Fast Travel Mystery Project

Chapter 316 Starship Captain is a Merchant (5)

Chapter 316 Starship Captain is a Merchant (Fifty)

Chapter 344 is over
An Mo secretly thought that something was wrong, and Wen Shu also had some ominous premonitions, but both of them were stuck in place due to unfinished skills, but An's father rushed over at the first time, swung the dragon claw like a bag, but found that the palm was empty , the crystal disappeared in an instant and reappeared in Erjue's hands.

Father An's reaction was also quick, knowing that it might not be effective if the dragon's claws came over again, he swallowed the crystal in a nearby and abrupt gulp, without considering the consequences at all.

This time the result was remarkable, even Er Jue didn't expect it.But it is obviously impossible for Longzui to seize food. Since it didn't help him, he couldn't take advantage of others. His eyes raised one corner of his mouth coldly, and his right hand formed a seal. A few seconds were only enough for Anfu to fly a thousand meters, and then Immediately exploded and died.

An Mo's exploded flesh and blood splashed all over her face, some with tough dragon armor, which cut through her skin, and the blood fused with An's father's, warm and cold.

She shook her body, and Jie Yin's hands almost fell apart several times, and finally finished before Er Jue was about to break free.

Wen Shu persisted until now, and under Er Jue's several struggles, he had already seriously overdrawn. Almost the moment An Mo finished, he spit out a mouthful of blood and then fainted to the ground.

In the huge dilapidated square, there were only two heavy breaths intertwined in the wind, one was crying with shortness of breath, and the other was struggling desperately with shortness of breath, with a hideous and terrifying expression.

An Mo gritted his teeth and stared angrily at the culprit who caused such a tragedy in front of him. Even though he was extremely unwilling, he knew that at this time, he could only resign himself to fate.

"Do one's best and obey the destiny", these words have always been said by people who are free and easy, but those who do do know how to suffer unspeakably.

"Momo..." Time suddenly slowed down, and An Mo didn't know how long it had passed in the anxiety of seconds like years, when he suddenly heard Er Jue speak weakly, "Sing quickly..."

It only took her half a second to figure out who the speaker was, and immediately the name of a song appeared in her mind, just like the inexplicable flash of inspiration in the backyard that day, she opened her mouth and sang:
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.
That saved a wreck like me.

We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first began."


It was a long time later that Wen Shu dared to tentatively ask about An Mo's follow-up that day, but An Mowo fell silent in his arms for a long time, and finally said: "Then the sun was shining and the wind was soft enough to blow Into people's eyes, I closed them for a long time before opening them, and everything disappeared."

In the year 3580 of the Universal Era, Lord Gutiere married the elder sister of Weier, the young patriarch of the royal family in the Western Regions. At the end of the same year, the two families jointly defeated the two powerful families in the northern Xinjiang universe. ;

In the year 3677 of the cosmic era, Gu Ti Wenshu became a blockbuster, and the thousand-man army who took over from my uncle refreshed the combat power list of the chaotic star field, ranking second. At the end of the same year, he proposed to a woman of a different race. The two were very different in figure and love. Their relationship has become an enduring story in the universe.

The moment the electronic sound sounded, An Mo raised his head and took a last look at the orange sky, as if he had passed away.

In this life, she has turned a big strategy romance drama into a suspenseful action movie, and she is exhausted physically and mentally.

The moment Erjue fully grasped her body, her strategy task was completed. With a proper 100 favorability points, coupled with the status of the Guti family and her status as Wen Shu's wife, the ability user task naturally got the highest level. evaluate.

The bad thing is that when everything came to an end and they returned to the Guti family, Erya looked at her as if she was looking at a stranger. The lover who had mastered Erjue's body obviously knew something but couldn't speak. The rules seem to be very strict.

So in the end, no one could give her an explanation about this world, so she returned in a daze.

She can only guess a thing or two through the marriage: Wen Shu should be the true identity of his lover, otherwise he would never marry someone else and watch her become his niece and daughter-in-law.

As for the others, there were too few clues and the fog was too heavy, so she was at a loss other than being at a loss.

"S-level tasker An Mo, welcome back to the main god's space." The voice of the system was as indifferent as last time, announcing the results mechanically, "Congratulations, the S-level series of tasks have all been completed, and you can immediately receive the final reward to be reborn back to the original place." world."

An Mo was stunned for two seconds, a little incredulous: "What?"

01 said in unison with her: "What? This is different from the information I saw at the beginning!"

The tone of the system is still business-like, repeating the content just now: "Congratulations, the S-level series of tasks have all been completed, and you can immediately receive the final reward and return to the original world."

01 became angry: "It's all the system, why are you pretending to be stupid! This is different from the original mission process, I have the right to complain to you and answer my questions!"

The system is still the same set of rhetoric, like a repeating machine: "Congratulations, the S-level series of missions have all been completed, and you can immediately receive the final reward to rebirth and return to the original world."

"You—" 01 was so angry that he was about to yell, but was stopped by An Mo.

After experiencing so much, one of the most useful skills she has gained is to calmly look at the overall situation all the time, and rationally decide the next move. So after two short conversations, she has made a decision:
"I apply to enter Reward World."

She didn't forget that she still has a reward world that she hasn't finished. At that time, when 01 said that she could go back in the future, she didn't take it to heart, but now it became a crucial part.

Suddenly, I was a little glad that the original vacation was interrupted.

There was silence in the space for a while, and then there was a calm voice from the system: "The application is approved, S-level tasker An Mo, I wish you a pleasant journey, and you will be released to the next world soon."

An Mo pursed his lips and gradually loosened his clenched fist.

When the long-lost headache hit, she rarely felt joyful.

The surroundings were very quiet, and she remembered that she collapsed in Luo Siji's house in the United States before she left, and it was late at night.But she moved her eyelids, and before she opened them, she felt that there was enough light like daytime.

Probably not at the same time, An Mo found that he should be lying in the hospital, the spacious VIP ward was empty, and the clock hands on the wall showed that the time was [-]:[-] am.

01 was still crying in his head: "Momo, I can't bear you... That system must be a liar... I don't want to be separated from you yet..."

An Mo sat up and tried to move his muscles and bones, but found that there was no pain, so he smiled reassuringly, and comforted him: "Don't worry, the space pulled me in for no reason, and now it's not so easy to send me away for no reason. .”

 wogujishuangshiyinengwanjie.gaobuhaozhenfangyitianjiahahahahaha.nimenzheyangkanleibuleia.fanzhengwokanzhetingfeijin【Blinking eyes to heart】

(End of this chapter)

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