Chapter 137 Earning Tuition Fees
Since there are only 500 gold coins left, in fact, besides the materials for entrance preparation, the tuition fee of the magic school is also a considerable expense.Chacha and A Xue still need to use the remaining two days to get 6000 gold coins.The two of them browsed the pages on their mobile phones bitterly.In the end, I returned to the exploration mission that I had brushed up a few days ago.

"20 gold coins." Chacha moved her throat, "Who is this big guy named Celestine? How does he know that there are god-level props on this small island outside the mainland?"

"Well, and because this task has not been claimed, a few lines of instructions have been added below. You can prepay 1 gold coins according to the strength of the recipient." Axue echoed, "Would you like to try your luck?"

"I think it will work." Chacha was thinking wishfully, "Anyway, we will run away in three months. With a reward of 20 yuan, this kind of task will not be completed in a short time."

According to the map in the mobile phone, the two came to a dilapidated hut with many turns and turns.The mottled old tree in front of the door has scattered fallen leaves.No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a master who can pay 20 gold coins.It's all here, Chacha stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Long time no see, you two." The man in a black suit set up a table and sat in the hut. He turned out to be the handsome young man I had seen in the casino before.

"What's the situation?" As soon as I entered the door, I found that something was wrong. There was actually a shining teleportation circle in the narrow hut, and some bad associations arose in the blink of an eye. Concerned about homeless or outlaws, and then knocked out to sell a kidney?"

"Where do you want to go? Our boss is a legal citizen." The little brother in a black suit explained, "The teleportation array is a simple test. Only those who can pass the teleportation array can see the boss. Both of you should register first."

"Didn't you work in a casino before?" Chacha asked suspiciously.Although there is no resistance to handsome guys, there is still a rational bottom line.

"Aren't you allowed to work two jobs? It just so happens that I'm on duty today."

The two looked at each other, and filled out a large section of information on the electronic tablet.Fortunately, on the electronic screen, there are words that both she and A Xue can understand.After the registration was completed, black air rose around Chacha, enveloping Ah Xue like an eggshell.Hand in hand, they came to the front of the teleportation array, and the brilliant colors flickered and changed, pulling them inside.

No dizziness, not even a special feeling.Sure enough, after being baptized by various planes, the physical qualities of Axue and Chacha have become stronger.

Opposite the teleportation array is a magnificent palace, with carved beams and painted buildings, extremely extravagant, and a smell of money everywhere.A huge electronic display screen was hung in the middle of the main hall inappropriately, and Chacha saw the portrait of the previous singer in disbelief.

"Axue, that's him." Chacha pulled her companion excitedly, "It's him I saw in the cave before!"

"It's true that laughing is very healing." A Xue said.

"He is my idol." The boss came out from behind, and it turned out to be a young girl.She was wearing luxurious clothes, her skin was white and flawless, standing in the middle of the hall, like a porcelain doll, "He used to be my idol." The girl added, "Before he disappeared."

"So the magic item on that small island, can you find him?" Chacha asked.

"It's a universal tool that can make any wish come true." The girl said, "I want to use it to revive my idol." In the empty palace, there was only the girl's thin figure, and there was not even a servant by her side.

"Why do I sound like the Holy Grail?" Chacha muttered, "Wait, your idol is dead?" Isn't he a ghost?Didn't even find the body?
"There is no difference. I just want to hear his singing again. See him smiling on the stage again." The girl shook her head, her gaze was a little dull, "You are the No. 11 team that passed through the teleportation array. How about it? , accept this task? I can prepay 1 gold coins."

"There is no need for 1, just give us [-]." Chacha said shyly.

"Are you accepting this task?" The girl seemed a little dazed due to the long-term depression, "normal people would not accept it when they heard it. They said that there is no universal tool in this world that can fulfill any wish. They looked at me, It's like looking at a fool. Can't even coax me a little bit."

"That's their food." Chacha said casually.Of course, he didn't even want to be coaxed, because he was definitely afraid that he would come to his door if he couldn't complete the task.Such a magnificent palace must be from a rich and powerful family. "Don't worry, I'm also his fan. I will definitely help you find him."

"Really?" There was a gleam in the girl's eyes, but it quickly dimmed, "You don't need to comfort me, I know what kind of fans there are."

"Uh..." Looking at the girl's melancholy eyes, Chacha decided to tell the truth, "My companion and I really need [-] gold coins for the tuition of the magic school. If you are willing to support us, we will try our best to help you find out about you Information about idols. To tell you the truth, I already have some clues.”

"Okay." The girl nodded with a smile, "Thank you for coaxing me."

Chacha followed the girl to the warehouse and counted the gold coins with her.The warehouse is full of dust, and it seems that no one has been in it for a long time.The gold coins were scattered and made a clattering sound, bringing some vitality to the dusty basement.

"Don't you have a housekeeper?" Chacha asked curiously.

"I turned them all out," said the girl, "I was angry with myself and didn't want to see any living people."

"Maybe we can raise a dog or a cat?" Chacha secretly guessed, feeling a dull pain somewhere in her heart.There was a time when social fear was so severe that she was locked up at home for almost half a year.All rely on takeaway to hang their lives.But at least she can see the little brother or little sister who delivers food every day.

"It's okay. I'm not good at all. My temper is good and bad. I don't want to hurt others."

"Your idol definitely doesn't want to see you like this." Chacha said, "Get better soon."


Coming out of the palace, the mood of the two of them seemed to be infected, and they were both a little depressed.He returned to Xingcha without saying a word.Chacha searched for information all night.Even let the sand sculpture try to connect to the Internet again.Putting all the pieces together without missing any clues.

It's a pity that the sand sculpture still can't be connected, so Chacha can only do it by himself.

A girl is a princess, who is talked about by the public because of her beauty.Every time you dress up, it is the vane of the trend.It's a pity that this princess didn't inherit the strong character that the royal family should have. She was exhausted in various places and was at the mercy of others like a doll.

After her mother died, the princess suffered from bipolar disorder.After drinking out of control at an important social event, the sick girl was gradually abandoned by the royal family, causing irreparable bad influence.Gossip and gossip, the young princess who was once all the rage was forgotten in the corner of the world.

Until one day, I heard beautiful singing from the woods outside the palace.

"Obviously she is a real princess, but she can't even save her idol. How much you should blame yourself." Chacha sighed, opened a gray Nan'an ID called Time Elapsed, and typed quickly on the phone screen, " As long as you give money, you will provide escort service, right?"

"Yes boss!" The little bastard on the opposite side quickly sent a message.

"Then you are developed, sister, let me introduce a princess to you."

"That's great!" the little bastard typed, "Isn't it from the enemy country?"



Switching back to the page, Chacha sent the little bastard's contact information to the generous boss.The little bastard is about the same age as her, and I hope we can chat.

(End of this chapter)

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