surrender villain

Chapter 175 No one can take you away from me! (15)

Chapter 175 No one can take you away from me! (15)

Chen Fugui's memories came to an abrupt end, and coping with the interrogation had consumed too much of his brain power. He dragged his exhausted body back home, only to find that the room was quiet and no one was there.


Li Xianyan's feet were cut by tiny glass shards scattered on the ground after she dropped her shoes, and Chen Fugui's father had to carry her to the hospital for treatment.

He raised his voice and yelled in a circle, but there was no answer. He muttered a few words in doubt, but he couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell on the bed with his head up and fell asleep.

The window blades swayed slightly in the silent night, making a slow and clear creaking sound. Chen Fugui tossed and turned in a daze, always feeling restless and restless in sleep.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

He sat up and rubbed his belly, only then did he realize that he hadn't eaten for a long time and should have been hungry by now.

The pitch-black room was dark, and no one answered.

What's the matter, you didn't come back so late.

Chen Fugui scolded a few words in a low voice, groped out of bed, put on his shoes, and turned on the light. He just stood up and took a few steps, the light breath behind his ears immediately made dense goose bumps crawl up his back.


He tensed his nerves and looked behind him like a frightened bird. He held his breath for a long time, but he didn't notice any changes around him.

Just as he relaxed, a short low laugh suddenly sounded in the empty room.

That creepy feeling struck again, if he could be comforted just now because it was the illusion caused by the hot weather, then he could hear the real voice at this moment.

"Who the hell is playing tricks! Get out!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he picked up the nearest object and roared at the air.

The pale moonlight outside the window reflected Lu Dashun's bloodied appearance, who was sitting on the bedside smiling at him.

Seeing him looking over, Lu Dashun's bones seemed to be smashed to pieces, and his limbs hung limply and walked towards him in strange arcs.

Even the sound of approaching footsteps was so real, Chen Fugui's ferocious expression froze, he waved the stick in his hand wildly and shouted frantically: "Ah! Ah! I didn't kill you! Don't come to me!"

"Oh, Chen Fugui, you are crazy, what are you doing beating your mother?"

With a snap, the light came on.

Father Chen hugged Li Xianyan, who was knocked unconscious by Chen Fugui, in shock and anger, and slapped his son backhand.

"Father, there is a ghost, just Jiangcai—" Chen Fugui ignored the burning pain on his cheek, and pointed to the empty bedside under Chen's father's angry and questioning eyes.

"You son of a bitch, make it up! Keep making it up! You know you're causing trouble all day long, I think you're itchy! Today your mother fainted, let's see who will protect you!" Father Chen was furious, and he put Li Xianyan on the bed and took off his clothes. Taking off the slippers is a fat beating.

Chen Fugui was beaten so hard that he ran away with his head in his arms, and his mind that had been muddled into a mess was also quite clear.

He asked Father Chen to drive him out of the bedroom, and limped to the wooden chair in the living room with the pillow in hand.

It must be an illusion caused by too much pressure and exhaustion. Lu Dashun's death has nothing to do with him. He fell from the building by accident, it was an accident...


"Xiao Li, aren't you... not hot?"

Fan Xiaoxi helplessly pushed the boy's furry head away, Luo Xiaoli half-closed his sleepy eyes and flattened his mouth aggrieved, leaned over to rub her neck again in a daze, "No..."

... If you are not hot, I am hot!
Fan Xiaoxi opened the distance again, got up and planned to separate the recliner from his bed.

Luo Xiaoli suddenly took her hand, curled up into an extremely insecure little ball, buried his whole face in the pillow, and seemed to sob.

"I miss my mother..."

 Hahaha cute meow wants to live broadcast to cheat shi to eat again! !On the first day of April, anyway, the author of Salted Fish has nothing to pursue, first hug your monthly ticket 233, and my lovely little Susu, jumping up like a meme.

(End of this chapter)

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