Quick travel life mentor system

Chapter 94 The Reborn Cannon Fodder (Ⅷ)

Chapter 94 The Reborn Cannon Fodder (Ⅷ)
For the remaining groups, Zhusang also gave corresponding suggestions.

The five winners in the end were: Shen Bailu, Gu Jin, Li Fei, Lu Yan and Ge Chen.

"Then the five losers will have one kilogram of lead weights on their wrists and ankles next month. Even my brother can't commute their sentences~"


Another month has passed, and everyone has made great progress this month. Considering that the situation in the last days has begun to become severe, she went to the district chief again.

"My team is almost fully trained. If you need anything, just follow the instructions."

"It's just right," the district chief naturally wouldn't be polite to her, "We found a weak mobile phone signal in area A3, and there are likely to be survivors there, but there are large groups of zombies gathering on the road to area A3, ordinary people with supernatural powers It is difficult for the team to pass, so I will trouble you."

At the same time, the system's prompt sound also came, "Ding, trigger the side mission and bring the survivors back to the safe base within 24 hours."

After the end of the world, regions are numbered according to the sphere of influence of the security base. There are four security bases in total, ABCD. Adding numbers after that will allow people to immediately know which security base is in charge of this area.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Area A3 should not be far from where she lived before.

Zhusang went back to the training ground and told them about it, "This is the first actual combat, don't be ashamed when you go out!"


"That..." Qi Zhen suddenly said at this moment, "Can you take me with you, I'll just sit in the car and won't cause you any trouble."


Zhu Sang refused quickly, without any thought of saving face.


"No, but, didn't you agree at the beginning? It's really bad for you to go back and forth like this."

As for the reason why Qizhen didn't want to separate from Liu Yang, it was because she didn't feel safe at first. The end of the world came suddenly and she wanted to find someone to rely on. Later, she saw those people who sold their bodies in exchange for supplies. Recently, Liu Yang treated her Her attitude is very subtle. She has been pampered since she was a child and has never done any heavy work. If Liu Yang is cruel and wants to break up with her, she will have no choice but to take that path.

Seeing the situation, Liu Yang could only quickly pull Qi Zhen aside, "Didn't it be agreed? You can't follow us to carry out missions, and it's so dangerous outside, what if something happens, you just stay at the base obediently." Wait here, okay?"

"Okay..." Seeing that Liu Yang still cared so much about her, Qi Zhen felt relieved a little, "Then you must come back safely."

"Well, don't worry."

After preparing dry food and water, everyone set off. This time, we divided into three cars, because we don't know how many survivors there were. Zhu Sang, Liu Yang, Ge Chen and Shen Bailu were in the first car. Lu Yan, Li Lisi, Li Fei and Li Peng were in second place, and the remaining three were left behind. Everyone was nervous and a little excited along the way. After all, it was the first actual combat, and they didn't know how the special training in the past two months was going to be.

Ge Chen is a computer expert, so he will track the mobile phone signal.

"How about it, can you confirm the location?"

"The signal is intermittent...should be fine."

"Okay, then you should determine the location as soon as possible, and try to get the results before we enter the A3 area."


Not long after they left, Zhusang and his party encountered the wave of zombies shown in the report. Seeing so many zombies at one time, although they had already made psychological preparations, everyone still felt a little physically nauseated. Zhusang took out the walkie-talkie. It's the first time using this kind of thing.

"Except for Ge Chen who stayed in the car to confirm the location of the survivors, everyone else, get out of the car and meet the enemy!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

Because it's only been two months, even if the zombie tide is not very threatening in front of today's team, Zhusang took the lead, and the water turned into arrows, hitting one target at a time. As for the others, they are not as huge as Zhusang for the time being. Zhusang let them choose to use guns first, because they don't know what they will encounter when they return, so it is very important to preserve their strength.

But seeing more and more zombies gathered, and they couldn't kill them all, Zhusang was a little irritable, "System, how much time is left?"

"Eighteen hours left."

"How long is the fastest time from here to the A3 area?"

"Five more hours."

They have been driving for three hours. That is to say, if there is no accident and unimpeded, it will take 16 hours to go back and forth. Now there are still six hours left to find people, save people, and let all survivors register. It is safe to arrive at the safe base.

It so happened that Ge Chen quickly opened the car window and shouted, "Captain, I have located them!"

Zhu Sang was overjoyed, "Very well, everyone, get back to the car!"


Although they didn't know why they didn't clear up the zombies before leaving, they would not question the captain's order.

When everyone got into the car, only Zhusang was left standing at the front of the line. She quickly cleaned the blade with water and put it back into the scabbard.

With just one move, it was like a raging fire passing through, leaving no grass growing.

The zombies were instantly swallowed by the flames, turning them all into ashes.

Zhusang is no longer going to hide it now, if she doesn't get rid of these annoying things quickly, her side mission will be overtime.

She quickly returned to the car, started the car, and drove to the destination. Everyone was shocked and no one thought of asking what happened just now.

After driving for five hours, the car finally entered the A3 area, "Ge Chen, the location."

"In the city center, in a department store, but before we could determine the exact location, the signal was cut off. It's probably because the phone ran out of battery."

"okay, I get it."

If there is no specific location, then you can only search one floor at a time. But that is a department store. If you really have to search every floor and every room, it would be a joke if you don't have four or five hours.

"System, give me a hint?"


"Look, if I fail the side mission, it won't do you any good, will it?"


"Accommodate it~"

"basement one."

"I love you so much (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ"


Zhu Sang chopped off the head of a zombie with a knife, "Go to the basement floor!"

The power supply system has been damaged, and the elevator can't be used naturally, so everyone can only take the safe passage to the basement floor, and then look for warehouses, storage rooms and other rooms, and the time is shortened a lot.

Then everyone found nine people in the area where snacks are placed in the warehouse. They were all wearing work clothes. They should be employees of the mall. They have been able to survive these days relying on the inventory in the warehouse. As for other employees and those customers...after all, it has passed. It has been two months, and it is estimated that something unexpected has happened.

(End of this chapter)

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