Quick travel life mentor system

Chapter 209 Hidden (2)

Chapter 209 Hidden ([-])
Zhusang is currently deep in a mountain village, and she is the eldest lady of this group of bandits. Speaking of it, this matter is simply unbelievable.

The wife of the pavilion master was actually the savior of the head of the family. The wife of the pavilion owner died of dystocia. Before she died, she entrusted Zhusang to the head of the house to be raised.

Zhusang's daily life is to eat, drink, and live happily, but she knows that she will leave here soon. According to the timeline, the master of the pavilion has already found her and will send someone to pick her up soon.

The original plot, because Zhu Sang was unwilling to go back with someone, led to the massacre of the entire cottage, but these were the envoy's own ideas, and the pavilion master didn't know about it, so she didn't hold grudges against the pavilion master.

However, in order to vent his anger on his daughter, the pavilion master cut the man into pieces. He was really cut into pieces, with blood splattered all over the floor.

The man's name was Chang Si, and he was vicious and vicious by nature. With his character, it was really no surprise that he would massacre people in a village.

So after he explained his intentions, Zhusang directly agreed to go back with him.

"Since your pavilion master is my biological father, I naturally want to go back with you. It's just that the head of the pavilion has raised me to such an age and has been kind to me in nurturing me. I only hope that I can come back to see it from time to time. This request is not too much Bar?"

"It's natural. You are the young master of the Shadow Pavilion. You can go wherever you want. Of course, no one dares to stop you, as long as the master agrees."

Seeing his reaction, Zhusang felt relieved that he should not have lied, so he is also a kind person, and dying because of himself is really...

She spent another night in the cottage, because the brothers in the cottage wanted to see her off.

The head of the family drank too much wine, hugged Zhusang and cried, "Sangsang——you are going back—I can't bear you—"

Zhusang could only comfort him, "Master, it's not like I won't come back. Why are you making it seem like you are parting from life or death..."

"No, you definitely won't come back... You've already found your own father, why do you still remember those of us—"

It was the first time Zhusang saw the eight-foot-tall man crying like this, so he could only comfort him while patting his back and giving him comfort, preventing him from crying and being unable to breathe. , "Don't worry, I promise! I will definitely come back to see you, okay?"

"you swear!"

"Okay, I swear, I swear! I'll definitely be back!"

After arranging a few people, Zhu Sang followed Chang Si on the road overnight. Zhu Sang originally planned to wait until dawn before setting off, but Chang Sifei felt that it was dawn, and those people came to see him off. If you don't want to go back with him, you will suffer, that's why you are in such a hurry.

Zhu Sang is afraid that Chang Si will be forced to do something in a hurry. Although she is not afraid of Chang Si's action, if anything happens to Chang Si, she will not be able to return to the Shadow Pavilion in a legitimate way. After all, she cannot say that she is Did you inquire about the location of the headquarters of the Shadow Pavilion?Isn't this nonsense?
The two of them drove for a day and a night, and only then did they see the true face of the Shadow Pavilion.

The Shadow Pavilion has forces distributed in various places, but the headquarters is always the most mysterious, because no one knows where the headquarters is except for the more important high-level members of the Shadow Pavilion.

The headquarters of the Shadow Pavilion looks like a small town, Yunzhong City, some of the people in the city are members of the Shadow Pavilion, but more are ordinary people.

Although ordinary people in the city have heard of the Shadow Pavilion, but as the so-called dark under the lights, no one would think that the famous and mysterious Shadow Pavilion headquarters will be built right under their noses.

Correspondingly, Zhusang's external identity is the young city lord of Yunzhong City.

Walking to the city, I can see that the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the street market is very lively. It is indeed a peaceful scene.

Zhu Sang got off the horse and bought some candied fruit and other snacks from a street shop to take home.

The City Lord's Mansion is the headquarters, and the underground of the City Lord's Mansion is a huge underground kingdom, which is the most important place of the Shadow Pavilion.

Chang Si first took Zhu Sang to meet the pavilion master.

The owner of the pavilion is over fifty years old, even though he is aging slower than ordinary people because of practicing martial arts all the year round, years of hard work still gave him a lot of gray hair.

He looked at Zhusang, his eyes turned red in an instant, he stood up tremblingly, walked in front of Zhusang, stretched out his hand as if he wanted to touch her, but seemed to be afraid of her getting angry and timid.

"It's so similar...You and your mother are really too similar. With these eyes, you, your name is Zhusang, right?"

Looking at the cautious man in front of her, Zhusang suddenly felt a little soft-hearted. Her next plan was undoubtedly to hurt him. Now...

Only one step at a time.

Zhu Sang nodded, "Well, my name is Zhu Sang. The head of the family told me that this name was given by my mother when she was still alive. It was my father's surname. The man said that you are my father, so your surname is Zhu? "

"Yes...my surname is Zhu..."

The owner of the pavilion seems to want to care about Zhusang's life these years, but he doesn't seem to be very good at expressing his concern, so it becomes an awkward chat.

This is probably the case with fathers and daughters in the world. Mothers always care about their children in every detail. This is out of instinct, and the relationship between father and son is more or less natural. Only father and daughter, the relationship is always somewhat awkward.

Fortunately, Zhusang didn't care about these things, she answered the pavilion master's questions, and she kept talking until the sun was setting, the pavilion master finally couldn't find anything to talk about, so he asked the maid to take Zhusang to his room.

Walking on the road, Zhusang asked the maid, "What's your name?"

"Return to the master of the young pavilion, and the servant girl Chunhua."

"I just came back. I don't understand anything and I don't know anyone. Can you tell me about what's going on in the pavilion?"

Chunhua was a little flattered, "You are too polite, Young Pavilion Master, these are the duties of a slave."

Then Chuntao told the information of several important people. In fact, Zhusang already knew the information. The reason why Chunhua had to tell it was to avoid suspicion.

"Xuanwu protector is the only one among the four protectors who has an apprentice. His name is Li Changlin. That man seems to be a martial arts idiot. He is either in retreat or looking for others to learn from. I have never seen him, but I heard that he is a handsome young man! It's a pity He already has a marriage contract with Miss Yuerou, and the others have no chance."

"Listening to your tone, why is it a pity? Is it that Miss Yuerou is not good-looking or that you also like that Li Changlin?"

"Young Pavilion Master! Don't make fun of your servants. Miss Yuerou is naturally very beautiful. The two are a good match. It is my servants who like Li Changlin, but my servants like to be honest and honest. Otherwise, if they get married, he will go everywhere It's not me who is being pissed off."

"I can't tell, Chunhua, are you quite insightful?"

The young pavilion master has won the prize.

(End of this chapter)

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