A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 375 Knocking over the traffic policeman, provocation on the highway

Wang Zuluo didn't know what happened at the car dealership.

At this time, he was sitting in the car, forming a convoy with Lai Dafei's transport truck, preparing to cross the sea to find Nakakurahara in the Central District.

After the motorcade entered Tsim Sha Tsui, four traffic police motorcycles parked at the intersection turned on their lights and sirens at the same time.

As soon as the car turned around, he rode to the front of the convoy and helped open the way.

"Billy, what are the backgrounds of these people? They are so arrogant!"

When the motorcade passed the entrance of a nightclub in Tsim Sha Tsui, a few guys who had just come out waved the car exhaust in front of them in displeasure.

"In addition to commercial vehicles and trucks, there is also a modified off-road vehicle. Even if you are rich, I guess it is not a wealthy family."

Billy Huang let go of the two women he was holding, patted his Porsche sports car, and said something disdainful.

"Catch up?" Commando asked Huang Billy.

If Wang Zuluo were here, he would be able to recognize at a glance that this face looks very much like Dasha.

"Of course we have to catch up. How can such a fun thing be done without us?"

Billy Huang opened the door and got into the sports car, and the masseuse who came out with him also got into the car.

Soon, several sports cars roared out of the street and chased in the direction of Wang Zuluo's motorcade.


Wang Zuluo was sitting in the car thinking about how to prepare the gold shop next, when he heard a horn sound outside the car.

Through the front windshield, Wang Zuluo saw several sports cars ignoring the narrow gaps between the cars in the convoy and forcing their way in.

Even Wang Zuluo's car was the same. After a harsh friction sound, the reflector of Wang Zuluo's off-road vehicle was directly knocked off.

A red Porsche drove alongside Wang Zuluo's off-road vehicle.

"Asshole, do you dare to have a race with us?"

Billy Huang lowered the window and raised his middle finger towards the off-road vehicle.

Wanton ridicule came along with the strong wind caused by the car's driving.

Wang Zuluo ignored the other party. Anyway, there was a traffic policeman in front of him to clear the way.

Seeing the movement here, it is estimated that the traffic police in front will come over soon to help drive them away.

"Porsche owners with license plate dd123, please do not obstruct traffic, slow down and pull over, and have your documents ready..."

A traffic police motorcycle rode over, followed the Porsche, turned on its loudspeaker and started shouting.

But it's a pity that Huang Billy doesn't care about the other party at all, and still goes his own way and provokes people on the road.

The two sides were in a stalemate for several minutes. Huang Billy turned the steering wheel and turned away from the traffic police motorcycle.

The traffic policeman ignored the shouting and quickly let go of the loudspeaker, holding on to the handlebars with both hands and ducking to the side.

"Haha, you're so damn cowardly!"

Billy Huang turned the steering wheel again, and the front of the Porsche returned to the previous direction.

"Be careful. If you provoke the traffic police, we will be in trouble."

The female companion in the passenger seat tried to persuade her, but to Billy Huang's ears, it sounded like she was looking down on him.

"What are you afraid of? My dad pays a fine of two to three hundred thousand yuan every month. Let me tell you, these traffic policemen are our domestic dogs. As an owner, let alone frightening the dogs, even if they are beaten to death, they will not Something will happen!"

Huang Billy looked very proud. When he saw the adjusted traffic police motorcycle approaching again and the megaphone starting to work, he suddenly became depressed.

The steering wheel suddenly exerted force, and the front of the car turned sharply, knocking the traffic policeman's motorcycle to the ground.

"Hahaha, feel free to go out on the street and let you fucking chase me!"

The traffic policeman suffered a serious fall, but after seeing that the other party still had the strength to call for support through the walkie-talkie, Wang Zuluo stopped caring.

"Stop him near the tunnel!"

Seeing the remaining traffic policemen in front slow down and go to check on their companions, Wang Zuluo's eyes narrowed.

Not far ahead is the entrance to the undersea tunnel from Hung Hom to Causeway Bay.

Without the harassment of the traffic police, the two Porsche sports cars driven by Billy Huang and Commando drove side by side in front of the convoy, blocking the road.

From time to time, some objects would be thrown out of the car and interfere with the movement of the convoy.

An ashtray was thrown out of the car by Billy Huang, directly smashing the windshield of the commercial vehicle in front of the convoy, causing the vehicle to start shaking.

"Hahahaha, go home and eat shit. You're driving so slowly and you ask the traffic police to clear the way. Do you really think your family drives the road?"

Billy Huang extended his middle finger out of the car window and shook it, then kept lowering the speed and then increasing it, arrogantly provoking.

"There are no cameras in the Luo Ge Tunnel."

The driver turned back to Wang Zuluo and said something, temporarily suppressing the intention of ordering someone to stop the sports car with the walkie-talkie.

Soon, the convoy entered the tunnel. The two commercial vehicles in the lead started to accelerate and passed from the side.

"Hurry up and chase, a car is passing you..."

The female companion in the passenger seat was extremely excited when she saw the traffic police being knocked down.

As for the previous worries, they completely disappeared after Huang Billy said he would pay a fine of 200,000 to 300,000 yuan a month.

The fine alone is two to three hundred thousand, which means that the other party's family earns at least several million a month to be like this and he doesn't feel bad at all.

What else is there to be afraid of?

So the woman began to let herself go, constantly urging Billy Huang to speed up.

"It's okay, it's just the minions who passed by. The real master is behind, let's see how I play with him!"

Huang Billy just glanced at the two commercial vehicles passing by, and then set his sights on the obviously distinctive off-road vehicle.

After approaching the off-road vehicle, he began to slow down and kept pace with the off-road vehicle.

After spitting on the passenger window of the off-road vehicle, Huang Billy laughed loudly:

"It's so fucking awkward to drive such an ugly car with such grandeur. If you don't have money, don't imitate the rich and travel in a team, just go home and ride a bicycle..."

Huang Billy provoked a few words, and when he saw the co-pilot of the off-road vehicle lowering the window, he leaned closer, ready to curse a few more times.

He didn't realize that in order to drive side by side with the off-road vehicle, the speed of the vehicle had dropped to more than 60 miles.

"Billy, speed up, we're going to be stuck..."

The female companion in the car screamed, which brought the provocative Billy Huang back to his senses.

He found that the commercial vehicle that he had just passed began to slow down, matching the speed of the off-road vehicle, and crossed directly in front of the road.


In order not to hit the car in the opposite lane, Huang Billy could only apply the brakes. Fortunately, the speed was not high, and the Porsche could barely stop in front of the commercial vehicle.

The off-road vehicle stopped behind the sports car, and Aji, who was in the passenger seat, got out of the car and walked towards Huang Billy's sports car.

"Billy, let's get out of here quickly..."

The female companion anxiously tugged on Huang Billy's clothes and looked at Aji who was getting closer. She didn't know what was going on and suddenly felt a little flustered.

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