Chapter 279

When Xinla went to find Fidel and was humiliated, the boy stood behind Fidel, watching everything that happened in front of him with a numb face. That expression was almost imprinted on Xinla. In the memory, even if other memories have begun to fade slowly, the deep numbness is still clearly visible.

Xinla didn't know what that numbness represented, she just felt that she was extremely ashamed under that look, which made her feel more uncomfortable than being humiliated by Fidel!

But Lily of the Valley understood what that numbness was, it was the collapse of faith.

Therefore, Lily of the Valley appeared at the turning point in the child's life. She took the child away before the others.

Since his parents were ascetics, this child should be a child of God.

Most of the clergy are the children of ascetics, and only in this way can they guarantee their devotion to the gods.

Xinla is like this, Xinla's upbringing is like this, and Xinla's adopted children are also like this.

So on this day, Ling Lan held a large bowl of ramen and handed it to the priest's reserve, asking him to personally offer a tribute to the demon god.

The child was obviously tempted by the aroma of the ramen, and kept swallowing his saliva, but after knowing that this was a tribute to the gods, the boy quickly suppressed the desire in his heart, and his expression became extremely devout.

Ling Lan looked at the child who was a little clumsy, but completed all the steps of making an offering very seriously, with pious and fanatical movements, and the smile on the corner of her mouth softened a little.

Perhaps, this child will be able to obtain divine power on the day he succeeds to the throne.

With this in mind, Lily Lan, who had ignored all kinds of ceremonies, after the honest child presented the tribute, shared with the child the not-so-secret secret that the demon god is a foodie, and then successfully abducted the child. into the kitchen.

However, this night, the child also ate ramen produced by Lily of the Valley's Encyclopedia.

As for being able to eat the same food as the gods, the child's eating process can be described as piety.

In the days that followed, the child also showed his desire to become a priest in the future, constantly enriching himself, as if wishing to become a formal priest soon.

And Suzuran let the child do this, and it wasn't until Fidel was frightened by the child's desperate posture that he said anything.

"Oh, no way, time is running out."

Fidel was very puzzled and did not understand what Lily of the Valley meant.

On the other hand, Lily of the Valley, as if she had never said such a thing before, smiled at Fidel, and then went to do other things.

From that day on, people seldom saw Lily of the Valley appearing, and the person who handled the church affairs was replaced by the reserve priest, Dodd.

Dodd's parents are ascetics, and they have a fanatical belief in the demon god, but they are not enough, so they wholeheartedly entrust the matter of serving the gods to their children.

Dodd grew up in such an environment. He stayed with his parents for the longest time, so he also learned a lot of fanaticism and missionary skills of ascetics under his influence.

After coming and going, this small church slowly became popular.

Although the town is still not prosperous, and the small church is impossible to expand, there are more and more followers of the demon god.

Not everyone can be called a 'Christian'.

Everyone in the Demon Race believes in the Demon God, but there are not many who can be called "religionists", which requires devout beliefs to support.

Lily of the valley still affirmed Dodd's efforts. Although it was different from what she imagined, at least it was better than nothing.

So, this person who has no faith...

Lily of the Valley doesn't look like a qualified priest, because her mind is full of how to 'make the church bigger and stronger', thinking that she can build a church as magnificent as the headquarters of the Holy See here.

To be honest, it was the first time Dodd heard Lily's thoughts like this. He even had the illusion that he was dreaming.

But from another level, Lily of the Valley is a very qualified priest, because she makes the gods very satisfied!
Every time Lily of the Valley brought out food, it would be accepted by the gods, and appropriate magic crystals would be given as rewards, which made Dodd respect this nun who was full of money and money even more.

The clergy themselves serve the gods, and the correct values ​​are amazing. If you don’t have them, you don’t have them. As long as you can satisfy the gods, it’s better than anything else!
During this period of time, Dodd also studied cooking under Lily Lane. He studied very seriously and did not make progress every day. In order not to waste ingredients, he is still the chef of the orphanage, the elderly and children of the orphanage. Everyone likes him very much, which makes him more and more like a priest and prestige.

Until one day, Fidel lay at the door of the church dripping with blood, and then knocked on the door of the church.

It was Dodd who went out to check the situation. When Dodd saw Fidel like this, he was surprised and panicked. He was a little at a loss, but Lily of the Valley was very calm about it. In the middle of Fidel's wound, amidst his painful cry, he took out a magic spar engraved with a magic circle from his body.

At first Dodd was stunned by Lily of the Valley's move, but soon, after seeing the magic spar emitting an ominous luster, he also suddenly realized that he didn't feel that Lily of the valley's cruelty anymore. , looking at Fidel, who passed out from pain, was like watching some evil spirit.

"Sister, what is this?"

Lily of the Valley smiled and crushed the piece of ore she held in her hand, which was claimed to be the hardest ore in the world, and then said a very flat sentence while Dodd was drooling.

"This is the madness of the pioneers of the revolution."


Obviously, as a reserve of the priest, Dodd didn't understand what Lily of the Valley wanted to express, but Lily of the Valley didn't intend to let Dodd understand, she just smiled and lifted the unconscious Fidel with one hand, and then It was tied up in a big way, without the slightest feeling of being pitiful and weak.

It's time to go, such a lily of the valley with "swift hands and feet" also stunned Dodd, he always felt that such a nun was very strange.

He followed behind Lily of the valley like a little tail, wanted to say something, asked something, but in the end he didn't say anything, didn't ask anything.

 Heck, I won’t talk about the goblins on the outstations that I’ve read before, and I won’t say the ones on the outstations at the starting point, so let’s take a look at the books at our starting point and the ones that didn’t go wrong. .For example, the Great Immortal School of Science and Technology, I like this one very much, it is male-oriented, there is no heroine, and it is still chasing, not floating, not exaggerating, not stallion, and not excessively narcissistic.Super God Mechanic is also very good-looking, and it is still being updated, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ?Of course, if you go to see it, don’t say that I’m complaining here, the authors are all glass-hearted.

(End of this chapter)

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