Chapter 79

When Lingyu came home from get off work, she thought about whether to call Chen Cheng and talk about the loan.

But thinking of Chen Cheng's attitude, she felt so angry that she threw away her phone and went to take a shower.

That night in L City, although the two had a friendly physical exchange because of Lingyu's initiative, the two did not reconcile afterwards!

Chen Cheng continued to remain silent, and Lingyu continued to ignore her in anger!
The two ignored each other and continued the cold war.Lingyu intends to hold on to that, and Chen Cheng must coax her to calm down and forgive him!

She came out of the shower and called Peipei.Tell her that she has sent her mother home and told her parents the final decision.

"It seems that I passed by a divorced child again!" Peipei sighed on the other end of the phone, "Have you seen that girl?"

"No. I went back yesterday and came today. I don't have that much time!"

"I don't know what it looks like?"

"You want to see? Go back and let Dad take you there!"

"Cut! Who wants to see him! I just think that although we both grew up amidst the quarrel between our parents, at least we don't lack father's love. That girl has never seen her father since she was a child, will it be more sad than us?"

"You want to know?"

"Just curious!"

"Go and ask her!"


All right!The old lady was completely assimilated by her brother-in-law's straight man, sooner or later she will have no friends!
"Old sister, if you talk like this, you only deserve to show your side face in the movie! The camera shot kills! It's rare for your sister, I want to talk about my heart, so that my young and injured heart can be comforted, at least you give me some chicken soup for the soul!"

"You are not afraid of being poisoned to death! Can you drink any chicken soup?"

"Well, we can't talk! I'd better go to my emperor for comfort!"

Lingyu hung up the phone and stood on the balcony in a daze, looking at the construction site opposite. The main teaching building had already been built, and the next step was decoration.The playground in the back has not yet started, and the construction of the dormitory building has not yet started, but the mountain next to it has been excavated in full swing, and it is ready to dig through and build a road directly to the back door of Lingyu Community.

Working overtime day and night for construction has seriously affected the lives of residents in the community. Every day in the community, owners are chatting and making complaints!
But Lingyu has long been used to it, it is too quiet at home, if there is no sound of piling driving or the sound of excavators hitting stones every day, Lingyu will not be used to it!
Ziming and Xiong Tianping went to City Z for the second time.

I went there once before, visited the Shuibei Industrial Park, and conducted preliminary consultations and exchanges with the local investment promotion department.This trip is to determine the specific preferential policies and subsidy bonuses. If there is no accident, it will be finalized, and the two factories will be moved to this industrial park.

The two drove there in the same car. When they came back, Ziming was driving and Xiong Tianping was the co-pilot.

"Brother Ming, why do I feel that you have a lot of feminine things in your car. Look at these perfume flowers and hand cream, it's not like your previous style."

Ziming was shocked when he heard this, and was thinking about how to tell Xiong Tianping about himself and Peipei.

The bluetooth phone in the car rang, but before Ziming could respond, Xiong Tianping had already helped him take the phone to watch.

"Hey, baby? Brother Ming, how many babies do you have! Let me have a look."

When it was over, Ziming almost came to a sudden stop and reached out to get his phone.

Xiong Tianping has already pressed the connect button with a playful smile.

"My lord, where have you been? Are you going to see baby tomorrow weekend?"

Only Peipei's cheerful voice echoed in the carriage, and the two men in the carriage were as silent as death!
Peipei fed a few times, seeing that there was no response, she said coquettishly, "Your Majesty, if you don't talk, the baby will be angry! If I get angry, I will punish you."

Before he finished speaking, he was blocked by Ziming, "I'm driving at a high speed! Go back and call you!"

After finishing speaking, he reached out and hurriedly cut off the Bluetooth phone.

Ziming knew what the punishment Peipei would say later, this little girl would not have good things to say, if she was allowed to speak out, Ziming felt that he would not be able to see the sun of tomorrow even more.

He turned his head and took a look at Xiong Tianping, only to see that his face was livid, and a pair of bear eyes were fixed on him, his face was full of disbelief and anger!
He swallowed, pretending to be calm.I turned and turned in my mind, thinking about how to explain it!

"It's not what you think! I'll explain it to you when I get home!"

It was obviously a simple sentence, but after he said it, his voice dropped!

He himself can't help but secretly slander, and he hasn't done anything shady, so how can he make himself look like a thief!
The two men were silent all the way, and half an hour later the car drove into Ziming's garage.As soon as the car stopped, Xiong Tianping got out of the car and left the garage.

Ziming got out of the car and ran up to him to explain, but before he could say anything, Xiong Tianping's fist was already punched in his right eye!
Um, it really hurts!Ziming covers his eyes!

He even punched his eyes!My glorious beauty!

This silly bear is too much!

When he is scared, it will not work!

Anyway, I practiced taekwondo when I was young!
So, he fought back unceremoniously, and the two men fought at the door of their house!
The servant Mrs. Li saw it, and ran out yelling to try to persuade the fight!
It was dinner time at this time, Zhao's father, Zhao's mother, and Ziyun were eating in the restaurant, and they all ran out after hearing the words.

Ziyun saw that the other party was Xiong Tianping, and she knew it, probably Ziming's pursuit of Peipei had been exposed!

She did not hesitate to join the army of "persuading the fight", shouting and cheering.

"Hit! Xiong Zai hit hard! How can a good brother steal someone's girlfriend! Don't show mercy!"

Ziming, "."

Are you sure it's your sister?How can there be such a sister who pushes her younger brother into the fire pit!
"Xiong Boy! Come on! It doesn't matter if you lose your girlfriend, you must get back your face! Just beat him to death!"

Xiong Tianping, "."

This is wrong, how does Ziyun know why the two are fighting!
(End of this chapter)

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