A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 389 Duan Kun: If I find out, I will kill your whole family.

"It's too late...it's over!"

The prince just said something with trembling lips, and then the phone in his hand was kicked away, and he was kicked to the ground along with it.

"Brother Luo, are you okay?"

The Dazai standing around were all in a panic and wanted to rush towards the position where Wang Zuluo fell, but they were blocked by Aji and others.

"Stay the fuck back, stand back, or I'll fucking shoot you!"

After dealing with the gunman, Aji didn't even take back the short knife. He pulled out his pistol with his backhand and pointed it at the gangsters brought by the flies.

The men who had been responsible for serving as bodyguards around Wang Zuluo also followed Aji, and they all drew their guns to separate Wang Zuluo from these people.

Everyone was standing very close to each other because they had to deal with Taizigang's affairs.

At this time, Aji brandished his pistol and pushed and kicked the crow flies away. Then he hurriedly squeezed away several bodyguards, ran to the position where Wang Zuluo fell, and squatted down to help Wang Zuluo.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he saw that his boss put his hands on the ground and slowly turned over.


Wang Zuluo laughed so hard that tears almost came out. He lay on his back on the ground and wiped away the nosebleeds on his face caused by the fall.

"Brother Luo?"

Ah Ji, whose hand stopped in mid-air, moved forward, took Wang Zuluo's outstretched hand, and pulled Wang Zuluo to sit up.

"Here's the bulletproof vest..."

Wang Zuluo unbuttoned his windbreaker and revealed the body armor underneath to Aji.

At this time, Aji breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect it to hurt so much when I was shot for the first time. It really fucking hurts."

Wang Zuluo sat on the ground and calmed down for a while before speaking again. Although there was a body armor, and the other party also used a small-caliber pistol in order to facilitate concealed carrying.

But the impact still made Wang Zuluo angry, and it was only now that he came to terms with it.

He touched his back with great effort, and then, regardless of the burning of his hands, he pulled out a slightly deformed and bloody bullet from his back.

This shot had already penetrated the body armor, and the bullet tore a little of the muscle on Wang Zuluo's back. It was just that the bullet did not penetrate through the barrier of the body armor.

He held it in front of him, weighed it in his hands, and then carefully put it into the pocket of his windbreaker.

Rubbing his sore cheeks from laughing, Wang Zuluo squinted his eyes and helped Ah Ji stand up with strength.

He glanced at the bodyguards surrounding him, shook his head, and said, "Get in the car and get out of here!"

After saying that, he pointed at Tai Zi Gang, who was still being lectured over there, and continued: "Take him away too!"

Wang Zuluo was very doubtful. Although he didn't show off in his body armor, any gunman with a long head would know that it was safest to hit his head at such a close distance.

But the gunman chose to shoot himself in the back, and it was in the lower part of the back, so it was not fatal at all.

If Aji hadn't been too quick, the gunman might have thought of a way to surrender by now and would have released some news...

In an instant, Wang Zuluo thought of this, and this was also a commonly used method on the road.

That's a warning!

Ah Le has done this kind of thing once, but last time he just shot his own bulletproof car.

"Brother Luo...!"

At this time, Wuying also ran over, but was stopped by the bodyguards around Wang Zuluo, and Aji stared at him for an instant.

"Brother Luo, I didn't do it, I..."

Wuying did not force his way in, but stood there and watched the circle of bodyguards, slowly leading Wang Zuluo to the location of the bulletproof off-road vehicle.

"I know it's not you...go back and wait for me!"

Wang Zuluo raised his head and glanced at Wu Fei, then opened the door and got in the car.

Then the car started.

Two commercial vehicles and an off-road vehicle quickly drove out of Wuying's sight.

"Fuck you!"

Wuying didn't turn around and look angrily at the men he had brought with him until he could no longer see the headlights.

He waved his fists, knocking down a few of his men near him, and then stared at the remaining ones.

"Don't let me find out that there is a fucking person among you who eats the inside and outside. Otherwise, I swear, I will pluck his skin off with my own hands!"

"Take this guy away and bury him..."

After Wuying vented his anger, he ordered his men to deal with the gunman killed by Aji.

Wuying, with trembling hands, leaned against the tire of the garbage truck and smoked a cigarette.

He knew that he was in big trouble. Even if Brother Luo didn't pursue his problem this time, Duan Kun and the others would seize the opportunity to exclude him.

"Stop the car, this is the Crime Squad of Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station!"

When two cars passed the intersection of Wang Zuluo's motorcade, the driver suddenly took out a police light from the car and stuck it on the roof of the car, turned on the alarm and chased after them.

"Brother Luo, you go first, let's take the lead!"

The voice of the driver of the commercial vehicle behind came from the intercom.

Then, the commercial vehicle slowed down, and the rear of the car collided directly with the police car. Then the driver turned the steering wheel sharply, and the front of the car hit the police car next to it that was trying to overtake.

The three cars collided together on the street, but the police car that was hit on the side only shook a few times, and then accelerated towards Wang Zuluo's off-road vehicle and chased it.

The leading commercial vehicle also began to slow down at this time, the door opened, and several figures jumped out of the vehicle.

Then the driver turned the steering wheel hard, turned the car sideways, and collided with the police car coming from behind.

Wang Zuluo didn't speak while sitting on the off-road vehicle, he just squinted his eyes and played with the deformed warhead in his hand.

"Get the best lawyer. It's just illegal possession of a gun. The maximum sentence is three years."

Wang Zuluo also had a gun on him, so it was impossible for him to stop and be checked. Not to mention there was a Taizigang in his trunk.

Outside the Bird House on Temple Street.

Duan Kun got off the bus and just hung up the call from Wang Zuluo.

His eyes were fixed on the Changmao Xiong people in front of him, as well as the Changmao Xiong people's subordinates who were surrounded by the door.

"Brother Luo, let's go!"

After making a slit-throat gesture to Chang Mao Xiong, Duan Kun waved his hand and led the people back into the bus, urging the bus driver to turn around and leave.

Chen Zilong sat on his seat, rubbing the spot where he had just been hit by someone in the box of the Bird Pavilion, grinning for a while, and then asked Duan Kun:

"Why didn't you go in and talk about the numbers, or just kill people directly?"

This is what is strange about Chen Zilong. According to the information he collected, Wang Zuluo is not someone who is willing to suffer losses.

And he was very protective of his shortcomings. Judging from the fact that he was caught this time and deployed such a large battle, it shouldn't have ended so hastily.

"Brother Luo was shot and told me that something strange happened today and that we were being plotted..."

When Duan Kun heard Chen Zilong's words, his eyes that were originally closed suddenly opened and he stared into Chen Zilong's eyes.

"If I find out that you were involved in this matter, no matter who you are, I will definitely kill your whole family..."

"If this matter has nothing to do with you, I will personally serve you a drink to apologize!"

After saying that, Duan Kun put the gun in his hand on Chen Zilong's head and said to his men: "Tie him up and wait for Brother Luo's order..."

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