Chapter 137: Ancient Vacation 15
Aunt Xin warmly entertained Ling Wei, Lan Linger, Wen Wen, Wen Li and others. She introduced the fabrics to Ling Wei and Lan Linger.

Wen Wen and Wen Li were drinking tea and eating snacks.

"Auntie, I'm back!" Everyone turned around and saw a man in white entering the room.

The man was handsome and magnificent, and his demeanor was almost suffocating.

"Xiao Yi, you're here." Xin Qiniang waved happily as a greeting.

"Yao'er, where have you been these past few days? I went to the bamboo house in the valley to look for you, but I couldn't find you." Yi Shuihan stared unblinkingly under his thick sword-shaped eyebrows with a pair of eyes as deep as a cold pool. Ling Wei.

He is so good at acting that he can look real and fake, and he is worthy of being my junior brother.Ling Wei smiled at Yi Shuihan.

"Brother Yi, my mother and I have moved to Lanfu."

"Why move away?"

After saying this, Yi Shuihan pursed his pretty thin lips slightly, making it hard for people to see his thoughts clearly.

In Wen Li's heart, it was clearly the expression of a husband accusing his wife of not telling him his whereabouts. Wen Li asked with gusto, "Who are you from Yao'er? Why do you ask Yao'er's whereabouts and interfere with Yao'er's life? "

Wen Li stood between Yi Shuihan and Ling Wei calmly.

"Yao'er is my fiancée, if I don't have the right to intervene in Yao'er's affairs, then no one can intervene in Yao'er's affairs." Yi Shuihan effortlessly pushed Wen Li away and took Ling Wei's hand , Interlocking fingers.

Ling Wei did not refuse.

When Wen Li saw this scene, he couldn't accept it for a while, and ran out in a hurry.

Seeing Wen Li's actions, Ling Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't come here out of deceit. If Wen Li could give up, that would be the best thing.

Ling Wei pretended not to know Wen Li's thoughts and asked, "Why did Wen Li suddenly run out? What happened to him?"

"Little fool, he probably has something to do." Yi Shuihan said in a friendly tone, and his attitude towards Ling Wei was very natural. A pair of dark jade-like eyes flashed with a light that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Wen Wen stared at Yi Shuihan's face and pondered.Why did he feel that this person was so similar to the man in white who commanded the Demon Cult to retreat at the martial arts conference.He'd better not startle the snake, and wait until he goes back to tell his father before making any plans.

Lan Ling'er was also full of thoughts.fiancé?This woman has a fiancé, so she won't rob Wen Li and Wen Wen from her. However, the two brothers Wen Li and Wen Wen don't have her in their eyes or hearts.She still has to use that method. As for Chu Yaolan, she must find a way to get the jade pendant back.When Yupei was brought back, she let Chu Yaolan be her scapegoat to prove her innocence.

"Yi Shuihan, who is your fiancée? Who agreed?" Ling Wei seemed to have just realized what Yi Shuihan said, embarrassing and ashamed, she broke away from Yi Shuihan's warm hand, her cheeks flushed, Like the most beautiful peach blossom on the branch.

"Your mother agreed." Yi Shuihan looked at Ling Wei with a smile.

"Mother? Didn't Mother say that she can't make decisions about my marriage?" Ling Wei looked puzzled.

Lan Ling'er heard the deep meaning and said, "Sister, the fabrics have been selected. How about we go to Linlangxuan to have a look?"

"I'll come to you another day." Yi Shuihan patted Ling Wei's head.

This is to let people go.

Wen Wen paid the bill for Lan Linger and Ling Wei.He planned to follow Chu Yaolan to see if she was a spy arranged by the Demon Cult in the leader's villa. After all, the human skin mask that Wu Batian showed at the martial arts conference was too amazing.Chu Yaolan and the leader's wife look so similar, it has to be suspicious.

In Linlangxuan, jewels and jade stones are well arranged, and customers without money in their pockets dare not enter and leave easily.

Aunt Xin will send someone to deliver the fabrics bought at Zhiyunfang to the Alliance Leader Villa.

"Sister, this jade pendant looks good. Let me help you put it on and try it on." Lan Ling'er took out a pure white and transparent jade pendant and motioned to wear it around her neck.

"No need, I already have a jade pendant, which was left to me by my deceased father." Ling Wei took out the Panlong jade around her neck, and said, "Looking at her, I seem to see a jade pendant that I have never met before." like my daddy."

Ling Wei said in a nostalgic tone.

Lan Ling'er carefully admired this piece of jade, pointed at the sun, and saw a majestic giant dragon looming, in a trance, she seemed to hear a dragon chant, and then, the dragon circled and danced, soaring through the clouds and fog.

For a moment, her hand holding the jade pendant trembled slightly, and the dragon seemed to break through the jade, which scared her into panic.

This piece of jade was indeed the piece of jade that the nanny asked her to take.Now, she is not in a hurry to get this piece of jade into her pocket, and she will take the opportunity to get this piece of jade when she panics tomorrow morning.

While Lan Ling'er's mind was fluctuating, Wen Wen was looking at the jewelry.

"This young master has good eyesight. These earrings are a treasure of Linlangxuan, and most people can't afford them at all." The shopkeeper sent an assistant to greet Ling Wei and Lan Ling'er, but he explained it to Wen Wen himself.

Ling Wei put away the Panlong Jade, and went to see Wen Wen's fancy earrings with Lan Ling'er.

It was a pair of verdant earrings.

Wen Wen holds the earrings in the palm of his hand, as if holding a pool of the purest clear water.

Wen Wen looked at Ling Wei's earlobes without earrings and said, "Miss Chu, are you willing to try on these earrings for me? I want to give them to Miss Pan, but I don't know if they are suitable."

"Okay." Ling Wei said softly.

Wen Wen approached Ling Wei, and gently put on jade earrings for Ling Wei. After wearing the jade earrings, it was like the softest water in a lake in spring, reflecting faintly on the base of the snow-white ears.

"It's so beautiful!" Wen Wen exclaimed.

Ling Wei took off the earrings and gave them back to him.

Wen Wen asked the shopkeeper to wrap up the pair of earrings and pay the bill to get the goods.When she finally left, Lan Ling'er insisted on choosing a lot of jewelry for Ling Wei before she gave up.

In the leader's villa, small bridges and flowing water pass through the exquisite octagonal pavilion.Wen Wen smirked while holding the jade earrings.

Wen Lifei entered the pavilion and complained: "Brother, why do you think our two brothers are so miserable? With our family background, talent, martial arts, and appearance, what kind of woman doesn't have a heart? Why doesn't Yao'er like me? What? Brother, don’t hold your earrings and giggle. Listen to me, you are at least better than me. Although Miss Pan’s whereabouts are elusive, you still have one thought, but I don’t have any. No way. , I want to have a duel with that surnamed Yi, I can't give Yao'er to others! I said why the boss of Zhiyunfang is so kind to them, it turned out to be because of Yao'er, he is really human, not as good as a beast, taking advantage of the fire..."

"Stop thinking about it. Miss Chu hasn't engaged to Mr. Yi yet, everything is Mr. Yi's own sentimentality."


"That's what you think. Whoever made you lose your temper and ran away first. However, I think one of them is a man who is interested, and the other is a concubine. You should not hang yourself on a tree."

"As long as there is no engagement, I can compete with Yi Shuihan in an open and honest manner."

(End of this chapter)

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