Chapter 30 Eye Medicine

The staff told her that Qin Jin did come here yesterday, and went back after completing a transcript.

Li Jinhua left in a daze after learning about it, wondering why everything was different from what she remembered.

She is really not reconciled.

In order to be able to be with Qin Jin, not only offended the three sisters, but also turned away good partners.

In her previous life, she chose the wrong worker from the supply and marketing cooperative, but in this life she can choose a teacher.

Teachers have retirement pay.

Although you can't be rich and expensive, you can live comfortably.

Li Jinhua regretted endlessly, and suddenly remembered another thing.

Not long after the new year, my mother hurt her arm when she went out at night and fell into a ditch. At that time, Qin Jin was involved in a murder case in the village and was arrested. Li Qiao went back to her mother's house alone to visit her mother and discussed with them about divorcing Qin Jin. Her parents thought it was embarrassing and did not agree.

Qin Jin is doing well in this life, will they come together?

At that time, she will prepare a table of good food and wine to entertain them.

Qin Jin gets drunk as soon as he drinks, and she waits for Qin Jin to lose consciousness before tricking Li Qiao into the cellar and locking her up. She spends the night with Qin Jin and pretends to be pregnant if she is not pregnant, so she is not afraid that Li Qiao will not fulfill her.

Thinking of this, she rekindled hope.

Li Qiao, who was far away from the Youth Point, sneezed.

Du Xinxin said: It's been hot and cold these days, you should pay attention, don't catch a cold.

Hey. Li Qiao rubbed his itchy nose lightly, bowed his head and continued to practice.

Liu Jing came forward to ask for advice with a question she couldn't understand.

After Li Qiao read it, he explained and analyzed it from the most basic knowledge, and guided the other party to answer it.

After Liu Jing solved the question and got the answer right, she gave her a thumbs up: It's exactly the same as the reference answer, you are too good. You understand everything.

Wang Nannan raised her head, stopped writing, and said, Li Qiao, your knowledge is much more solid than Han Ting's, basically you don't miss any questions, and he only missed the exam by three points, so you shouldn't fail the exam at your level.

She thought Li Qiao was pretending to study well.

After getting in touch, I found out that they really have practical knowledge.

No matter how difficult the topic you think, she can explain it to you clearly.

Even for Chinese reading comprehension, she also has answering skills.

It is impressive.

Li Qiao smiled awkwardly: I was too nervous at the time and didn't perform well.

Wang Nannan didn't believe it: I heard from people in the village that you beat Feng Dezhong when you were held hostage. You are not nervous when facing a murderer, but you are only nervous about the exam?

Li Qiao rolled his eyes: The knife is tied to the neck. It's a terrible thing, can you be vague? If you are used by him to hang the neck, you may be stronger than me.

The rest of them just laughed.

Wang Nannan also smiled: The private trading place that Qin Jin took you to before, when will you go, take me with you. She didn't follow last time, and she regretted it for a long time when she came back.

I don't plan to go, it's too dangerous. It's the same when I start school, take class notes, and bring back the test papers for your reference. Li Qiao said.

Several people thanked her together and promised to treat her to restaurants after high school.

Li Qiao stretched out her hand and clenched her fist: It's a deal. She hasn't been to a restaurant yet when she comes here.

It's a deal. Everyone swears to her one by one.

For the next few days, Li Qiao stayed at Youth Point.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Li Shengcai came to her door and told her that Dong Lamei had hurt her arm and asked her to take time to visit her natal home.

Li Qiao was still angry with Li Shengcai.

Did not give him a good face.

I only know one sentence.

I thought, I'm not going back.

The old lady prepared a gift, but Li Qiao made an excuse to study and came back when she had time, so she ran to the Youth Point with the book in her arms.

Peng Chunhua greeted Li Qiao with her more than one month pregnant belly: I'm looking for educated youths again.

Li Qiao hummed: Hello, Sister Chunhua.

Hey. Peng Chunhua squinted at Li Qiao's back, turned around and came to Qin's house, and put eye drops on the old lady Qin: Isn't Qiao Qiao going to work in the city? Why are you still studying? Running to the youth place all day long Are you not jealous?

Mrs. Qin didn't take it seriously: What's so jealous about studying?

Peng Chunhua coughed dryly: Grandma Qin, it's not me who is telling the truth. Many people in the village say that Qiaoqiao and Han Ting are not clear. Some people have seen them talk to each other.

The old lady Qin stared at her: Who said that? See if I don't tear her mouth apart.

Peng Chunhua's eyes flickered: I forgot who said it.

The old lady Qin said coldly: Some people in the village say that Ah Jin participated in the murder.

Peng Chunhua laughed together: These people like to talk nonsense when they have nothing to do.

The old lady Qin didn't answer, Peng Chunhua found two more topics, chatted a few words and left.


The old lady Qin decided to accompany Li Qiao in person, so that the gossips in the village would not gossip. She delivered the meal at noon, and Li Qiao was very surprised: Grandma, why are you here?

I think you don't come home until after noon every day, so you must be hungry, so I might as well bring it to you in advance today.

Li Qiao opened the lunch box, white flour steamed buns with cabbage tofu, and a fried egg.

She was very satisfied, this kind of food was considered rich.

I'll eat first. Li Qiao said to the educated youths.

It just so happens that we're cooking too.

After eating, Li Qiao walked a few times along the outer wall of Youth Point, and returned to the table to continue answering questions.

The old lady Qin sat in the yard watching Wang Nannan and Du Xinxin busy, and chatted with them about homework. They had dinner, and the old lady Qin didn't intend to leave, but sat next to Li Qiao: Ah Jin is not at home, I'm too lazy to drop by, so I'm here to accompany you today.

Li Qiao frowned: Okay.

When Li Qiao was about to leave in the evening, the team leader came to inform that tomorrow the threshing ground would gather at 5:30 to prepare to dig the drainage canal. .

The old lady Qin said with a smile: If you don't have the energy, you have to cheer up, or you will have to stay here forever to do farm work.

Grandma Qin is right. Wang Nannan echoed, and asked Li Qiao: Are you going to dig the canal tomorrow?

I'm going. Li Qiao said.

Then see you tomorrow.


Before dawn the next day, Li Qiao and Qin Jin took farm tools together and came to the threshing ground. The drainage channel was in the field, and the soil was hard and wet. He had only fed pigs for a few days and had never done any real farm work. Qiao, with two swings of the shovel, blisters appeared on the palm of his hand.

She grinned in pain.

When Qin Jin found out, his heart ached so much that he let her sit and rest while he did her work.

Li Qiao couldn't take it anymore, so he sat on the side of the road and thought of Dong Lamei.

Although she is a selfish stepmother, she actually raised the original owner and even helped her finish high school.

Now the opponent is injured.

Since he occupies the original owner's body, he should be filial on his behalf.

She secretly decided that once the ditches were dug, she and Qin Jin would go back to her mother's house to visit each other.

As for Li Jinhua, one size counts for one size, she just ignores that woman.

Peng Chunhua was also called to dig ditches while she was pregnant. Looking at Li Qiao, who was sitting leisurely, she said strangely, If Qiao Qiao can't work, why not go home and rest.

Li Qiao: That's exactly what I want to do. She should just study, reading is the easiest thing, and digging the ground is really not something ordinary people can do.

Third watch~ Am I diligent? Ask for a recommendation ticket~~

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