A Billion Times Draw a Sword

Chapter 441: Who else wants to kill me?

"Tick, tick".

One of the hands of Gai Jiuyou, while the fingertips were shaking slightly, blood was dripping continuously.

No way, he couldn't quickly recover the wounds that would be injured by the ‘Power of the Great Dao’ before he returned to the invincible level.

"This is too fake."

Emperor Star didn't know when he had already stood behind Gai Jiuyou, and then said in a speechless tone.

Hearing the voice of Emperor Star behind him, Gai Jiuyou Yuguang glanced at him, and then said: "Fake will also go."

"Now he is so powerful, if he continues to grow, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Seal the Sky Swallowing Devil Jar so that it cannot be used."

Aoki shouted at this moment.

There are tens of millions of demons, but almost 90% of the demons are demons below the king, so if Shen Houbai can successfully use the'Sky Swallowing Devil Jar', then it can be foreseen that 90% of the demons will be'Sky Swallowing Devil Jar' Swallow it, how can you fight with 10% of the demons?

"I'm going to swallow the devil jar, you guys will do your best to kill this ‘monster’."

At this moment, outside the battlefield, a monster that Shen Houbai didn't know broke into the battlefield, and then stood under the'Sky Swallowing Devil Jar', preparing to resist the'Sky Swallowing Devil Jar' with its own strength.

Seeing the monster who broke into the arena, although Shen Houbai didn't know him, through the system, Shen Houbai still knew that this was a big monster with eight calamities.

And as this demon came under the'Sky Swallowing Devil Jar', because Shen Houbai's realm was not enough, the power of the'Sky Swallowing Devil Jar' was not enough to **** him into the jar, so...this demon can rely on itself With the power of, the demons who were about to be sucked into the canister by the'Sky Swallowing Demon Jar' were kept out of the devil pot.

There will be a little surprise, but the next moment, as Shen Houbai’s forehead bursts with two blue veins on the left and right, Shen Houbai has disappeared in place, and when he reappears, he has already entered. Entering the army of demons like a sheep, at the same time shouted loudly: "I see how much you can save."

Before he finished his words, Shen Houbai'clicked,' as he pushed away the scabbard with his thumb, Wuying pulled out the scabbard and split the face of the evil spirit behind him. The blood shock wave of'Blood Rage' had been radiated by Shen Houbai. Get out.

Once Shen Houbai, the shock wave of "Blood Rage" was only one kilometer in range, but now... it is almost three kilometers.

In addition, Shen Houbai's current strength is at the Three Tribulations Emperor level, so now... even a demon of the Sealed King level will be crushed into blood water by the blood blast wave in an instant.

Therefore, when the blood shock wave dissipated, within three kilometers of Shen Houbai, there was no demon standing still.


The surviving demons can’t help taking a deep breath at this moment, especially those demons who happened to be three kilometers away, maybe calculated by meters, or even by centimeters or millimeters. Seeing that they are still alive and alive just now, there is only one left. The **** companions had cold sweat dripping onto their faces.

However, Shen Houbai’s killing did not stop because of this. Shen Houbai disappeared again. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at another gathering place of monsters, and within a few minutes, this gathering place of monsters also disappeared. Stained red by the blood of the demon.

But compared to Shen Houbai,'Yang Lu' is the most terrifying. It is really a group of'children' and thousands of'children'. Under a roar, tens of thousands of monsters have to meet their demon mother, demon father. , Mo mother, Mo father.

Motian also tried to counterattack'梼杌', but 梼杌's body was like steel and iron bones. No matter what kind of attack Motian might attack,'梼杌' seemed to be tickling, not motionless. But if it really hurts "梼杌", it won't hurt the "梼杌", but will irritate it, and the next moment, the unlucky ones are the monsters around.

Facing Shen Houbai's slaughter, Qingmu and Gai Jiuyou certainly couldn't just stand and watch, so they rushed towards Shen Houbai after looking at each other, but Shen Houbai didn't care about them anymore.

Because if you want to kill them, to be honest...impossible...

Therefore, instead of wasting time on Gai Jiuyou and Qingmu, it is better to kill more of these little monsters, release a little pressure for the city defense of Shenwuguan, and replenish his number of times of drawing swords.

After all, among the tens of millions-level monsters, there are still quite a few king-level monsters, which makes Shen Houbai more or less able to get back some blood.

As the number of times of drawing the sword continued to swipe the screen, Shen Houbai seemed to have red eyes. His eyes were full of fierce light and bloodshot.

"He... still... still using us?"

On the wall of Shenwuguan, watching Shen Houbai slaughter in the army of monsters, Wuyunzhou's mouth twitched slightly in the blood-stained golden armor.

"Yes, has he considered us like this?"

"I don't know if this will make us incompetent?"

Yang Ling looked at the corpses of the hundreds of monsters around him.

He was quite proud before, because he killed more than Wuyunzhou, but when he saw Shen Houbai...the scene of the monster falling down in pieces, he was speechless.

"Sure enough, he is the best among us."

Wu Leixing was holding a giant bow, and his star shining.

"More than that."

Qianxi also said with a wry smile.

"He is almost on top of an army alone."

"Old Xiao, I want to break through the emperor rank, using the method you said."

Seeing how Shen Hou Baishen obstructed the killing of the gods and the demons obstructed the killing of demons, Chu Yun felt the gap between himself and Shen Houbai even if there were too many emperor soldiers in his hands.


"With your potential, it won't take long to break through the emperor rank, so why bother with this moment."

"Actually I know, you just don't want to lose to that kid Shen Houbai."

"But... even if you break through with this method, you can surpass Shen Houbai?"

"You are not naive, you are naive."

Just when Chu Yun was talking to Xiao Chen...

Behind Chu Yun, under his confidant, the blood dragon's eyes were filled with shock.

Since the fight with Shen Houbai, the blood dragon has already known how powerful Shen Houbai is, but now that he really sees Shen Houbai’s strength, he seems to have been punched in the chest,'dong dong dong' His heartbeat is very fast, and he has a feeling of being left behind, because according to Shen Houbai's strength, killing him... It really only needs to move his fingers, or even his thoughts, to kill him. Lost.

"too strong."

Next to the blood dragon, Chu Yun's subordinate, a female warrior said with her eyes wide open at this moment.

At this time, Shen Houbai has no more monsters within a kilometer. Even if it is a kilometer away, there are only a few, dozens of monsters, because the monsters that can stay away from Shen Houbai have been as far away as possible. Far away.

"Md, I said not to come a long time ago, you just didn't listen, now it's okay, my life will be lost..."

One demon held the other demon in his arms, and then looked at the dying companion in his arms. The eyes of this demon were full of despair.

But the next moment, the demon picked up a mace in his hand, and then looked at Shen Houbai who was standing not far away with his eyes full of hatred, and finally roared: "Ghost face, I will kill you. "

After speaking, the monster rushed towards Shen Houbai, but...

He didn't even get close to Shen Houbai, and his head fell from his shoulders.

At this time, Shen Houbai looked at the fallen monster with cold eyes, and then whispered softly: "Who else wants to kill me?"

In the words, Shen Houbai’s cold eyes swept around, and this sweep...everything that Shen Houbai saw, all the demons subconsciously turned their heads to prevent their eyes from facing Shen Houbai’s eyes. Go on, and then be'phased' by Shen Houbai.

"The demons were frightened."

Emperor Yin looked at the image transmitted by the image stone, and looked at the fear in the eyes of the little monsters in the image. It was the first time that Emperor Yin saw that the monsters appeared when they had an absolute number advantage and supported by the big monsters. Out of fear.

"This Shen Houbai..."

Emperor Yin frowned slightly, then said in a serious tone: "It's amazing."

"This kid... is even better than before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Da Wei, Emperor Wei looked at the image stone in front of him, watched the scene of Shen Houbai sweeping the demons, and looked at Shen Houbai behind, still there. The slaughter arbitrarily, to relieve Shen Houbai's pressure on the demon's 梼杌, Wei Di couldn't help but mutter.

"Fortunately, he didn't promise Yang Pan to join forces, otherwise..."

Wei Di didn't finish speaking, but from the moment he frowned slightly, he could still see a trace of his luck.


This time it was ‘chasing the soul’. Although the battle was not over yet, the ‘chasing soul’ already knew it. He knew that Shen Houbai could not be killed.

Most importantly, at this moment...

ps: Thank you Lao Tie ‘Book Friends 20170415155541223’ for your support, thank you very much.

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