Quick travel life mentor system

Chapter 296 Skynet Recovery (8)

Chapter 296 Skynet Recovery ([-])

When Zhusang asked for grace, she never thought that it would be needed so soon.

It started from half a month ago.

There were many cases of missing girls in Bingzhou. Most of the missing girls had not yet reached their hair. The county magistrate of Bingzhou spent three months investigating and caught the culprit. However, the culprit refused to explain the whereabouts of the girls.

This is very strange, since the prisoner has signed the signature, it is a capital offense anyway, so why is he still hiding it?

Zhu Sang carefully checked the file of this case, not to mention that the modus operandi was full of loopholes, and almost most of them were not feasible. Of the seven girls who disappeared this time, only three had intersected with the criminal. Since it was a serial crime , or you don’t know each other, or you know all of them. What’s the situation with the three?
It is estimated that it is another trick of torture.

Zhu Sang sent the dossier to Li Que, "My lord, there is something wrong with this case."

Li Que checked it carefully and frowned, "It's indeed wrong, Bingzhou...ah, isn't this the fiefdom of Princess Yuling? I remember that Princess Yuling went to Bingzhou a few months ago..."

"Princess Yuling..."

Princess Yuling's name is Zhu Yun'er. Her father was a general who fought with the late emperor for many years. Later, the general died in battle, leaving behind Zhu Yun'er, who was only three years old at the time. The late emperor named her Yuling because of her father's meritorious service. The princess, gave Bingzhou area as a fief, and built her a princess mansion there.

It's just that the queen mother liked her before, and she was still young, so she was left to grow up in the palace. After the queen mother passed away, she still stayed in the palace for a while, and she should be 36 years old this year. Ma took advantage of her and sat all the way to the Minister of Household Affairs. Yes, the same Minister of Household Affairs who was screwed by Zhusang before. Therefore, Zhusang also had some personal grudges with her.

It's just that a few months ago she offended Concubine Rong, the most favored concubine, because of something. The war between the two women was very difficult for the emperor. Later, I don't know what happened. Within a few days, Zhu Yun'er invited herself to Bingzhou.

Since it is Zhu Yun'er's territory, it is inevitable to say hello to anyone who is sent there. The princess is from the first rank, and there is no rank higher than her in Dali Temple. Although Li Que is also a relative of the emperor, but as a Dali Si Qing, if it is inconvenient to leave Chang'an, then only...

Li Que looked at Zhu Sang, "Zhu Sang, it's up to you this time."

"Okay, I understand." Zhusang agreed happily.

First, I went to ask the emperor to go, and then I took Jiang Yu and the three of them as usual, and the four of them set off for Bingzhou together.

Chang'an is thousands of miles away from Bingzhou, and it took more than four days for Zhusang to go fast.

Zhong Peng, the county magistrate of Bingzhou, got the news early on. After all, Zhu Sang had been doing preparations for several days before departure.

"Master Shaoqing is here, I am really grateful."

This Zhong Peng is completely different from the Zhang Yuan that Zhu Sang saw before, he is a fat middle-aged man, Zhu Sang saw that he weighed more than 300 kilograms, his facial features were all crowded together, the sun shone down, his face glistened with oil , Bingzhou is not a very rich place, and at this glance, you can tell that it is a corrupt official who is squeezing the people, but Zhusang did not show it, "Master Zhong, there is no need to be so polite, I have to go to see Princess Yuling, I wonder if Master Zhong can bring someone with me road?"

"No problem! Your side please!"

Zhong Peng was obsequious to the point of obscenity, Zhu Sang was indifferent, Jiang Yu and Song Qi frowned slightly, and Zhao Qian's dislike was almost written all over his face.

The Princess's Mansion is not far from the Yamen, and there is only about one street between them.

When the group arrived at the princess' mansion, Zhong Peng approached the doorkeeper very courteously.

The servant standing on the right looked at the person in front of him with disdain on his face, "Why is Mr. Zhong here, who is next to you?"

"This is Mr. Shaoqing from Dali Temple. He came to Bingzhou to investigate the case this time. He came here specially to see the princess. I wonder... is the princess here?"

"Well...it's natural, but we'll talk about whether we can see it or not. Just wait, I'll report it first."

"Hey, hey, good, good..."

Sure enough, it was a dog-eat-dog fight, and this look made Zhong Peng look like a servant, but Zhusang still didn't say anything. If someone is willing to flatter him and put his hot face on his cold butt, then who cares?Just watch the show by yourself.

After an unknown amount of time, the servant came back slowly, walking in all directions, "Coincidentally, you are lucky, go in."

"Thank you little brother."

The decoration of the princess mansion is extremely luxurious, with rockery and flowing water, and all kinds of exotic flowers and plants that have been carefully taken care of. Zhu Sang saw all this with a normal face, but Zhao Qian's look of contempt and contempt, Zhu Sang guessed, He must be thinking in his heart that this princess is really annoying, and it won't be a good word anyway.

Zhu Yun'er was enjoying the shade in the gazebo in the garden, a maid was fanning her, one was peeling grapes for her, and the other was in charge of serving tea and pouring water and doing chores, the emperor didn't enjoy it like she did.

"The lower official has seen the princess."

Zhu Yun'er glanced at him, and then looked directly at Zhu Sang, "Why did Master Shaoqing come here to investigate the case?"

"There is a case that needs to be retried, so I will naturally come."

"Presumptuous! You are just a petty official from the fourth grade. You can just be rude when you meet the princess. How dare you, me, you really have no rules!" The maid who fanned her looked arrogant, Zhu Yun'er didn't even intend to stop him. It was obvious that these words were also authorized or allowed by her.

If it weren't for his reluctance to beat women, Zhao Qian would have beaten that maid until his own mother didn't even know her.

Zhusang was not annoyed, and just smiled, "I'm not polite, I just want to talk like this, what can you do to me? The county chief's servants are still too tolerant. It's better to get rid of this kind of thing who can only fight against others' power as soon as possible. .”

"You! It's obvious that you are uneducated!"

Zhu Sang put away her smile, "Do you know that my mother is the sister of the same mother of the current Holy One, you said that I am not educated, it seems that you really don't know etiquette, but... you don't have to learn it anymore .”

As soon as the words fell, there was a flash of the knife, and the body of the maid was instantly separated, and Zhu Yun'er, who was closest to her, was splashed with blood instantly. She was stunned for a moment, then screamed, pointing at Zhu Sang and tremblingly said I can't speak.

Zhu Sang, however, acted as if nothing had happened, sheathed the knife neatly, and then put on that iconic formulaic smile, "I'm sorry for being rude today, I'd better visit another day." After finishing speaking, he left , Jiang Yu and the others followed suit. As for Zhong Peng, he stood where he was, neither leaving nor staying, embarrassed and wishing he could find a crack in the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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