Chapter 107 Extracting Antibodies
Chacha passes through the red exterior wall and enters the city.No living people were seen along the way.In other words, living people are isolated in hard cages.The smell of disinfectant is everywhere.The small Q-shaped aircraft floated over the city, pouring pungent liquid over and over again.

"Dear Hongcun citizens, I am your navigator C, do you need any help?" The aircraft found Chacha's trace, and asked with a crisp electronic voice.Although it is programmed, this cold machine, the only active one in the Red Village, actually represents the rarest human touch in the entire city.There was a hint of warmth in the tone of every word.

"I want to go to the best hospital." Chacha said.

"Okay, little C received." The screen of the aircraft rotated, and quickly planned an optimal route, "There are three tertiary hospitals in Hongcun, and according to the current traffic conditions, little C chose Hongcun Hospital for you. Hongcun Hospital is 950 meters away from the current location, and it will take two hours to arrive. Please come with Little C."

Chacha followed the aircraft and walked straight towards the inner city.The buildings that were supposed to move are now stagnant by the roadside, the wide chessboard is empty, and the red village is like a dead city.Chacha moves very fast, and Little C needs to constantly adjust and adapt. "Dear citizens, Hongcun Hospital is still 120 meters away. According to your current driving speed and current traffic conditions, it will take 10 minutes to arrive. Please follow Little C."

Five minutes later, Chacha saw a living person.They were so crazy that they were like zombies running around in the streets.Chacha had to jump to the top of the building to avoid the fanatical crowd.The aircraft followed and rose.Because of the program settings, I was not surprised by Chacha's amazing jumping ability.

Passing by a tall building, someone jumped from the top of the building.In the blink of an eye, chains emerged from Chacha's palm, pulling the desperate patient to her side.

"I'm dead?" The man looked at the sickle in Chacha's hand, with a smile on his face, "Am I really dead?"

"Where is your home?" Chacha asked without answering.

"Oh, the 31st floor." The man pointed with his finger.There are still marks of his own teeth biting on his hands, "Am I dreaming? Why haven't I been freed yet?"

"You'll be fine once you get some sleep." The hand knife fell, knocking the man unconscious.The chain was rolled up and thrown back to the home on the 31st floor.Through the window, his wife, who witnessed the whole process, smiled gratefully at Chacha.The tooth marks on the wife's arm were even deeper, and her face was also covered with blood.Only the firm eyes are still fighting against the disease.There was also a babbling girl in the house.Crimson rash all over body.He took apart the toys without crying.

"You will all be fine." Chacha said.Put away the scythe and continue on your way.

"Dear Hongcun citizens, your destination Hongcun Hospital has arrived." The aircraft stopped in front of a tall white building and made a crisp electronic sound, "Please rate Xiao Q's service this time. A: Very satisfied , B: Satisfied, C: Dissatisfied, D: Very dissatisfied.”

"A, very satisfied." Chacha said sincerely.

There are two rows of security guards standing outside the hospital. The hospital is overcrowded and people are not allowed to enter for treatment without a pass.Chacha showed the special certificate issued by the village chief, and they let her go.

Pushing open the door of the hospital, there are countless patients lying there.Everyone is in an isolated cabin, relying on machines to maintain their physical fitness.The beating red line outside the cabin undulates, and the curve in the second cabin on the left gradually stabilizes.With a beep, the long cabin directly became a container for patients to be buried.

A few women dressed as nurses walked through the cabin, busy adjusting the machine.Their chests heaved violently, apparently also infected with the virus.Most of the work in hospitals is done by robots, but there are very few real nurses.And these very few nurses are becoming rarer due to the raging virus.

"I come from the most severely affected area," Chacha said.

"You look very healthy." This time the doctor is no longer a holographic projection, but the whole person is in a protective protective gear. "The cross-infection is serious in the hospital. What you need to do is to stay at home and isolate." Her tone was calm and she didn't even lift her head.She is used to it, there are always people who use some power to waste resources every day.

"I am indeed from the most severely affected area." Chacha repeated, she spoke slowly, every word was transmitted into the doctor's thick protective clothing, "I live with the Guardian Beast."

"You mean, you might..." The doctor's tone finally fluctuated, "You have antibodies in your blood?"

"You can even use my blood for experiments." Chacha took out the special ID with a fearless expression.Ye Tongsong may have antibodies in her body, but her sister is sick.The people in the village do live with the big cats, but the antibodies in their bodies may not be effective against all viruses.

Chacha's own body is probably the only one who can resist them.Even though her soul is full of holes, she still lives firmly in this world.

Chacha was loaded into the long cabin, and through the shell of the cabin, a white figure revolved around her.The needle was inserted into the body, Chacha closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I dreamed of the place called 404 again.

"Are these people dissecting me?" Chacha said to herself while holding the business card with Nightmare written on it.

"Yes." A voice came from behind.Chacha saw her own shadow.On the same face, there was a sensible to cold expression.

"Why are they dissecting me?"

"Gain strength."

"It's impossible." Chacha retorted, "They didn't draw blood, and they didn't pull out my organs. They just used a machine to stir in my brain."

"is it?"

"Yes! Look, that's the area in charge of memory." Chacha's voice paused, "They destroyed my memory?" She carefully looked at the faces covered by the masks, which are the pupils of human beings. human hair.She could tell where these people were born from the color of their pupils.Why did they destroy her memory in such a brutal way?Could it be that these people made her soul and body dilapidated?Anger stirred up like a gust of wind, and black air burst out from the damaged body.

"Look carefully at your soul." Another voice sounded, an extremely familiar voice, from Su Mingyan.Still that white shirt, still that handsome face, "Your soul was destroyed before the autopsy."

"Su Mingyan, why are you here?" Chacha woke up from her anger, and the emotional shadow suddenly disappeared, "Usually when you are asleep, you are wearing black robes, and your face is particularly paralyzed."

"I gave you my business card." Su Mingyan said, "Nightmare was blocked by your power. But I can find you through the coordinates. You just called me."

"That's it. This function feels like the longevity talisman I gave to Aidou. It's just that I saw you in a dream." Chacha said, "Then you also met Axue?"

"I've seen it." Su Mingyan said, "Her memory has not been fully recovered. Neither has yours."

"Ghost Yi and the others okay?" Chacha asked.

"The group of old ghosts are very good. The July and a half forum is also run very well by Dong Mo's junior. It is now the world's largest spiritual lovers forum in our world. The second star has been taken over by Xuan Yan. That's it. Metaphysics Research Society, his brother is there, he doesn't need my help." Su Mingyan said, "And you, are you okay? I saw you got your left hand and heart back."

"I'm fine, and so is A Xue." Chacha said.

"That's good." Su Mingyan handed Chacha another business card, "This is the enhanced version of Nightmare. Take it, it will be useful to you."


"Your body is about to wake up, I should go. Goodbye!"

(End of this chapter)

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