crystal ball, her expression was filled with joy and confusion. Fortunately, there is a life left after the disaster, and there is still an indescribable yearning and desire.

At the same time, she looked at Ling Lan's soul with a kind of fear.

The meeting between mother and son was somewhat awkward. The original owner looked very excited, but the children's expressions clearly did not.

Obviously, their feelings for this mother are very complicated. At least, this time, they didn't come here voluntarily.

But the original owner obviously didn't notice this, because she was now feeling joyful because of her rebirth.

As for Lily of the Valley, under the haste of the original owner, she was left under the quilt.

Yes, the moment he saw the child, the first thing the original owner did was to take off the bracelet on his hand and hide it under the quilt.

In the days that followed, Ling Lan was put into a box by the original owner with a pale face. The original owner looked a little panicked and at a loss. She hugged the box and whispered, saying that she didn't want to, but This rebirth is too important to her, she cannot lose this life.

At the same time, she also said that Lily of the valley is an evil spirit, that she would hurt her own children, and that Lily of the valley made everything messed up for her.

Ye Linglan talked about the unwarranted child in her belly, her reputation, her child, and everything she felt was wrong with Lily of the Valley, and then buried Lily of the valley in a peach blossom tree Down.

She heard that the peach tree can heal Yin, and she hoped that lily of the valley would stay under this tree forever and never appear in her life again.

Staying in the dark box, Suzuli's soul has always been very stable.

The days that followed passed quickly, and Ye Linglan was afraid of Song Ankang, and at the same time hated him.

Even though they knew that neither of them had really done anything, the feeling that everyone thought they had done something was terrible.

Whenever others carefully asked her not to have a fetal movement, she felt particularly uncomfortable. At the same time, she resented Suzulan even more, feeling that these were all the troubles caused by the evil spirit!
As the days passed, Ye Linglan's belly became bigger and bigger.

But she was clearly not interested in her belly, not even in the child that was about to be 'born'.

Because she knew lily of the valley's plan, all the plans.

She knew that the evil spirit wanted to steal, and that the child who grew up in the transparent glazed utensil was not her child, it was made by the evil spirit, and it was also an evil spirit!
Ye Linglan hated Song Ankang, and she also hated that so-called child. In her heart, she was even more afraid of that child. She felt that the child was born to kill her. Kill him directly.

Yes, she was thinking about the fact that she wasn't pregnant after the baby came, not telling others now.

Ye Linglan is a stupid woman, but she is not really without a brain, and she is very clear about the things she will face after confessing all these things.

 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.But I didn't expect that I came back late, and I didn't even have time to catch insects...Come back later to catch them!
(End of this chapter)

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