Chapter 219
The strong man strode towards Huafeng.

As the strong man stepped forward, the monks under the Tongtianmen all felt a sense of tension.This is the change of the aura around him as the strong man walks.

What kind of cultivation is this!
As far as the strong man could see, all the spiritual energy was faintly driven by him.If other monks wanted to activate spiritual energy, it would be many times more difficult!
Could this be the ability of the "immortal"?

But, why does this "Yuan Xianren" say that he has not become a fairy? !
All the monks under the Tongtian Sect were curious about the cultivation level of this "immortal Yuan".

In the silence, Zhou Wei silently performed the identification technique.

The pinnacle of Mahayana!

This burly Yuan Xianren is a monk at the peak of the Mahayana period!
The monk casts the immortal bones during the tribulation period, and accumulates the immortal power during the Mahayana period.After the fairy power reaches a certain amount, it can ascend.

There is no such thing as ascension in this Tianding Continent now.But this Immortal Yuan has reached the peak of the Mahayana period. Even if he cannot ascend, becoming an immortal is just around the corner!
No wonder!
No wonder soul cultivator Jia She called him "Yuan Xianren", but he himself denied it.

There is only a thin line between the peak of the Mahayana period and the fairyland, and there is no obstacle at all. It is only a matter of time before becoming a fairy.If you let Zhou Wei call him, Zhou Wei will definitely call him "Yuan Xianren".

Zhou Wei secretly cried out in his heart: How dangerous!

The system's shielding technique can only shield practitioners.As soon as the real fairyland arrives, you will find that she is a great monk in the out-of-body period!
Good risk, good risk!This "Yuan Immortal" happened to have not yet become a fairy!
Zhou Wei looked at Soul Cultivator Jia She again.

Jia She, who is in the middle stage of the integration, obviously knows Yuan Xianren, and the relationship between the two is quite bad!

What is the relationship between these two people?
Is this Immortal Yuan the one Hua Feng said "arranged an identity for himself"?Will Huafeng "become" Yuan Xianren's person?

At this time, the strong man had already arrived in front of Huafeng.

"You!" The brawny man pointed at Huafeng with one hand, and a rough smile appeared on his honest face: "You! It's you! Come with me!"

Soul cultivator Jia She stood aside with an ugly expression on his face.

Huafeng's face showed a blank expression, he looked around, and asked: "Yuan Xianren, you mean me?"

"That's right! It's you! Alright! Come with me!" Yuan Xianren was obviously very satisfied with Huafeng.

All the monks under Tianding's sect looked at Huafeng.There was obvious envy in their eyes.Being able to follow a fairy, the future must be boundless!

Just before, these cultivators under the Heavenly Cauldron Sect were still wondering, if the top three of this year's Tongtian Ladder are so outstanding, will they be treated differently?

Unexpectedly, the moment their astonishing talents were just confirmed, the future of this number one cultivator had undergone an earth-shaking change!

Follow the fairy!You can enter the wonderland!You can enjoy the fairy spirit!Maybe after thousands of years, he will be able to overcome calamity and become a fairy!
An "excited" expression appeared on Huafeng's face, and he said excitedly, "Thank you Immortal Yuan! Huafeng is willing to follow Immortal!"

"Well," the smile on Yuan Xianren's face was even more satisfied, he turned to Patriarch Chu and said, "This time, who is in charge of the test of Tongtian Ladder?"

Patriarch Chu stood up with a low eyebrow and replied: "Return to Immortal Yuan, it's me."

"Okay! This Huafeng, I will take it away! Others, you send them directly to the door!" Yuan Xianren ordered.


Immortal Yuan didn't say any more.He rolled Huafeng with Xianli and disappeared.Before leaving, Yuan Xianren coldly shouted at soul cultivator Jia She: "Jia She! Don't think I don't know what you're doing here! Now that I'm here, why don't you hurry up!!"

Jia Amnesty froze on the spot without saying a word.

Patriarch Chu glanced at Jia She, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.She glanced at the many monks and said loudly: "All new monks, follow me!"

Zhou Wei followed Patriarch Chu's pace and formed fists with both hands.

Zhou Wei squeezed the ball in his right hand.

This ball was stuffed into Hua Feng's hand before she left.

Zhou Wei made up his mind to wait until he was alone before opening it.She secretly put the ball into her personal space.


Patriarch Chu brought more than 500 monks including Zhou Wei and Luo Zheng to a huge hall.

Tongtian Temple.

After Patriarch Chu brought all the monks to Tongtian, he left with a smile.

This time, it was a young monk who was in charge of the affairs of these new monks.

This monk is of medium build, with a youthful look on his face.The whole person looks like an ordinary teenager.The only thing that looked different was his face, which was slightly darker than the monks beside him.

Of course, there are no ordinary people in the floating city.

"I'm Su Ren." The young man stood on the highest point of Tongtian, smiled and said to the many monks below.

"Let me briefly introduce to you, the place you came to."

"Tiandingmen, the largest cultivation sect in our Tianding Continent," Su Ren said with a slight smile on his face, "The strength of Tiandingmen is beyond doubt. After you stay for a long time, you will naturally understand everything in it."

The new monks also had a relaxed smile at this time.

"The Heavenly Cauldron Gate is simply divided into the upper part of the Tianding Gate and the lower part of the Tianding Gate. The floating city you are in now is under the Tianding Gate. The so-called upper part of the Tianding Gate is the residence of immortals above the fairyland. You don't have to think about it."

There was surprise in the eyes of the monks.

Could it be that there are already countless immortals in Tiandingmen? !
Immortal.This legendary existence in the eyes of ordinary monks, in the Tiandingmen, is it just an ordinary disciple? !
"Under the Tianding Gate, there are four urban areas, namely Tongtian City, Qingtian City, Dingtian City, and Haotian City. This is Tongtian City and Tongtian Temple."

"I, Su Ren, have been in charge of the Tongtian Palace since a hundred years ago. I am the master of the Tongtian Palace. I will preside over all matters under the Tongtian City."

Zhou Wei was slightly startled.

She didn't expect that this young man in the late stage of fusion was actually the person in charge of Tongtian City!
She didn't even expect that this big man who holds a quarter of the Floating Void City in his hand would actually come to meet these newcomers, little shrimps!

Like Zhou Wei, knowing Su Ren's identity made all the new monks nervous again.

Who would have thought?
As soon as you enter the door, you can see so many big people!

Normally, when you first get started, you should only meet characters like "senior brother" or "manager"!
The monks were surprised, but no one dared to speak out.

"The rules of the Tianding Sect, the rules of the Tianding Sect, and the rules of my Tongtian City, no more, no more. I won't go into details at this time." Su Ren patted his hand.

A female cultivator standing beside Su Ren took a step forward. She took out a storage bag and loosened the mouth of the storage bag.

A large spot of light floated out of the storage bag.

These points of light floated to the eyes of every monk.

Zhou Wei raised his hand to pick up the light spot.

This is the simplest white jade slip.

"After you read the jade slips, you will know how to do things in my Tongtian City." Su Ren stopped the monks from reading the jade slips: "At this time, I have something else to say."

All the monks put away the jade slips and listened attentively.

"Tiandingmen has the rules of Tiandingmen. The sect provides you with resources such as spirit energy, spirit stones, spirit pills, and even exercises. You have enjoyed these resources, so don't let these things go to waste!"

"Our Heavenly Cauldron Sect has long stipulated that if you fail to form a pill, become a baby, or leave your body within a certain period of time, you will be expelled from the Floating Void City."

Many monks were shocked.

If the cultivation base is not up to the standard, they will be expelled from the door.

How can there be such a regulation?
With a faint smile on the corner of Su Ren's mouth, looking at the many surprised faces in the audience, he said: "Don't worry. Even so, the disciples who leave the Floating Void City can also be counted as disciples of the outer sect under my Tianding Sect. After leaving, you can Return to the original sect, or choose another sect and become the head or elder."

Zhou Wei was shocked.

I rely on!

Could it be that all the heads of other sects in Tianding Continent came from this way? !

This, this, this...

Calculated in this way, compared with Tiandingmen, other schools certainly don't have any chance to become bigger!
The Tianding Sect completely controls the authority of other sects!
So, what about those great monks who grew up in other sects?
Zhou Wei's heart was slightly cold, and he stopped thinking about it.

"My Heavenly Cauldron has many disciples. If it is subdivided, there are direct disciples, true disciples, house-entry disciples, inner disciples, outer disciples, attendants, and handymen."

"The direct disciples and true disciples live in the fairyland, and you have no chance to see them at this time. The disciples who entered the room -" Su Ren smiled and turned his head, looking at the female cultivator standing beside him.

The female cultivator who had distributed the white jade slips stood up again.

Just now, all the monks' attention was attracted by the jade slip.This time, the monks set all their eyes on the female nun.

As long as you really pay attention to this female cultivator, it is not difficult to find that she is a female cultivator with outstanding appearance, beautiful appearance, and an indescribable charm in her actions.

"She is by my side, she is an intruder disciple." Su Ren's smile had some meaning.

Zhou Wei instantly understood what the Lord Su Ren meant.

Su Ren can turn a monk's status into a disciple!This is his right!
The hearts of all the new disciples suddenly began to stir.

Su Ren's words were undoubtedly telling them that as long as they please him, flatter him, and hug his thigh, they can get the status of a disciple who enters the house!
The direct disciples and true disciples are in the fairyland.It is enough to imagine that the identity of this intruder disciple who can appear in the floating city must be able to enjoy the absolute and best resources in the floating city!

Su Ren didn't seem to know how much bait he had thrown, he continued: "Among you, those with amazing talents can become inner disciples and outer disciples, and those with mediocre talents are servants and handymen."

These more than 500 monks are all carefully selected elites from other sects. None of them thought that when they arrived at Tianding Sect, they might actually become handymen.

"Okay!" Su Ren clapped his hands lightly: "No more gossip. As members of the Tianding sect, you have already obtained a sect token. Now, you still need to make another soul lamp."

"New monks, come up according to the ranking of Tongtian Ladder. I will personally make the soul lamp of the school for you. With the soul lamp, your identity will be determined."

After a while, no one stepped forward.

Su Ren pursed his lips slightly: "Why is No.1 on the Tongtian Ladder?"

More than 500 monks did not answer.

These novice monks were afraid of Su Ren's identity, and they didn't know Su Ren's temper, so they didn't dare to stand out easily.

And Zhou Wei is both the No.2 of Tongtian Ladder and the No.1 Taoist companion?Many monks turned their attention to Zhou Wei in unison.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Wei had no choice but to stand up.She walked to the front of the crowd, and said in a clear voice, "Return to the Hall Master, No. 1 on the Tongtian Ladder has been taken away by a Yuan Xianren."

Su Ren's eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled lowly: "It turned out that he was taken away by that person! I am lucky."

After all, Su Ren's interested eyes fell on Zhou Wei: "I see. Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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