Chapter 49
Seeing Xia Guoguo brought a bowl of thin pumpkin porridge, Li Jing looked at the simple furnishings in the room, her eyes flickered slightly: "Tuanzi, do you think I should send the child back to Han Tianchu?"

She didn't want to take the child to a remote and backward mountain village to hide in XZ like the original body, not to mention that the child would suffer, so would she, and it was impossible to complete the task by hiding like this.

"No!" Tuanzi quickly vetoed, "If you send the child back, then the happiness value of Han Tianchu and Ao Nan will rise, and the favorability of you will also increase. After that, if you want to get the evil value, you must It is necessary to eliminate the goodwill and then take the evil value, isn't it just looking for something to do!"

Li Jing's face changed slightly, this is really a difficult matter.

Seeing her expression, Xia Guoguo thought she was dissatisfied, and put on a coaxing tone: "Mommy, we only have pumpkins at home, and you just recovered from your illness, so you should eat something light."

"Thanks for your hard work, Guoguo." She took the porridge bowl in his hand, and drank it one mouthful at a time.

He narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Guoguo is not bitter."

These days, she always has a sad face and likes to hold him and cry. Seeing her expression improve, he couldn't stop his joy.

It's great that Mommy is all right.

Xia Qianxin never kept her thoughts from him, she had told him everything before she fled, and let him make his own choice.

His choice was to be with her.

These days have been so hard, and it's great that Mommy didn't abandon him.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, Li Jing's complexion improved a lot. She casually put the bowl on the table beside the bed, and she waved to him.

Xia Guoguo obediently walked over.

Holding him in her arms, she reached out and touched his head, seeing his envious and dependent face, she immediately thought of her cousin Li Yufei.

When she traveled back and forth in these worlds, she didn't know how much time had passed in her original world. Li Yufei was still young when she left, so I'm afraid her impression of her is already shallow now, right?

"Guoguo, let's not run away, go back, okay?"

Xia Guoguo grabbed her clothes subconsciously, a look of bewilderment flashed in her eyes, is Mommy going to give him to that man?
"It's impossible for us to hide for a lifetime. If that's the case, why don't we deal with them in an open and honest manner? No matter how powerful the Han family is, if you don't want to, I will never let go of your hand. So, let's go back?"

He nodded: "Okay." As long as he is by Mommy's side, everything is fine.

After making a decision, they hurriedly packed their luggage.

Sitting in the train compartment, Xia Guoguo had already fallen asleep in her arms. She took out her mobile phone and opened the address book inside, her eyes deepened.

Tuanzi naturally saw it too, and was a little surprised: "Are you planning... to find him?"

The he in Tuanzi's mouth refers to Ling Yi, her biological father.

The original Xia Qianxin didn't know that she had such a biological father, but Li Jing, who saw the plot from the perspective of the whole world, had firmly remembered everything, thanks to the "photographic memory" won by the lottery.

After Xia Qianxin's death, Ling Yi had carried out a series of revenge against the Han family. Later, he was reported to have abused his power, neglected his duties, and used public affairs for personal gain, so he was dismissed.

Afterwards, Han Tianchu took Ao Nan to visit the prison, and Ming Chao made a mockery of it, so both the male and female protagonists were happy, and Ling Yi was cannon fodder.

Also in the original plot, Li Jing knew that Ling Yi had approached Xia Qianxin as an online game master, and left her the number.

Although it was mentioned briefly, Li Jing remembered it very clearly.

If he didn't love his daughter so much, why would he go to play online games and become his daughter's teacher?
I'm afraid he knew she was playing games, so he used this to get close to her!

After the call was dialed, the other party did not answer the call quickly. The call was not connected until it was about to automatically hang up.

"Hello?" A trace of tension could be heard in the dry and cold voice.

Li Jing lowered her head and brewed her emotions for a while, her voice was seven points tired and three points wronged: "Master."

The other party's breathing obviously stopped for a while before he said in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

She leaned on the hard seat, entwining Xia Guoguo's hair with one hand: "Someone is going to snatch my son, and I am cornered. If there is no other way, I can only take my son to hide in a remote and backward mountain village." , living in no fixed place, wandering around..."

"Where are you now?" Although his voice was deep and cold, it was not difficult to hear the concern contained in it.

Li Jing smiled silently: "I'm on the train back to S, and then back to Zhenfeng County. If he dares to snatch it, I will take my son and show him to death!"

She said this with a desperate tone.

"Don't be impulsive," his voice was even deeper, "You get off the bus halfway, and I'll buy you a ticket to City B, and you bring your children to City B, and I will protect you from any worries."

Ling Yi seldom speaks that long. He is a very taciturn person. For him, it is better to do the best than to say more.

"Master?" There was a trace of doubt in her voice.

"A teacher for a day, a father for the rest of your life, I will not ignore you if you have difficulties," he said righteously, and he could not refuse, "I will send someone to pick you up when you arrive in City B."

Li Jing's eyebrows and eyes are slightly curved, it's just a game, and he still said such words "a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life" so righteously, if he didn't know his true identity, he would definitely feel that he had ulterior motives.

"Why didn't the master come to pick me up in person?"

In fact, the original body has not played online games for a long time, but he loved playing games in college, and then he went to Han's for an internship, and then he got Guoguo...

It has been more than nine years and nearly ten years without contact. Coincidentally, they have not changed their cards, so she still has his number and can still get through.

Master, master, for an apprentice in the game that you haven't contacted for ten years, aren't you afraid that people will think you have ulterior motives if you are so enthusiastic?
"I'm not in country Z, don't worry, I will fly back as fast as possible, you wait for me in city B."

"……it is good."

She said goodbye softly and hung up the phone.

Tuanzi praised without hesitation: "Jingjing, you are really deceiving people more and more."

Putting the phone back into her pocket casually, the corners of her lips twitched slightly: "I just used all reasonable resources, I was deceiving him, not all, if I continue to escape, Guoguo will be snatched back by Han Tianzhu one day, instead of In this way, I would rather have a good relationship with my biological father in name, so that Guoguo can be well protected, which is much better than running around."

Tuanzi said it didn't matter, as long as she completed the task obediently, she said she would not interfere with the process.

The train stopped in City X, and Li Jing got off the train holding Xia Guoguo who was still sleeping.

He opened his eyes in a daze, starry eyes like mist: "Mommy?"

"We're not going to City S anymore, we're going to City B to join my master."

"Mummy's... master?"

"Well, you can call me Master."


Xia Guoguo was obviously still confused, but she still complied obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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