A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 22 Boldly buy a gun

Wang Zuluo is not used to young and Dangerous guys like Turkey who are full of colorful intestines.

"Do you need to hang around the downstairs of your boss's financial company to pack your things?"

Wang Zuluo doesn't believe a word about turkey. Apart from stores, this street is full of food stalls, and unit doors in residential areas will not open here, unless they are doing small hotel business.

Turkey is dressed well, but the paint on his wrists has peeled off. Could it be that he used the paint on his wrists to buy a store on this street?

"The company is not owned by the boss alone. Do we younger brothers also have shares in it? Come back and pack some personal belongings..."

Turkey's voice became lower and lower, and his steps began to retreat, but with the wall behind him, he had no way to retreat.

"Boss, if you have anything to say, don't take off your clothes... You're still on the street in broad daylight... Okay, please be gentle."

As he said that, Turkey turned his head and put his hands on the wall, raised his butt slightly, and even bit his shirt.

Wang Zuluo handed the suit jacket to Wuying and was about to take off his shirt.

Seeing Turkey's appearance, his face twitched. Looking back at the younger brothers around me, I found that these people all turned around in unison.

Wang Zuluo's face turned even darker now. What kind of bullshit culture has developed in this damn Hong Kong Island under the hands of the British.

"I want to change my fucking clothes with you, didn't you see that my clothes were cut open?"

This suit is not cheap. Who would have thought it would be chopped off by a Western boy?

Damn, you damn Western boy!

"You're a bad guy who wears designer suits, but you want to change your career to be a groom?"

With that said, Wang Zuluo took off the suit from Turkey and put it on himself. After all this incident, forget about the shirt.

"Take us to find the accountant from Xiyang Finance. I have some business to discuss with him."

I stretched my arms and found that the size of the suit was just right. I walked towards the Hiace van with satisfaction.

Turkey breathed a sigh of relief and followed behind with Wang Zuluo's tattered suit in his arms.

"The accountants have probably gone back to their base camp in Mong Kok East now. Luo Geqian can't find anyone."

Wang Zuluo also knew that he was late, and just said he wanted to try his luck.

Hearing this, he rubbed his temples, this Western boy is not good at it. After being in charge of the financial company for so long, the company is still hanging on to the society. It’s really fucking hopeless.

"Okay, let's go to Xiyang Finance. Since you dare to wander around, you must know how to get in, right?"

After saying this, he kicked him out of the van without giving the turkey a chance to refute. One hand stretched out the car window, holding the other person's neck by the collar, and asked him to trot along with the car.

There was no room left in the car, and this guy almost made Brother Luo look embarrassed just now, so it was better to jog outside the car for a spin.

Outside the Xiyang Finance door, Wang Zuluo watched Turkey skillfully use the wire to open the lock on the rolling shutter door a few times. He made up his mind to go back and change the locks of his company.

The finance company was very tidy inside, and it looked like the Western guy had locked it when he took people out.

After all, not all accountants can stay at the company in the middle of the night and work overtime. Even if the other party received the news and ran away, he ran away from his own home and did not come to the company.

Making people optimistic about the turkey, Wang Zuluo went straight to Xi Yangzi's office. After seeing the safe inside, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not the kind of safe built into the wall, otherwise this trip would have been in vain.

After searching around, there was no useful tool in the office, so Wang Zuluo gave up the idea of ​​breaking open the safe here.

I asked my subordinates to search the company, but apart from tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars, they found nothing else of value.

Wang Zuluo looked at the safe, hugged it with both hands, and gradually began to exert force. With veins popping up in his arms, he dragged the safe to the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Fly, get a chair and smash the window glass."

Seeing Wuying standing there with his mouth wide open in shock, Wang Zuluo had no choice but to speak again: "Wuying, you fool, I will let you use a chair to smash the glass!"

"Oh, oh, here we come." Wuying agreed, picked up the boss's chair and slammed it on the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window.

It took several hits to create a crack, and finally he panted and looked at Wang Zuluo in embarrassment.

In the end, Wang Zuluo took matters into his own hands, smashing the floor-to-ceiling windows in two attempts, and then pushed the safe downstairs.

It's only the third floor, and no one can be killed from this height. Unexpectedly, Western Boy's safe fell and bounced on the ground, and the door opened.

"Xianjia Tuo, Wuying, you didn't know whether to check whether it was locked or not?"

Wang Zuluo jumped up angrily, seeing that the safe was clearly unlocked!

Go downstairs and find several stacks of loan contracts from the safe, and several property mortgage certificates from the brown paper bag. There was no cash, but there were two pistols.

After taking them all away, Wang Zuluo threw 20,000 yuan to the turkey and told him to get out.

With these loan contracts, at least Lianying will not be able to do business as a financial company in a short period of time.

Early the next morning, as soon as Wang Zuluo appeared downstairs at Weilong Finance, he saw Sha Danwu waiting there.

"Where's the money?"

Sha Danwu went straight to the topic, and Wang Zuluo didn't hesitate. He took out the plastic bag he had prepared and threw it over. At the same time, he asked: "Have you dealt with the Western boy?"

Sha Danwu took the money and showed a photo to Wang Zuluo.

Above is a photo of a Western boy being poured into a cement bucket. The lighting angle is perfect, and you can clearly see the Western boy's face exposed outside the bucket. However, the cement that has solidified in the bucket indicates that the Western boy is dead.

Burn the photos with a lighter, and the business war between financial companies has come to an end.

"By the way, have you heard of this person named Bold?" Sha Danwu asked casually after counting the money.

Wang Zuluo was stunned. He just ordered boldness yesterday. Could it be that the other party is cold today?

Is PTU moving so fast?

"You don't know what kind of bad luck you have, and you don't know what kind of madness you have. Last night, you let him know that he was going to be blown away."

"Now he can't leave, so he's asking people everywhere for help. No, he begged me this morning, saying he needed some weapons for self-defense."


How dare this guy buy weapons for self-defense?

Can he still start a film with PTU?

The news told by Sha Danwu made Wang Zuluo's impression of the Royal Hong Kong Police fall to the bottom.

Not to mention setting traps to capture people, but we should also take a long-term approach to catch the big fish, right?

Scratching people in such a hurry..., hiss~ that's not right!

No matter how bad the fucking Royal Police were, they would never make such a low-level mistake unless there was a more important case to handle.

So the goal of PTU is not to be bold!

Bold hasn't started working yet, what are the Royal Police doing against him?

Unless there is a more important goal, boldness is just bait.

But how can they guarantee that they will still choose to buy weapons and fight under such circumstances?

"During the time when Bold was released from prison, intelligence showed that he had won over a group of his former subordinates before he was imprisoned. In particular, one named Ah Hu. The two of them opened a financial company in Kwun Tong, but now the company's loans are being called back by the bank. "

In the Mong Kok Police Station, Chief Peng, the head of the anti-triad group, tapped the photo of Ah Hu posted on the whiteboard with his hand and said to the police officers below:

"There is also intelligence that Bold will take action on a batch of diamonds coming to Hong Kong for exhibition in the near future. But unfortunately, Jewelry and Jewelry Company rejected our suggestion to postpone the diamond display."

"The banks will give us support. They have recently increased their efforts to collect money and let the bold gang take action. What you have to do is to arrest the bold gang before they attack the diamonds for the safety of the residents of Hong Kong Island."

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