Chapter 75

On the day when she met Bai Ziwan, Xuanyuan Xi was lying on the collapsed floor looking at the ceiling thinking, and there were some papers scattered on the collapsed ground, on which were some venting words written by him.

According to the spies' report, Prince Sheng of the Northern Hong Kingdom came to the Southern Hong Kingdom to look for two people. He knew that the two people who could dispatch the prince to find them must not be ordinary people, so he told his father about this matter.

His father was very excited when he heard the news and asked him to secretly help Sheng Yue find the two people and gave him the portraits of the two people he was looking for.

His father rarely looked so happy, and there were too few things that could move him. Only the battle between their country and the Beihong Kingdom more than ten years ago. Although the two countries fought a peaceful war and concluded a peace treaty, their father I was still very sad and angry, as if I had lost something most important in my life.

The wet nurse once told him quietly that his father lost his most beloved woman in that battle, her name was Xin Nuo.

His mother's empress was also named a queen after giving birth to him because she was [-]% similar in spirit to Xin Nuo. Unfortunately, the mother's empress was not blessed and died of dystocia when giving birth to him. All Xin Nuo's love poured out on him.He was crowned prince by his father when he was born.

He doesn't hate his father for using his mother as a substitute, because he has no memory of his mother, and his father is really good to him.

The word love hurts people, my father told me, don't be emotional with women, women can only be pampered but not loved, otherwise, there will be worries in this life.The emperor is most taboo about this.

The reason why Xuanyuan Xi looked at the ceiling and thought was because Xuanyuan Lan, the uncle of the Nine Emperors, secretly poisoned Sheng Yue, the crown prince of Beihong Kingdom, in order to put him to death, and put the blame on Xuanyuan Xi, so as to stir up conflicts between the two countries and sit back and relax. For the benefit of a fisherman, the emperor also noticed his wolf ambition, but he didn't catch him, so he couldn't be moved for the time being.

And Shengyue fell into Xuanyuanlan's plot, although he didn't die, his whereabouts are unknown.

Just when Xuanyuan Xi was at a loss what to do, a white shadow appeared in his sight. He blinked and found nothing was wrong. Could it be that it was haunted in broad daylight?She couldn't be an assassin, because his eyes never left there. He watched her appear out of thin air with his own eyes, and then her figure became bigger and bigger.

So how did she get here?Xuanyuan Xi couldn't figure it out.

Seeing her falling onto his couch like a falling crane, he was caught off guard and subconsciously caught her. She was wearing a strange white dress and a purple diamond tiara. Her face was pale, like a little fairy who accidentally fell into the mortal world. .

He, who had always been unmoved by beauty, was slightly startled when he looked at her for the first time.

Then, she opened her eyes and looked at him with those XX eyes.

He saw him in her eyes.

At that moment, his heart moved slightly, as if he had known her a long, long time ago.

This familiarity made him feel dazed for a while.

Just when he was in a trance, she took advantage of his absence and punched him.

But Xuanyuan Xi was not angry at all, but rather curious, curious about where she came from, and curious about why he felt so strange about her.

Immediately afterwards, she was also shocked. She seemed to have no idea why she was here.

After she came to her senses, she also seemed to know his identity, talking nonsense, looking at her cute and clever appearance, he didn't want to expose her, but wanted to play with her, so he pretended to be deliberate. He didn't believe her appearance, seeing her anxious yet pretending to be calm, he really wanted to laugh.

Later, she said that she had a relationship with Tiansuanzi, but he didn't believe it, but he didn't want to expose her.

He left her in the palace.

She said her name was Bai Ziwan. When he heard this name, his first reaction was not to believe it, but later he saw her swearing, so he believed it. In fact, the name Bai Ziwan was also very good, but he didn't know why. Love the name.However, seeing that the name was hers, he was willing to force himself to like it.

Xuanyuan Xi treated her very well, but she didn't touch her in the slightest.She tried every means to sneak out of the palace.

Could she really not see that he was treating her well?Who can eat at the same table with him, she can.She gets whatever he eats. Even Lin Fei's Bingshan knew that he was special to her, but she didn't feel it. She thought that he was just doing this to bribe her. Later, she said that she wanted to leave the palace, and he got angry. He agreed to her, hoping that she would encounter difficulties and setbacks after leaving the palace, and would think of his kindness. However, she did not regret it, nor did she encounter any difficulties. Instead, she thrived.

After she left the palace, he had sent Lin Fei to protect her secretly, and also asked Lin Fei to tell him her whereabouts.

She was quite talented in business, and she made the "蘼香店" on the verge of bankruptcy prosperous. Even the concubines in the palace heard about it. Some officials were greedy for the profits of the "蘼香店" and wanted to exploit their power, but they were suppressed by him. Come down, otherwise how could her Xiangxiang shop have been running smoothly without any mistakes.

He heard that she had set up a manor specifically to take in those orphans. He knew that she was very kind. Unexpectedly, she was lucky enough to take in the prince Sheng Yue, but she seemed not to know Sheng Yue's true identity.

The phrase "people must respect themselves and others value them" shocked him. He did not expect her to utter such a philosophical sentence. He thought that the place where she lived must be very beautiful, otherwise, she would have cultivated such a kind-hearted woman. lovely woman.

He met with Sheng Yue, and asked the prince in the palace to undo the toxin on his body. The toxin on his body was a bit strange, it didn't kill him, but turned him into a young man who looked like twelve or thirteen years old appearance.

Sheng Yue said that he had to find those two before leaving.

He wanted to take Sheng Yue out of the Bai Mansion, but he refused him on the grounds that the Bai Mansion could hide people's eyes and ears.

Later, she went to look for the drunk fairy and brought back Murong Han, her apprentice.

Later, she actually went to Yihong Courtyard for fun, and met Uncle Huang, who felt a sense of crisis.

On the Lantern Festival, he confessed his love to her, but he didn't expect her to agree, he thought she would refuse, that was his happiest day.

Unexpectedly, the happy days didn't last long, and she was kidnapped by people from the Killer Pavilion.Although the people in the Assassin Pavilion later returned her to Zhao intact, he felt that something was different.

Later, he accidentally heard from Liu Meier that when the killer kidnapped her that night, the kidnapper identified the wrong person, and there was a female killer named Su Su.

Su Su.


When he heard the name, his scalp exploded.

Why did he feel like he had heard the name before?

Su Su.


He chanted the name silently, vaguely, he felt that Su Su was her real name, but Bai Ziwan was not.

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(End of this chapter)

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