Chapter 312

However, since then, the countess also hated the uncle, and basically no one brought this matter to the countess to feel uncomfortable.

Over time, it became a taboo in front of the countess.

Today, Lily of the Valley directly brought this up to speak with a smile, making it clear that she wanted to make the countess feel uncomfortable.

The Countess' expression was not good, but she didn't say anything else.

That's right, even if she is an earl, she can't compare to the Bedeya family, not to mention, her "sister" is already considered a "disgusting person". If this matter is really said, it will really be ugly.

The countess stopped talking, and the ex-fiancée also stopped talking. Suzulan looked left and right, not caring, and planned to leave with a smile.

However, some things are always so coincidental.

Just as she was about to turn around, another slightly magnetic neutral voice sounded again.

"Is there something wrong with this hotel? Earl Wedelisa."

This voice attracted the attention of almost everyone in the hotel. At the same time, when Suzuran looked over, she couldn't help but feel suspicious in her heart.

What kind of wind is this? Why are there so many "big shots" gathered together in such a place where no shit?
The person who came was dressed in a neat black riding suit, and was holding a whip in his hand, tapping lightly on his hand with the crow-colored half-leather glove.

This person is very tall, with short platinum blonde hair flamboyant, exquisite and three-dimensional facial features, especially those silver-gray eyes, when there is a smile in them, it seems to bring light to people.

At that moment, both Lily of the Valley and the Countess performed a standard aristocratic etiquette to the visitor, and greeted the visitor respectfully.

"Good day, Princess Aina."

Yes, this heroic figure, no matter how you look at it, looks like a handsome young man. The visitor is actually a woman, and she is also the well-known Aina in the empire, known as the 'Iron Princess'. Linde.

Aina walked in with a smile, helped the countess up with a whip, and then ran towards Lily of the Valley, and stretched out her hand to support Lily of the valley with a smile.

"Oh, I'm really guilty of not being the first to see our Miss Bedeya. Good day, Miss Bedeya."

Ling Lan slightly lowered her eyelids, showing a respectful look, but she was sighing inwardly.

I forgot to mention, this Highness Princess is a famous lace in the empire. Since she was a child, she has always liked girls, especially girls from noble families.

Although Her Royal Highness may look young, she is actually about the same age as the Countess, and is the sister of the current king!
It is said that when Her Royal Highness was young, many people in the empire saw Her Royal Highness come out of the yard of another lady's house early in the morning.

It is said that the wives of noble families today had affairs with this princess when they were young!
It's enough for everyone to know about this kind of thing. After all, Her Royal Highness is a woman. Even if such a thing really happened, most of the nobles would keep one eye open and one eye closed.

It's better to have a daughter than to find another lover behind your own wife's back, isn't it?

But now, Her Highness the Princess has obviously aimed at the next generation of her 'old lovers', which makes many nobles feel uncomfortable.

Okay, you're fucking my daughter after you've fucked my wife. Even if you're a woman, you can't bear it!
Therefore, before the original owner Bedeya left the capital, the princess was sent by His Royal Highness to fight at the border, but for some unknown reason, she appeared here.

Her Royal Highness the Princess obviously likes Lily of the Valley very much. After entering, her silver-gray eyes never left Lily of the valley.

But Lily Lan obviously doesn't like this princess very much, and there is no other reason, because in the information she got, it was introduced that this princess once attacked Bedeya, and she almost succeeded, which made Bedeya Ya didn't like this Her Royal Highness very much.

In fact, after learning about this incident, Ling Lan's views on Her Royal Highness were somewhat subtle, but this Her Highness had a kind of perseverance towards Ling Lan.

Seeing that Suzuran was silent, the princess couldn't help but move forward again, and then smiled and wanted to say something.

And at this moment, a serious male voice suddenly sounded.

"Princess Aina! Good day."

As soon as the voice sounded, Miss Grandy, who was pretending to be an ostrich, also looked over suddenly, and then let out a cry of surprise.


Ling Lan turned her body sideways, looked over Her Highness the Princess and looked at the handsome man who had arrived at some time, and then felt a little confused for no reason.

Well, now that we're all gathered together, it looks like we're going to have to stop.

Ling Lan curled her lips inwardly, but on the surface she took out her feather fan, opened it, covered half of her face, and made a shy look.

After all, they are unmarried couples, so they still have to do what they should do.

The fiancé's arrival obviously made Her Royal Highness feel unhappy, the silver-gray eyes that were originally gentle turned cold in an instant, and she glanced lightly at her fiancé, but brought out a different kind of deterrence.

If it was put on other things, if the 'Iron Princess' took a look like this, maybe the fiancé would withdraw wisely.

but!Now the problem is but! !
Now the princess is supporting his fiancée in front of her! ! !
He is not the kind of dead-headed guy. Since he is not married yet, it is okay for everyone to play their own games, as long as the heir is his own blood. He can see clearly the little things between the nobles. !

However, this 'Iron Princess' is not included!
There is no other reason. Two years ago, the fiancé's younger sister wanted to live and die for the princess. She even slapped her mother in public at home, saying that she was shameless and would not let the princess go!

At that time, his father was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Fortunately, this matter was suppressed in the end, and his worrying younger sister was also married to a remote place.

But since then, their family has hated this princess, and the reason why this princess was "assigned" to the border is also due to their family's handwriting.

It is impossible for the fiancé to let his wife have anything to do with the princess, so he is very stiff on the surface.

After Her Royal Highness noticed the boy's attitude, she first raised her eyebrows, and then asked a little casually as if she had thought of something.

"Are you from the Bode family?" Bode was his mother's surname. The fiancé endured it, and finally agreed.

"Yes, Mrs. Bird is my mother, and I have a sister named Lorna."

Her Royal Highness thought for a while, then silently looked away.

Well, she finally knew why this kid exuded a breath of resistance all over his body.

Gently tapped his palm with a horsewhip, Her Highness the Princess once again focused her gaze on Ling Lan, and just about to say something, her fiancé spoke again.

"Your Highness, Bedeya is my fiancée."

The words Her Royal Highness was about to say choked in her throat. After thinking about it, she finally managed to speak out.

"I have brought a lot of food in the carriage. If you are not used to the food in this hotel, you are welcome to come to me at any time."

Ling Lan lowered her eyes and curtseyed to the princess, then under the princess's reluctant gaze, several other people nodded, and finally glanced shyly at the fiancé standing there, Shi Shiran took people away.

Her gaze caused dissatisfaction among many people, but it satisfied her fiancé.

Ling Lan's gaze made it clear that she had no feelings for the princess.

In this way, the fiancé, who was originally unhappy, also became angry, and the lily of the valley became more pleasing to the eye.

Ling Lan really left this time, but left behind a lot of mess.

Grandi was made very uncomfortable by Lily of the Valley's last look. Seeing that his cousin was still smiling, his expression became even uglier, and his eyes became foggy.

"Cousin!!! What are you looking at!!!"

Grundy was about to go crazy, and the fiancé also felt a little headache when he heard Grundy's voice.

This cousin, to be honest, even if he was a fiancée, he treated her like a brother treats a sister.

Grandy was very self-willed when she was a child. When her mother was still alive, she was very kind to her, and never forced her to do anything except the etiquette that noble ladies need to learn.

Therefore, she developed a somewhat domineering temperament.

And after her mother's death, although this kind of temper restrained a little, it also became more clinging to him.

Indeed, he likes women, beautiful women, and the maids around his fiancée are very suitable for him.

However, as a son of a nobleman and the future heir to the Marquis, he still knows some proprieties.

Grandi is a troublesome person who cannot be provoked. Even if Grandi took the initiative, he never really touched her. Even if the two were not related by blood, he wanted to explain that he didn't want to see her again. .

However, before his headache was over, the countess spoke again on the other side.

Lily of the Valley left, and she became the charming countess once again, lightly brushing her fiery red curly hair, the countess's voice was a little careless.

"Oh, you enemy, I found you. Remember Lisa? My daughter, she got married two days ago, and asked me to return your son to you."

As she said that, she still seemed to think that the matter was not big enough, raised her eyelids, and motioned for people to go back into the carriage, and the baby in the carriage was carried out.

boy, boy! ! ! !
For a moment, not only Grandi, but even her fiancé and Her Royal Highness were a little dazed.

And at this time, the person who went out to hold the child had already carried the child out, and before the child came in, he heard a loud cry.

At that moment, Grandi's tears could no longer be stopped, she flowed down, and then ran away crying.

The maid beside Grandi had been silent before, but seeing this scene now, she couldn't help but turn red eyes immediately, and after glancing at her fiancé sadly, she also ran away with her lady.

But the fiancé, looking at the baby who was still in the swaddle, really wanted to cry without tears.

As long as there is no trouble before marriage, you can do whatever you want. Although this kind of thing is a secret and tacit period, it is too much to have a child before the fiancée gets married.

Moreover, the child's mother turned around and married someone else not long after the child was born. This, this, this is simply a mess!
His fiancé felt his head hurting even more. In fact, his first reaction was to ask the Countess why she didn't let her daughter kill the child in the first place.

But after thinking about it, he swallowed this sentence again.

After all, this is his own blood, and he really can't say such a thing.

So, in the end, he could only watch the countess leave with the people after delivering the child, and then he took the people and the child with him, and lived in this hotel with some hardship.

The child's matter was a bit tricky. He knew about the child's mother. At that time, this woman was just a slave girl he bought casually.

But no one thought that this woman was just using him as a stepping stone, and her ultimate goal was to recognize her biological mother.

Although the countess had married so many times and had many illegitimate children, she had no legitimate children.

Of course, she let go of those illegitimate children after they were born, and she put each of them on the bright side.

That woman was just the countess and a child of a guard, who was taken back to be raised by the guards. Her father died later, and she knew her own background, and then she was unwilling to become a poor girl, and wanted to be the countess's child. , and wait until later, to be eligible to inherit everything from the countess.

What the woman did later, her fiancé didn’t know.

Anyway, in the end, the woman got what she wanted, and as soon as she turned around, she kicked him.

Originally, this kind of thing was nothing. After all, she was the daughter of an earl. Everyone recognized this daughter. She would be the first heir to the earl's title in the future. Even if he was kicked, he would not say anything.

But this kind of thing, giving birth to a child indiscriminately and then throwing it to the father to raise it, is not right.

Not everyone can accept this kind of disorderly birth of an illegitimate child!

At least, before he gets married, this kind of thing should be avoided, hey!

The fiancé felt that his eyes were full of vicissitudes. Looking at the way the person in charge of the hotel looked at him, he knew that this matter might not be covered up.

I was not used to holding the child for a while, and found that the child was crying more and more, so I handed the child to the guard who followed me. The guard was also childless, and was in a hurry at the moment. The well-packed packages were scattered.

In the end, it was a hotel receptionist who couldn't stand it anymore, and stepped forward to help for a while, which made the child stop crying.

(End of this chapter)

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