System Fairy Road

Chapter 40 Zhou Wei's Home

Chapter 40 Zhou Wei's Home
After Zhou Wei finished watching the wonderful movie, her spaceship just arrived home.

Zhou Wei has several private properties in the imperial capital galaxy, just like the "Chengfeng Food" of K star, they are all small things.

None of these properties were her "home".

Her home refers to here—M star.

M star is an inconspicuous asteroid.[-]% of the planet is covered by water, and the rest are the only continents.

Star M is very close to the "Mingde Palace", the center of the imperial capital galaxy. It does not have any rare minerals, and its geographical location is average.

M star originally existed as royal private property.Count as one large aquaculture site and one small piece of pasture.

Later, this planet became the private property under the name of Princess Zhou Weiyi.

This is Zhou Wei's largest real estate.

The M-star ranch has been completely rebuilt.A castle named after "Princess Mansion" was built, and various facilities were built around the castle.

Around the M star, several space defense stations were built.

This is Zhou Wei's home.

There is a lot of water in her home, as well as a lot of aquatic products.

Zhou Wei is not short of money, so she rarely organizes people to hunt for aquatic products to sell.Unless, in this sky-filled, endless water, there is a fish that has grown to the size of a "fairy" and is not "vegetarian", threatening the safety of the coast.Only in this case will Zhou Wei order the removal of this "monster".In the end, whether "Monster" goes to the kitchen or to the market depends on its taste.

Zhou Wei, who used to be a small part-time job living in a rented house, now lives a life where "money is a string of numbers".

When they arrived at M star, Zhou Wei and others got on the flying car again.

The weather on M star is fine today.

In the blue sky, occasionally one or two clouds drift by.

On the vast green grass, stands a magnificent white castle.There is a tall main building in the middle, and there are many shorter white buildings around the main city.

Barrel vault, circular tower.

There is also a wall outside the castle.

Looking from the outside of the wall, there are some green trees dotted in the rooms of the white building.

The outside of the castle is full of green.The grass is green, the flowers are in full bloom, and there are one or two pure white horses pacing leisurely on the green grass.

Leading to the gate of the castle is a road that can accommodate five flying cars in parallel.The avenue is paved with translucent glass and the ground is well ground to prevent slipping.

When decorating the road, the builders used the most common material in M ​​stars - pearls.

So walking on the road, you can look down through the glass and see pearls of different sizes inlaid in the middle of the glass.Pearls come in all colors: white, black, gold...and they come in all shapes: round, pear, teardrop...

Various shapes, round and beautiful.

The main entrance of the castle was open, and on both sides of the entrance stood a row of handsome men and beautiful women.

Zhou Wei's flying car flew in all the way, handsome men and women bowed to welcome the princess back home.

Zhou Wei returned to her bedroom, and the many followers behind her "disappeared" automatically.

Zhou Wei lazily took a bath in the bathroom.

I didn't go home for a year, and I was out in the wild, so I felt a little timid because of the closeness to my hometown.

Zhou Wei walked out of the bedroom and called out naturally: "Deng Yi?"

"Yes." Deng Yi was elusive as usual.

"Deng Yi, get the spaceship ready and go out later."


"Also, I have already decided not to continue my studies and arrange the affairs of the teachers."

"Yes." Deng Yi accepted the order and disappeared in an instant.

Zhou Wei only has her own butler, but she always thinks highly of Deng Yi.

It's not that the housekeeper did a bad job.The butler was actually excellent.But Zhou Wei's mind is half on cultivation and half on the life of the princess, and she doesn't have much time to do things that she thinks are meaningless.

The housekeeper will often emphasize etiquette, dress, and posture. Sometimes he will also suggest that she attend banquets, have several friends of noble ladies, and participate in some charity events.

For a princess, these are indeed simple daily life, and it doesn't seem to be difficult for her.If she cares about these things, she can live a meaningful and happy life.

But Zhou Wei's answer is: yes.rational.very good.really.I went to meditate.

In contrast, Deng Yi has a lot of complaints about him.But the good thing about him is that he is efficient, concise, more knowledgeable, and will not disturb Zhou Wei when she doesn't want to.

Over time, everyone in the princess mansion understood one thing.

The housekeeper has fallen out of favor, and Deng Yi, the personal bodyguard, is the most popular person in the eyes of the princess.

Zhou Wei returned to the bedroom, closed the door, turned on the communicator, and dialed a number she didn't like very much.

What appeared on the screen was a shrewd and capable middle-aged woman.Seeing Zhou Wei, she bowed slightly: "Your Royal Highness."

"Well, hello. Long time no see, Secretary-General."

This woman is his father's secretary general.

This woman's position is, in a sense, the highest position a woman can hold.

A strong woman who has struggled from a commoner to the highest female officer.

When Zhou Wei first faced this woman, he felt a little uncomfortable.

The same as women, made a comparison.Zhou Wei seems to be wearing a hat called "degenerate" on this strong woman's meticulous, rigorous and self-sustaining attitude.

This secretary-general respects Zhou Wei's father, so she has a feeling of "a tiger father and a dog daughter" and "hate iron but not steel" for Zhou Wei, the direct daughter of the Supreme Head of State.

Whenever the Secretary-General looked at her with serious eyes, just like a dean looking at a bad student, Zhou Wei would silently ask in his heart: "Dear, if I really work hard, win the hearts of the people, and work hard, what will I do with you?" Brother decides the outcome, fights for this authority, how will the empire go? How will you deal with yourself, a woman? Are you willing to stand by my side? So, you better stop looking at me like this. The ambition is not here."

As a princess, a princess with a healthy and strong brother, "playing with things and losing one's mind" is not necessarily unqualified.

Stand tall, see far, open to all rivers, decide life and death with one word, the world is in my hands.

This naturally has huge youhuo.

However, what I, Zhou Wei, is seeking now is not to be confined to one world, but to travel freely in the world.

Don't let any profession bind me, don't let any profession imprint on me, even if it is called "Supreme Head of State".

I have opened my eyes to see that the world is different.

Because of this idea in his heart, Zhou Wei ignored the Secretary-General's eyes, and also ignored the dissatisfaction of a small group of people in the royal family.

In recent years, because of her appearance, but also because of her identity, Zhou Wei has received too much attention.There is no small matter in the royal family. Even if the public doesn't understand it, Zhou Wei's every move is marked with various deeper meanings by the high-level royal family.

There seemed to be countless people watching, waiting.

See when she is no longer silent, no longer dissociated from power.

Waiting for when her grandfather can no longer bear it anymore, he will strike with a thunderbolt, and startle the Great Cosmos United Empire.

Zhou Wei was annoyed by this, but fortunately she was used to it already.

Whenever Zhou Wei encounters eyes or words that make her uncomfortable, Zhou Wei ignores them, and then gives the other party the courtesy of a "corporate of courtesy and virtuousness", expressing silently: You hurry up and kneel down!
The same is true for the secretary-general who is facing this father now.

"Long time no see, Your Highness is well. What are your orders, Your Highness?"

"Secretary-General, I have returned to the Imperial Capital. Please tell my father. If he is free, I hope to have a family dinner as soon as possible."

"Yes. Your Highness, I will inform the Supreme Head of State as soon as possible."

"Well, that's it." Zhou Wei hung up the communicator.

For a family dinner, make a reservation.This is where the first family of the royal family cheated.

"Your Highness, Deng Yi is asking to see you." Deng Yi's voice sounded outside the door.


Deng opened the door and entered the room, and handed a roll of paper to Zhou Wei.He opened the paper.

This is a gorgeous big picture.Above it is a tall man wearing a battle armor half-armed with a blonde beauty.There are two signatures in the lower right corner of the poster: Luo Shaolong and Lin Zhenzhen.

"Wow! The actor's autograph, and you helped me get the heroine's as well!"

"Yes. The signatures of the two protagonists are all there." Before the princess mentioned the signed poster, Deng Yi directly took the photo poster of the two.

"Great." Zhou Wei took the poster and walked to her study, she waved to Deng Yi.

Deng Yi bowed and left.

Zhou Wei came to the desk in the study, and she opened the large cabinet on the right side of the desk.

There are some small things collected by Zhou Wei in this cabinet.

Signed books by authors she likes.Posters of movie stars she likes.Signature sweatshirt of the basketball superstar.Some small gifts from my brother, mother, and father.

Zhou Wei opened one of the small cabinets and was about to put the autographed poster in when he saw his communicator light up.

Zhou Wei glanced at the number in the communicator, put the poster on the table, and turned on the communicator. She stood up straight and called out respectfully and kindly: "Father."

(End of this chapter)

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