Chapter 11

Xu Yanjin really defended You Ning, but this was also a slap in the face of those ministers.

A good emperor really shouldn't deal with it like this at this time.

"That's the end of today's discussion. If there is anything else, report it to the prime minister. As long as the prime minister agrees, I will agree."

This is also because the prime minister is really wholeheartedly for Xu Guojiang, mountains and people, if the prime minister has a little selfishness, Xu Yanjin's throne would have been lost long ago.

"His Majesty."

These ministers didn't intend to leave, and they wanted to tell Xu Yanjin that this matter was wrong, but Xu Yanjin didn't want to listen to what they wanted to say, so he left the imperial study with Youning.

Youning has been observing Xu Yanjin all the way, trying to see what is in his heart from Xu Yanjin's expression, did what she did just now make Xu Yanjin angry?
In terms of action, it is indeed to protect her, but I don't know if it is for the ministers to see. Thinking about Xu Yanjin's benefits from doing these things, it seems that the benefits of following the courtiers are greater.

Xu Yanjin walked this way, walking faster and faster, and Youning couldn't keep up behind her. She felt that Xu Yanjin was a very considerate person. She walked so fast and didn't consider her feelings at all. She should be really angry .

Back in the palace, You Ning knelt down directly, Xu Yanjin was so offended, no matter whether You Ning thought she did something wrong or not, she just did something wrong.

What the emperor thinks must be right.

"Your Majesty, the concubine made a mistake."

You Ning immediately gave in, which made Xu Yanjin not know what to say.

Just now Xu Yanjin gave You Ning enough protection and offended those ministers for her sake. Although those people originally had opinions on him, it doesn't matter if there is one more thing or one less thing, but things have accumulated too much, and sooner or later it will explode come out.

"Get up, I don't mean to blame you, but don't be so reckless next time, the Imperial Study Room is not the place for you to go."

Xu Yanjin would not be willing to go to the imperial study room unless he had to go there. Thinking that the emperor and ancestors were diligent in government affairs in the imperial study room, he would feel an invisible pressure there, but he is really not suitable to be an emperor .

"The concubine won't do it anymore."

At this time, she definitely can't go against Xu Yanjin, so she will make a verbal promise first, and after a few days, when she really gets to know Xu Yanjin, she will know whether this verbal promise needs to be counted.

"You are not very familiar with the roads in the palace. Tomorrow, I will arrange for the palace servants to take you around. The palace is very big, so I won't make a mistake next time."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Although Xu Yanjin also rested in Youning's bedroom that night, Youning could clearly feel that Xu Yanjin was not as close to her as he was a few days ago. It seems that what happened today had a great impact on their relationship.


Youning's actions last time were a bit hasty, she didn't dare to act rashly these few days, she just followed the palace people that Xu Yanjin arranged for her honestly, wandered around the palace in her free time, or she just studied some things in the palace. Xu Guo's stuff.

She is from the state of Chu, and she knows everything about the state of Chu, but she is not very clear about many things in the state of Xu. Even the most basic conversations are somewhat difficult.

There are not many people in Youning Palace, because of the language problem, the palace people don't understand what Youning is talking about.

This has advantages and disadvantages, the advantage is that when she talks to Ping Wu, she can not avoid people, the disadvantage is that some palace people will use this as an excuse to provoke her.

You Ning is not a magnanimous person. If someone in the palace dares to challenge the majesty of the queen, they must act according to the rules of Xu State. She really does not understand the rules of Xu State, but there will always be someone who understands.

"Is everything ready?"

"Everything is ready, everyone who can be contacted has been contacted, and we are waiting for the empress to arrange the next thing."

The imperial capital of Xu State is far away from the capital of Chu State. Even if the letter is sent by flying pigeons, it will take a few days for the news to reach the emperor. It will be too late for the emperor to send orders. Before leaving Beijing, the emperor had given You Ning peace and control over Wu.

The emperor did not trust You Ning 100%, and Ping Wu has always been the emperor's man, so the emperor should trust him more.

"Okay, let's start with this."

You Ning really kept Xu Yanjin's memorial to You Ning that day. I heard that after they left that day, the ministers did not continue to discuss with the prime minister. This matter was shelved. It seemed to be brought up again yesterday. They If you have a ready-made one in your hand, you will naturally know the other party's movements, and it will be easier to start.

After studying for the past few days, You Ning understood all of this memorial, which is about building military defense.

In recent years, the neighboring countries have been eyeing the Xu country. In order to prevent problems before they happen, they can only make some preparations in advance. Some ministers in the court discussed for a long time, and finally decided to set up a defense line on the border to resist foreign enemies. At least the court can send troops to support it.

"Pay more attention to this. It would be better if you can do something about it."

This should be a major event of the imperial court, and there should be many people who know about it, and there are many people with mixed opinions, so the news can be easily spread.

There is no other opportunity for the time being, and the border military defense will also be related to their future plans. It is good for them to learn more about this matter.

"The servant understands."

Ping Wu is a smart girl, and she will be her best assistant to complete the task, but she must also be wary of Ping Wu, because people who are not her cannot fully trust her.

She is just a chess piece of the emperor, who will know what will happen to the chess piece after the matter is completed?
Yun'er came in with a plate of pastries, You Ning quickly changed the subject after seeing Yun'er, these things were not convenient for Yuner to hear, knowing too much would only hurt her.

Yun'er has always felt weird recently. She always felt that Youning was a little different from before in the capital. It seemed that there was some secret hidden from her. She felt that Youning was not like the lady in the prime minister's mansion. After waking up for the first time, she changed into a different person. She has been with Youning since she was a child. I am afraid that besides Madam, she is the one who knows Youning best. She really can't find a reasonable explanation for these changes in Youning. .

And in the past few days, she always felt that You Ning and Ping Wu were deliberately looking for something to distract her, and she couldn't figure out the reason. They didn't know each other before, but did they become secrets in just a few days?


Yun'er put the pastry on the table, You Ning didn't move at all, but it was You Ning who said that he wanted to eat pastry just now, and the one in the bedroom didn't like it, so he wanted something else
(End of this chapter)

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