Fast Travel Mystery Project

Chapter 164 Sick Brother (33) [2 more]

Chapter 164 Sick Brother (33) [Second Update]

Chapter 178 Why?
The girl's reaction made An Mo laugh, and she patted her on the shoulder and praised: "You are so interesting, I like your character." After so many lives, is the girl telling the truth or lying? , An Mo could see clearly.

In fact, she still has some impressions of girls. When she introduced it at the beginning of the school, she remembered that it was the No. 1 art test major.Oil painting is a major that burns money. I think of the sentence "If I have money at home" that the girl just unintentionally mentioned...

She asked the girl, "What's your name?"

"No way, it's been almost half a month since school started and you still don't know the name of your deskmate?" The girl exclaimed in an incredulous tone, and then shook her head: "Forget it, I should have thought of it a long time ago, you don't even know yourself. I don't care about anything…”

"My name is Yan Yan." The girl smiled and stretched out her hand, blinking like a scene in an idol drama or anime: "Please give me more advice in the future."

An Mo also smiled and stretched out his hand. The two of them held each other tightly like old friends who had known each other for many years, and then hugged with the strength of pulling back.She asked again: "Do you like taking pictures?"

Yan Yan was startled, as if he didn't expect An Mo to mention this. He slowly put on an ugly smile and sighed with regret: "I like it, why don't I like it..."


At noon, on the way back.

Xiao Jiu asked An Mo: "That strict statement - let's investigate."

An Mo glanced at him with some amusement: "You hesitated for a long time and wanted to say this?"

Xiao Jiu scratched his head in embarrassment, he didn't want to be so defensive to everyone, but An Mo's status is special, especially the boss has a very difficult hidden danger that can't be solved...

He had to be more careful!
An Mo didn't know what Xiao Jiu was thinking, so he shook his head calmly: "No need to check, I can still tell the truth from lies." As for other more information, she wanted to understand it slowly after the two of them got to know each other. She enjoyed This process can be considered the first friend I made after arriving in this world.

But An Mo said that there was no need to investigate, which did not mean that An Huaiyu also said that there was no need to investigate.After the two of them had dinner and An Mo returned to school, a piece of fresh investigation information was placed on An Huaiyu's desk.

"The family background is not good but it is clean. Both parents are teachers and have a good upbringing. There is no trace of contact with them." When Xiao Liu said this, An Huaiyu's pursed lips relaxed a little: "Yan Yan's Drawing is at a high level, but it seems to be a skill imposed on her by her parents, and her hobby is flat modeling."

The two looked at each other, and Xiao Liu continued, "Xiao Jiu said that Miss has plans to help Yan Yan, and asked her about taking pictures."

An Huaiyu nodded, none of these things mattered: "She can do whatever she wants, it's easy to hold a model, as long as there are no problems with the person."

An Mo didn't know that Yan Yan had been investigated by her brother, and she only wanted to wait for the release of the September issue of "First Love·Ling Lemon" to get in touch with the other party, and then ask Yan Yan about it, even though she had He has a business card as a photographer for "XX Magazine", but it is not up to him to train a new person.

On the [-]th, "First Love" or Wushang probably really liked An Mo. After sending out the invitation for the first time but being rejected, they called again with the release of the September issue of "First Love·Lime" to the company.

An Huaiyu didn't really want to cut off An Mo's talent and hobbies. Looking at domestic modeling agencies, there was no better one than Wushang, so this time he readily agreed.

After An Mo got the news, accompanied by An Huaiyu, he took Yan Yan to the Wushang headquarters over the weekend. Only when he got there did he realize that it was not for filming, but for signing a contract.

With the foreshadowing of the first two issues of "XX Magazine", An Mo has already gained a lot of fame in the circle of young people. Her alternative performance style in the subsequent "First Love·Lime" pushed her popularity to the top To a new level, in the reader feedback column, people ask every day who this sexy girl in pink overalls is and where the items she is wearing are sold.

Not only did she drive the sales of magazines, but she also made a name for designers. It would be unreasonable not to become the darling of the modeling industry.

So Wu Shang hopes to successfully sign a contract with her this time and ranks her at the top of the list of potential newcomers for packaging.

The editor-in-chief of "First Love" met her in person. An Mo's journey has been so smooth. He wanted to speak sharply and kill newcomers, but under the aura of An Huaiyu who was sitting on the side, his tone was instantly sluggish: "Contract level Can't say for sure at the moment, it depends on how you perform in the training cycle."

"Although your popularity is very high now, you have to admit that this process was a bit tricky." The editor-in-chief said a question sentence and spoke in a statement tone, with her usual majesty: "Only based on your professionalism and physical condition. Look, being in the second tier is barely enough."

An Mo suppressed his brother who was about to lose his temper. There was no sign of displeasure on his face. He nodded sincerely, "You're right."

The editor-in-chief carefully looked at An Mo's expression and confirmed the authenticity of her words. Her expression softened a bit: "Take this hard photo as an example." She held up a photo she had on hand, which showed An Mo's body. The photo of her wearing pink suspenders, after being professionally processed by the photographer, is more contagious than the one just taken: "Do you know where your biggest failure is?"

An Mo shook her head. When she took the picture of this outfit, her mind was in a state of confusion. She couldn't even remember how she came up with this pose.

"Poor muscle control, too loose pose!" Seeing An Mo's bewildered face, the editor-in-chief showed a "sure enough" expression, and snapped the photo on the desktop.

An Mo's professional knowledge is shallow, but fortunately she is spiritual. Dead things can be learned, but the ability to sense and comprehend is innate.This is a good prospect, and he is so young. The editor rarely puts on airs and pulls his chair aside to demonstrate.

Without the obstruction of the desk, An Mo could clearly see the almost perfect figure of the editor-in-chief. She was also an elegant and beautiful woman with short, smart hair and wearing sexy but not revealing professional attire. At this moment, her legs were resting on the armrests, The posture is the same as in An Mo's photos.

"What you do is more lazy and sexy than mine, full of emotions and more contagious." Before the editor-in-chief asked questions, An Mo took the initiative to sigh.

An Huaiyu turned his head to one side and rolled his eyes. He really didn't see how this woman was better than his sister. She was not as beautiful, not as cute, not as sexy as her sister, and not as lazy as her sister!

"Why?" The editor-in-chief Su Er returned to the standard sitting posture, with his legs crossed, his hands on his knees, and his demeanor dignified.

 Thanks Shirley Li 19, lulu5454, book friend 20170624143840436, sunshine sunflower, sundial cat Lai Ye, making money is king, book friend 20170801143038455, xiao yysy, 丠湬, Chen Ying, thank you.

  It’s not complete this time, but it should be complete after tomorrow. For those who didn’t thank you, I also love your [Comparison]

(End of this chapter)

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