Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 149 Formation

Chapter 149 Formation
"Senior Sister, it doesn't matter if I disappear, because I believe you will rescue us. But if you are also trapped, we have no hope at all. So, Senior Sister, you must protect yourself, and we will be fine Waiting for you to come!"

This was the last words left by Xingchenyu. After that, he disappeared in front of Xueyan just like Leng Ye Guxing!

Why?Why did she feel so uncomfortable and painful even though she knew it was a game, knew that there would be no real problems, and it might not necessarily be dangerous?Why did she have the urge to cry after hearing what he said?
Xueyan clenched her hands tightly, trying her best to endure the pain that was constantly rising in her heart. Her body was shaking uncontrollably, and she didn't even notice that her nails were piercing deeply into her palms.

A strong arm gently wrapped around her shoulders, the sense of security from the bottom of her heart gradually calmed her trembling body, and even her mood calmed down.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine, I already know what's going on!" Ye's voice was still flat, but after hearing his words, Xueyan felt extremely at ease.

Taking a deep breath, Xueyan's brain started working again, she looked up at Ye beside her, and asked, "Is everything that happened here because of the formation?"

"How do you know?" A trace of surprise flashed in Ye's eyes, and he just remembered it.

During the 1000-plus years, what he thought about the most was how to get rid of the seal and how to take revenge.So much so that he sealed many things from the past in the depths of his memory, and it was not until Xing Chenyu's disappearance that he awakened a part of his long-lost memory.And in that part of memory, a large part is about formations, the arrangement of formations, the efficacy of formations, and the characteristics of various formations, all of which are recalled at that moment.

But how did she know?As early as when she obtained Jiuchongtian, she didn't know anything about formations. How could she be able to see that formations were set up here in just over ten days?It's incredible!
"I'm not very clear, everything is just speculation." Xueyan shook her head and explained, she still seemed very confused when she saw Ye, she wanted to ask clearly but didn't know how to speak, Xueyan thought for a while and then continued Said: "Do you remember the last time when you obtained the Nine Heavens? At that time, you told me that the reason for the earthquake was because of the formation. Although it is something that can only be accessed after entering the cultivation stage, I still privately I did some research on that thing. I searched for a long time before I found some information related to formations from a library with a very long history on the Internet.

The origin of formation is very early, it is the product of that long historical period that not many people know.And it's a very magical thing!It involves many ancient cultures such as the five elements and eight trigrams, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the meaning contained in it.

I have studied it for a long time, but I only know some superficial information.I remember seeing such a sentence in the materials, people who have a deep understanding of formations can use a few very simple and common things, and by placing them in different positions, people can make people turn around in place or Disorienting effect.And even more powerful, it can also change the surrounding aura, assisting people or killing people invisible. "

"Then Xue, how did you think that someone set up a formation here? And which kind of formation does this place belong to? Are they really safe?" Hearing Xueyan's words, Candy Moon also She was very surprised, she hadn't even heard of these things, and she didn't even know that there were such things in the game.

"I didn't know at first. When Xing Chenjie disappeared, I just thought it must have something to do with the sudden light. But I didn't know what the problem was. Later, the Dark Night Killer disappeared, and we searched all the way. , There are no clues here. But when I saw the figure of Leng Ye Gu Xing, I realized that I had been ignoring an extremely important thing, in fact, we were all deceived by our own eyes!"

"Cheated? Is what we see all hallucinations?" Candy Moon asked puzzled.

"It's not an illusion. If it was an illusion, I would have noticed it from the very beginning. Everything here is real." Xueyan shook her head, not knowing how to explain this matter for a moment.

"To put it simply, for example, there are two big rocks in front of you, and a person walks behind the rocks, but if you change the angle, you can't see it. But when you walk to the side of the rock, you will It was found that another stone blocked your view again, and when you walked around another stone, that person had already walked to the other side of the stone.

You can no longer see him, thus giving you the illusion that he is gone.But in fact, such a result will appear, but it is just a psychological effect produced by using your visual blind spots. "Xueyan explained this matter in as simple and understandable language as possible.

"That is to say, they didn't actually disappear, but were they blocked by something? And they are still by our side? Why don't we just call them?" After hearing Xueyan's explanation, Candy The moon continued to ask with a vague understanding.

"It's not that simple. What I just said is just the most basic principle. In fact, it not only integrates the five elements and eight trigrams, but also adds many optical principles, using changes in light to change the visual effect of some things. Because the changes are very subtle , It's hard to find if you don't observe carefully. And I guess the air field here has also changed. Due to the change of energy, both the ground and the wall here can absorb sound. There is no reason." Xue Yan continued to talk about her speculation.

Xue Yan's words made Ye feel frightened.He had known that she was the kind of calm, delicate, ice-snow-smart woman.But he still didn't expect that she would be able to speculate the matter with only this little clue that she knew!

And when she said these words, she looked so confident and decisive, and her words were convincing enough just by sounding them.It's no wonder that Leng Ye Gu Xing and the others elected her to be the leader of the team. Maybe even she didn't realize that she was born with the temperament of a leader!That kind of temperament is completely different from his domineering, it seems that people can't help but be attracted to her, and at the same time, it is more convincing.

But that kind of independence and that kind of strength are so contradictory to her weak appearance. She obviously looks like a person who needs pity and protection, but she is always protecting others!But why did he feel that this kind of contradiction, far from making people feel weird, felt very harmonious, and added a bit of charm to her?
How could there be such a person in this world?He suddenly felt like he wanted to hide her deep in a place where he was the only one, not wanting anyone else to discover how good she was!What does this feeling represent?overbearing?Possession?Or is it something else?

"Ye, what are you thinking? Why don't you speak?" Suddenly he felt someone shaking his arm, but when he looked down, Candy Moon was looking at her with questioning eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Ye's confused expression disappeared in an instant, and the expression that had remained unchanged for thousands of years returned to his face again.

"Xue asked you just now, is there anything wrong with what she said? But you didn't respond, so you were distracted!" Seeing that he didn't seem to be listening to them at all, Candy Moon couldn't help complaining.

Ye was stunned. He was so absorbed in his thoughts just now that he didn't hear anything!He looked at Xue Yan apologetically, but she just shook her head at him with a faint smile, as if she didn't care.But he felt that there was something in her eyes that he couldn't understand.

"What you said just now is basically correct." After calming down, Ye said. "It's just that what you said is not very accurate, that is, this light is not as simple as affecting people's vision. It is also the key to the activation of this formation. If we want to break this formation, then we must find a light source.

In addition, there may be things that affect people's minds here. It is very likely that the Dark Night Killer was confused by this kind of thing at the beginning, so he came to this place without a word, and then got lost in the formation. "

Ye's addition solved another mystery in Xue Yan's heart. It was not just as simple as the formation, there were other obstacles here.In this way, it may be more difficult to find them, and...Xueyan cast her eyes on Candy Moon, and a trace of worry could not help but flash in her eyes.

"Now that we know the key points, let's set off quickly! But how can we find that light source?" Candy Moon asked impatiently without seeing Xue Yan's worries.Now that we have found the key to the problem, it is better to rescue the others as soon as possible, so that everyone can leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

"It's not easy to find the eye of the formation, that is, the light source. Although we can't feel it, the formation is constantly changing. If we can't grasp the law, then we may be lost here before we find the eye of the formation. It's gone." Ye shook his head, his tone slightly worried.The complexity of this formation is not something they can understand by guessing.

"I have a way, maybe I can try it!" After hesitating for a while, Xueyan said. "But Yueyue, you must promise me that no matter what your eyes see later, you will not believe it, okay?"

"What do you want to do again?" Before Candy Moon could speak, a low growl came from her ear, mixed with a little anger.

How did that happen?

She didn't seem to say anything, did she?

(End of this chapter)

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