System Fairy Road

Chapter 209 Helpless

Chapter 209 Helpless
"Huh..." Zhou Wei let out a heavy breath, and continued to run wildly on the flat road steps!
She has been running for more than a day!
For more than a day, she never stopped a step!

Zhou Wei has been full of confidence from the beginning, but now he is at a loss.

She originally thought that with her hidden cultivation, she would definitely be able to overwhelm other monks and enter the Tianding Gate smoothly.

But now, she has doubts about her thoughts.

This sky-reaching ladder is by no means simply restricting flight.

When Zhou Wei stepped onto the first step of the Tongtian Ladder, this step was only a little wider than ordinary steps.

And when Zhou Wei ran up to the second step, the width of this step was twice that of the previous step!
Each step is wider than the previous step!
Up to now, Zhou Wei has been running on this ladder for nearly half an hour after climbing the ladder.

After running for half an hour, the next step is still far away!The steps under her feet seemed to extend infinitely, making it impossible for her to run to the end!
A wry smile appeared on Zhou Wei's face.

The step at this time is no longer a step!It's like a long, long highway!
If the steps above are still wider than the other, then she really won't be able to go up many steps, and the test time will come!

While running wildly, Zhou Wei guessed in his heart: Maybe, the mountain climbing that he encountered when he first entered the Moon Sect, might be the copycat "Tiantian Ladder"!
It's just that the Moon Picking School doesn't have the ability to build a real ladder to the sky, so the Moon Picking School has the "pure mountain climbing" in the entry test!
Think about how easy it was for her to join the Moon Picking Sect!Zhou Wei suddenly frowned slightly, thinking.

its not right!She had seen before that all the monks who participated in the Stairway to Heaven Run were foundation-building monks.

It doesn't make sense that Zhou Wei can't run many levels in one out-of-body period, but these foundation-building monks can go up to a higher ladder.

It's not that all the monks can't run many steps, and all the monks can't enter the Tianding Gate!

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Wei expected that the next steps would never be so wide!
Otherwise, does Tiandingmen still need to build a ladder to reach the sky?Let all the monks go to the running test directly!

Zhou Wei was sure.

She raised her hand and flipped it over to look at the cyan jade tablet in her hand.

Time: two days

Number of levels: Three thousand three hundred three hundred and three levels

Three thousand 330 level three?

Zhou Wei estimated the time, it is possible...she doesn't have to run like this anymore.

After a long time, Zhou Wei finally saw that he was not far from the next step!She was overjoyed, rushed over quickly, and took a step up!

This ladder looks exactly the same as a normal ladder, so she doesn't need to run wildly on this ladder!

Zhou Wei took another quick step up!
This is……

This ladder is clearly a little different!
Zhou Wei paused, and took another step.

This time, she clearly felt it!

The three steps she stepped over in a row were more difficult than the last!Although this force is not strong, it does exist.

This strenuous feeling was like an invisible force constantly pushing her whole body down!

It's like... like... gravity is getting bigger!

Each step has a greater gravity than the previous step.

Zhou Wei took a deep breath: "I knew it would not be that easy!"

Although the gravity added by these steps is not very great, but think about it, there are thousands of steps on it!
If the strength of each step is increased, after a thousand steps, the pressure is enough to crush a person's body into a mass of flesh and blood!
A smile appeared on Zhou Wei's mouth.

If the previous 330 steps were to test the monk's speed, endurance, and spiritual power, the current ladder is to test the monk's physical fitness, endurance, and spiritual power.

As Zhou Wei ran wildly, he thought in his heart: This Ladder to Heaven should not only be used for testing!
Think about it, if there is a monk who sits on a ladder with high gravity all day long to practice.Then, the whole body is under extreme stress all the time.After every part of the body has been polished by pressure, it will definitely be several times stronger than ordinary monks!
In addition to testing new disciples, this ladder to heaven can also be used for cultivation!

And Zhou Wei has already thought that if she can run longer on this increasingly stressful ladder this time, then her body will also be polished and improved to a higher level!


Two days have passed since stepping on the Tongtian Ladder.

"I! Must! Enter! Tianding... the door!" Jun Ruoshui gritted his teeth and struggled to utter a word.

Dense beads of sweat emerged from her body, and then gathered into sweat to flow on her body.Jun Ruoshui's gown was mostly wet, but she didn't care about it at all.

Jun Ruoshui painfully endured the pressure from all directions, which seemed to make her bones "creak".

Jun Ruoshui gritted his teeth.

Before, when she bit her lip, the pressure made her bite her own lip.

Today, there is still blood on her chin.

The huge pressure made the wound unable to heal, and the bright red blood was gurgling.

Jun Ruoshui could feel her teeth loosening slightly, and a strong rusty smell appeared in her mouth.

she is bleeding...

Jun Ruoshui couldn't help guessing whether her internal organs were also bleeding from this invisible pressure?
Do not!
Can't care so much!

She must climb up!
She must enter the Heavenly Cauldron Gate!
Jun Ruoshui raised one foot with difficulty, and slowly walked up a ladder.

Jun Ruoshui felt a sharp pain in her leg!
The enormous pressure was about to break her leg!
Jun Ruoshui closed his eyes, tried his best to squeeze out a trace of aura from the dry dantian, and sent it to his legs.

at last!

Another step up!
When Jun Ruoshui was standing on this step, she quickly drew out the aura from her legs and sent it to the bones of her whole body.

Her aura is almost exhausted!
These weak auras attached to the body are already very, very rare.

Under the endless pressure around her, her bones are like shortbread, which can be punctured in one go!

"Pfft—" Jun Ruoshui spat out a big mouthful of blood.

She is still standing straight!

She knew that at this time, if she bent down in pain.Then, she will never have the strength to straighten up again.

Sweat flowed from the eyelashes and flowed into her eyes. When Jun Ruoshui's eyes hurt, her vision blurred.

"I... want to... enter the Heaven... Cauldron... Gate..." This strong obsession in his heart kept urging Jun Ruoshui.

Jun Ruoshui raised his leg again in a trance.


"Ah——" A scream broke out from her mouth!
The leg she just raised has been broken by the pressure!Moreover, the invisible pressure continued to break her broken leg again!

Jun Ruoshui was in so much pain that he directly sent all the aura on his body to his legs!

The next moment, without the protection of spiritual power, her whole body was limp on the ground, and her whole body began to make toothache "click" sounds.

At this time, Jun Ruoshui did not make any sound.

Her throat was also broken.

A large amount of bright red blood gradually gushed out from under Jun Ruoshui.The blood is still spreading rapidly.

Why, do you have to go to the Heavenly Cauldron Gate?
Jun Ruoshui's mind became muddled.

She was not the kind of monk who put cultivation first!

Now she is willing to risk her life just to enter the Heavenly Cauldron Gate!

Jun Ruoshui's heart hurts!
She didn't know if it was because her heart was being pierced by a broken bone, or because of the sliver of enlightenment in her heart.

She wants to enter the Heavenly Cauldron Gate.

She didn't want to cultivate to become a fairy!She is not trying to be superior!
She still likes to live a peaceful and happy life!And this kind of life, she could have obtained it in the Moon Picking School!

She wants to enter the Heavenly Cauldron Gate.

Because, that person, he will also enter the Heavenly Cauldron Gate!He has no intention of her!He cheated on her!But she still likes him that much!

There is no reason, she just wants to stay where there is that person!

Even if he couldn't see her existence!

For this, she is willing to die.

A silent smile appeared on the corner of Jun Ruoshui's mouth.

Is it worth it?Died like this on this unknown ladder?

Is it worth it?That person doesn't even know you died for him?
Jun Ruoshui said silently in her heart: I don't regret it.Then, her consciousness gradually weakened.

At this time, her right hand suddenly moved.

A little golden light fell on the palm of her right hand.

This golden light was slowly sent into the mouth by the right hand.

In an instant, Jun Ruoshui's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At the same time, Jun Ruoshui's body slowly floated down from the Tongtian Ladder.Finally, it fell to the top of the cliff.

Jun Ruoshui regained consciousness.

She opened her eyes blankly and stood up.

As far as she could see, the ladder to heaven was no longer there.

Jun Ruoshui took out the blue jade pendant in a daze.

At this time, there were three lines of characters on the cyan jade pendant.

Time: one hour a day

Number of levels: level five thousand three hundred two hundred and twenty-two

Fail: go back on your own

Jun Ruoshui's heart was empty.

Her hand is also light.The cyan jade pendant in his palm turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared into the air.

"There is nothing to do..."

Jun Ruoshui said with a smile.


Hua Feng watched Jun Ruoshui leave.Then, his eyes fell on the Tongtian Ladder.

On the Stairway to Heaven, there is no day and no night.

The first three thousand 330 steps are pure running.

The monks who have entered the Heavenly Ladder Formation continuously run forward in the first three thousand three hundred and thirty three steps.In Hua Feng's eyes, these monks were motionless on the stairs.

The three thousand 330 steps in the middle are added by gravity, and the pressure increases step by step.

There are definitely not a few monks like Jun Ruoshui.Their spiritual energy was exhausted, and their bodies were finally crushed into a mass of flesh and blood due to the lack of spiritual energy protection.

All the monks who entered the Tongtian Ladder could only see him alone.

However, Hua Feng could see the lumps of flesh and blood exploding on the Tongtian Ladder.

If it wasn't for Huafeng, Jun Ruoshui would have died by now.

"Young man..." Hua Feng whispered.

Young people are full of drive, and they are not afraid of tigers when they are rough, and they are overconfident.They thought they could bear the pressure, so they kept rushing upwards.Misjudging one's ability, the result is death!
Huafeng looked at Zhou Wei.

Seeing her appearance, Hua Feng let go of his worries.

Zhou Wei is sitting on the 660th thousand [-]th five steps.

She sat cross-legged, closed her eyes and adjusted her breath.

Zhou Wei used a spiritual power to protect his body, and sat on the steps to recover his spiritual energy.

After climbing for more than two days, coupled with the huge pressure on her body, the spiritual energy in her body was consumed very quickly.

Seeing that the aura in his body was running low, Zhou Wei simply meditated.She decided to wait until half of the aura in her body recovered before going to the sky ladder.

There is less than one day left in the time, but Zhou Wei is not in a hurry.

Even with her cultivation level, she couldn't rush up the Heavenly Ladder in one go, let alone other monks!Other monks, if they want to move forward on such a stressful ladder, they must also meditate to recover their spiritual energy.

Zhou Wei was also puzzled that the difficulty of reaching the sky ladder is so great!Can those ordinary foundation-building monks climb up?

Now, she understood something in her heart!
After she sat here to meditate, while the spiritual energy in the dantian was recovering, the body was actually absorbing a small amount of spiritual energy, making her stronger!

In other words, sitting and meditating on these stressful steps wastes testing time, but it can enhance the body's ability!
With a strong body and restored spiritual power, you can naturally continue to rush upwards!

Zhou Wei had never heard before that meditating under pressure could strengthen himself so quickly.Come to think of it, this is also a function of the Tongtian Ladder...

After the aura in his body circulated again for a big cycle, Zhou Wei opened his eyes and let out a mouthful of turbid air!
She felt that her body had become stronger!
Zhou Wei stood up, pinched the formula with both hands quickly, and aura after aura protected his body.After adding countless auras, Zhou Wei stepped forward cautiously!

With one lift of the foot, one falls.

Zhou Wei finally stood on the six thousandth six sixty-sixth step.

The pressure around him was like Mount Tai pressing down on him, and Zhou Wei could hear the aura around him breaking apart one by one.

Do not hesitate!

Zhou Wei took another step up!
Suddenly, the Tongtian Ladder disappeared!

Blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters, Zhou Wei stands in a place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant!
Zhou Wei was surprised.


(End of this chapter)

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