Chapter 89

Things that can prolong life in this world are very rare and precious, and it is impossible for Fan Yongkang to take the normal way to find them.

Even if she was really lucky enough to find it, she would be desperate to bring it back.

Fortunately, she has an encyclopedia, so it is difficult to find it, but it is very easy to synthesize one.

Fan Yongkang directly chose to graduate from the college. This was good news for the king, so it didn’t take long for Fan Yongkang to successfully graduate and get her diploma. However, her diploma was not from the Magic Court. Department, but from the Department of Horticulture.

There is no way, the graduation certificate of the magic court department is very valuable. If she wants to graduate early, she can only get the graduation certificate of the horticulture department.

But this was not a big deal to Fan Yongkang, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

In the past few days after returning, Fan Yongkang asked the housekeeper to talk to the owner of the manor outside the imperial city while flipping through those magic books, hoping to buy one of them.

Fortunately, the housekeeper this time was very capable. After learning that Fan Yongkang was tired of interacting with people and was planning to buy a manor to grow some flowers and plants, he negotiated a deal on a manor within two days.

It's just that the location of this manor is very remote, far away from the imperial city, but there is a small old castle there. Although it is a bit dilapidated, it can still be habitable after renovation.

After the king knew that Fan Yongkang was going to leave the imperial city, he looked very worried, and specially assigned Fan Yongkang a team of five people to serve as her bodyguards, and made it clear that these bodyguards would guard her forever.

These guards were at least at the level of high-level warriors, and they could be regarded as experts among the king's personal guards. They were given to Fan Yongkang just like that, and fools would not believe it if they said they had no intention of monitoring.

But Fan Yongkang didn't care about this, she accepted it with a silly and sweet look, and was very grateful to His Majesty the King, and finally left with her own family as a servant, and then lived in an inaccessible suburban castle among.

Although the land is remote and barren, the area is not small. If it is all used for planting, it will definitely require a lot of manpower.

Of course, Fan Yongkang doesn't need to worry about these things, she just needs to tell the housekeeper about her request, and the housekeeper will take care of everything.

After all, the king's purpose is to teach Fan Yongkang to be a fool. If she is really allowed to handle everything and everything, wouldn't his purpose be in vain?

Therefore, no matter who is the master in the housekeeper's heart, he will do Fan Yongkang's orders properly, and he will be unable to move even if he is determined to let Fan Yongkang leave!

However, the people came, but Fan Yongkang didn't say what to plant on this land, until half a month later, Fan Yongkang gave the housekeeper a big bag of seeds.

This is a mutated cabbage seed. As long as the magic power is input into the normal cabbage seed, this mutated cabbage will grow out.

This mutated cabbage will have a crystal-like color when it grows up. During the day, when the sun rises into the sky, it will turn pink when the temperature is too high. At night, the temperature will drop, and the color will become ice blue. It emits a shining white light.

This kind of cabbage is beautiful, but it is not edible, and nobles don't like this kind of cheap ornamentals. Generally, some poor people like to get a pot to decorate their rooms.

The housekeeper accepted Fan Yongkang's bag of mutated cabbage seeds very well.

As for where did Fan Yongkang get so many cabbage seeds?

Hehe, since she came to this castle, she asked the housekeeper to start collecting the seeds of various plants, from the most common vegetable seeds to some low-level magic materials. There, the housekeeper also watched for a period of time because of curiosity, and found that she was just following the miscellaneous things mentioned in the book, and after messing around, she didn't care.

The mutated cabbage matured very quickly, and it only took three months for these cabbages to mature. At the same time, crystal radishes and phantom vegetables also matured.

Crystal radish and phantom vegetable are also the products obtained by irrigated ordinary vegetable seeds with magic power, but compared with the mutated cabbage, the value of these two kinds is a little higher, at least edible, so they have their own names.

However, although it can be eaten, the taste is really not very good, so when these things are grown, they are basically just for viewing.

Needless to say, the crystal radish is actually a carrot, but it is five or six circles larger than a carrot. The whole body is like a transparent crystal, but there are veins like blood vessels inside, and the pink liquid flows in it. It will reflect the dreamlike color of crystal.

As for phantom vegetables, its prototype is potatoes. After being irrigated by magic power, potatoes no longer grow in the ground, but hang on the plants on the ground, and these 'potatoes' are all phantoms like black mist. Shadows look extremely evil. When there is no moon in the sky, these phantoms will turn into ghost faces, which is not a good thing at first glance.

After these things grew, Fan Yongkang asked the housekeeper to harvest them, and then planted new mutant cabbage, crystal radish and phantom cabbage.

The butler was a little confused at first, but when Fan Yongkang enthusiastically took "How to Make Perfume" and played with the piles of vegetables for a while, the butler also dispelled his doubts.

Forget it, it's okay to let her continue to make trouble like this. Anyway, there won't be any big trouble. If the earl can continue to be so idle, that can be considered a good thing!
The butler thought so, but he didn't expect that Fan Yongkang would really play tricks among the piles of crystal radish phantom vegetables and mutated cabbages.

Although, the corner of the butler's mouth twitched when he saw the finished product.

Fan Yongkang has been making a lot of troubles recently. He bought a lot of basic books to read, and then took various instruments to do experiments in a decent manner, and finally came up with a kind of universal fertilizer!
Nowadays, people still use animal and human excrement for fertilizers, but Fan Yongkang has now made a different one. It feels like fine sand, but it is sprinkled into the soil and mixed with water. Watering can improve even barren land in just one night.

This kind of fertilizer still looks very good, but the cost is much higher than the fertilizers used today. Presumably, except for Fan Yongkang, who is looking for trouble, other people will definitely not bother to use this thing.

 The time is up, but not a thousand.Although there are no easter eggs, I still decided to add updates. There will be thousands of updates in these three days.
(End of this chapter)

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