Chapter 15
Chapter No.16 Off Track
At this time, An Mo has discovered that her arrival has produced a butterfly effect. The roulette wheel of history is constantly turning, and the gears are intertwined and misplaced, and then another result occurs.

When she got up early in the morning, she was thinking about one thing. When was Chu Huai's father, that is, King Jin poisoned by the emperor? Measures, or has been poisoned, but now it is found that there is no way to save it.

In the past, she only thought about clearing the mission objectives, trying not to change the historical trajectory, and ensuring that the plot she knew happened so as to seize the opportunity, but now she understands that some things have changed since she appeared in this world.She has never been a passive person. Since she can't hold it firmly in her hand, she should change it so that no one can take the lead. In the end, who wins will depend on ability and luck.

First of all, Liu Yunxuan must be strangled in the cradle.An Mo still doesn't know about Liu Yunxuan, Chu Huai, Chu Qiran and the trio's previous incident in the palace, and he privately thinks that changing the course of things now will make Liu Yunxuan's past life memory not play its original role, and he is still secretly happy My own cleverness.

So when Jiang Yi brought his parents to find An Mo, he opened the door and saw her sitting there with a smirk on her face.

Seeing someone coming in, An Mo put away his small expression in embarrassment, and said angrily, "Why didn't you knock on the door when you came in?"

As soon as Jiang Yi's mother Qi entered the door and saw An Mo's sly smile, she thought it must be her precious daughter, and opened her mouth first to answer: "Baby, mother knocked on the door, you didn't hear, I'm afraid you If anything happens, just come in." As he spoke, he wanted to shake An Mo's hand.

An Mo instinctively backed away, with a defensive look on his face.

"Mother, don't scare Nian Nian." Jiang Yi grabbed Qi Shi and said to An Mo, "Nian..." Before Nian Nian could say it, An Mo frowned slightly, and hurriedly changed his words : "Miss Mo, these two are my parents, they... want to come and see you."

An Mo, who had a weak sense of security, always kept a respectful and distant attitude towards strangers, but then he thought about what he promised Chu Huai last night, calmed down the discomfort in his heart, and bowed: "General, madam, hello."

The three of them couldn't help but frowned when they heard An Mo call him that and saluted. Mrs. Qi broke away from her son's hand and stepped forward again to get closer to An Mo. Remembering the defensive gaze at the beginning, she finally backed away. After going back, he hesitated to speak.

An Mo looked at Qi's cautious attitude, showing no pretensions to the general's wife, and the way that General Jiang looked at him with kindness and kindness. It seemed that he believed that she was their daughter.

But even so, it was difficult for her to get close to them for a while.Is there really no blood relationship, not to mention that she was an orphan since she was a child, and she didn't know how to get along with her family, all of this came as a surprise.

"Please sit down." Ordering Qing Chan to serve tea, the four people at the table looked at each other in blank dismay, and then they all held their teacups in silence, the atmosphere was extremely awkward for a while.

An Mo didn't know what to say, and the three of the Jiang family didn't know what to say. They wanted to get close to their daughter, but they were afraid that it would be self-defeating.

A low sob broke the quiet atmosphere, Qi's head was bowed and shed tears silently, trying to restrain his voice, he kept wiping his tears with a handkerchief, but the tears kept falling like broken beads.

An Mo felt a little distressed.Although it is clear that I am not a family with them, and there is always a gap in my heart, but the woman in front of me at this moment has thrown away all the aura, and came to this place of fireworks without the slightest disgust or contempt. She only wants to recognize her daughter. , It would be a lie to say that I am not moved.

But... if family love can be produced so easily, how can there be so many betrayals.

Seeing her mother crying sadly, Jiang Yi couldn't stand it any longer. She broke the deadlock and said, "I don't know if Miss Mo has had breakfast, why don't we go together?"

Hearing that An Mo was silent for a long while, he still said: "It's already been used, why don't you go back to your house and have dinner first, I can't escape even here, there are many opportunities to meet."

The couple was eager to miss their daughter, and they got up before dawn to wash and wash, thinking that An Mo might have woken up, so they came here in a hurry. He came so early, how could An Mo have eaten? .

Everyone was well aware of this, and they didn't break it, and left without turning around.

An Mo was alone in the room drinking jujube porridge with no appetite, feeling very lost.When she saw the general's wife crying, her heart was astringent, but she was sure that it was not because of family affection, so she couldn't think about it, and she was very irritable.

Discuss this matter with 01 in my mind. As an intelligent life, 01 has seven emotions and six desires, but also lacks the concept of family affection, and is completely unable to help An Mo.

Wanniang may understand, but An Mo is somewhat resistant to sharing this kind of private matter with others from the bottom of her heart. Wanniang takes good care of her, just like her sister, but she still almost feels it. Enough……

On the other side, King Jin's Mansion.

Like the Jiang family, Chu Huai woke up before dawn, and he was still a little worried about his Momo.

Prince Jin is not a person who wakes up early, even if he wants to see Momo's situation, he has to suppress it, and he can't go out until the sun is high.

At this moment - "It's not good, my son, the prince's poison has flared up again."

"Didn't it just happen once a few days ago, why is the interval so short?" Chu Huai hurried to his father while asking about the situation of the servants following behind.

After entering the door, he saw his father lying unconscious on the bed with a pale face, his face sank and he asked again: "Is the master here?"

"I sent people to invite them early in the morning, and they should arrive in a while." The servant replied.

After the words fell, an elder with bone bones and fairy style walked in.

"Master." Chu Huai hastily greeted him.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look first." The elder waved his hand and went forward to feel the pulse of King Jin, while Chu Huai was spinning around anxiously.

The mother passed away after giving birth to herself, and only the father and father were left in Nuo Da's Jin Palace.My father loved my mother very much, and he was afraid of being wronged, so he didn't remarry.Ever since he became sensible, his father told himself to hide his clumsiness and taught him carefully in private, but he made himself appear as stupid as possible on the surface. He also asked why, but he never answered.

This poison has been present since he was born, and he doesn't know how long it has existed, let alone how long his father can live. Even his master can't get rid of it. If he asks himself to find out who is behind the scenes, he will definitely not be able to live or die.

(End of this chapter)

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