After confirming that Garth would not make any complaints in the short term, Reens was temporarily relieved. As for the remaining three people, he could only hope that none of them would do anything stupid. The main reason was that Reens was not familiar with them on the surface, and it was a bit suspicious to approach them rashly. However, they were all accomplices, so there shouldn't be any accomplices who would report their companions, right? However, if it was because of them that the plan for this copy failed, then next time, Reens would have to consider eliminating the interference first. "I really hope they won't make trouble with their own lives." Reens said in his heart. It took some time for Reens and his team to finally return to the city. The residents in the city were surprised to see that they were all covered in blood, and some soldiers were holding the bodies of monsters in their hands.

The monsters were attracted by the bloody smell of the goblin stronghold, and then they were killed one by one under the siege of the soldiers.

From various manifestations, the residents found that this army was actually out hunting monsters.

The residents were not very clear about how long ago this happened last time.

But it was definitely a long time ago, otherwise it would not be so dangerous outside the city now.

If there were no adventurers who had been hunting monsters, the number of monsters outside the city would have been suppressed to a certain extent.

I am afraid that there would be monsters attacking the city.

So after discovering that the army finally started to do business, many residents smiled.

Although these soldiers were usually arrogant, as long as they could clean up the monsters outside the city, it didn't matter if they were more arrogant.

After the city became safe, they could go out to cultivate more land and grow more food, so that everyone could have enough to eat.

Moreover, when the city becomes safe, it will be easier for local caravans to go out and for foreign caravans to come in.

In that way, the prices in Kara City should be able to drop.

With the fantasy of a better future, many residents applauded the army returning to the city.

Hearing the applause of the residents, many soldiers smiled on their tired faces.

This may be the meaning of their clothes.


Afternoon, military castle, Lucretia's room.

After returning to the castle, he took a rest and waited silently. Finally, Reens was invited to enter the room that many soldiers dreamed of.

Reens is now in the living room, which can also be said to be Lucretia's workroom.

Because in addition to the two sofas facing each other and the coffee table in the middle of the sofa, the rest are bookshelves and some desks with official documents.

The floor is covered with red carpet, and a few green bonsai are placed in the corners of the living room.

The living room is not big, and there are no excessive decorations. Such a layout is really not in line with the identity of Princess Lucretia.

It is far inferior to the rooms of the nobles that Reans saw in the Glenbargen family.

However, Reans did not come here to see the room.

So after a brief look, after building a battle space in his mind, Reans focused his attention on the beautiful figure sitting on the sofa.

At this time, Lucretia was making tea, and her graceful movements seemed to be performing an art performance.

Unfortunately, Reans did not understand tea culture, let alone what tea making was.

However, he knew that interrupting others' concentration on doing things was very annoying.

So Reans waited silently until Lucretia had poured the tea before speaking.

"I wonder what Lady Lucretia thinks of my strength?"

Reans asked Lucretia seriously while sitting on the sofa.

"Very strong!"

"Your performance in the battle to clear the Goblin stronghold this morning really surprised me."

"Considering your age and the fact that you haven't reached the level of transcendence, you can still achieve such swordsmanship."

"Even by my standards, you are a real genius."

"Even looking across the country, whether there are still examples of people at the same level as you is still an unknown."

Lukerecia took a sip of tea and then praised Reans frankly.

"Thank you for your praise, Lady Lukerecia, but compared to you, I am just a firefly."

Reans said modestly.

Lukerecia glanced at Reans indifferently, without saying anything, waiting for him to leave.

A speech.

"However, although I am a firefly, I also long to be integrated into a greater brilliance."

"So I hope to be a tiny ray of light beside you."

"I want to work hard for you. I will do whatever you ask me to do. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west."

Reans continued to speak bluntly.

The meaning of this statement is obvious, and Lucrecia can naturally hear what Reans is thinking.

"You want to join me?"

"Why? Do you like me?"

Lucrecia said as if jokingly.

"You are joking, sir... Even gods are fascinated by your beauty, so how can a small person like me reach that level?"

"I have only one extravagant wish, and that is to become a transcendent."

"So, I hope to get a bottle of [Element Baptism Potion] from you."

"For this, I am willing to pay any price."

In order to prevent Lucrecia from diverting the topic to other unspeakable directions, Reans directly stated his request.

"[Element Baptism Potion], do you want to become a knight?"

"Yes, with your swordsmanship, becoming a knight is very suitable."

"As for [Element Baptism Potion], I have it and I can give it to you."

"But just a few words from you can't make me give it to you like this."

Lucretia said lightly.

Hearing this, Reans' face lit up.

Things went smoothly. Lucrecia really had [Element Baptism Potion] here, and she was willing to give it.

The thing he had been longing for was right in front of him, and Reans hurriedly said:

"I don't know what the princess wants, as long as I can do it, I will do my best to complete it."

At this time, no matter what the request is, as long as she dares to ask, Reans will agree directly.

Even if what she said was to die, it was no exception.

As long as she could give the potion on the spot, she would commit suicide.

Lucretia stood up and walked to the desk with her long legs.

Reans watched her take out something like a parchment scroll from a pile of documents.

Then she wrote something on it.

Finally, Lucretia came back and put the parchment scroll and the pen with ink on the coffee table in front of him.

"Sign your name, and I can give you the [Element Baptism Potion] you want."

Lucretia said calmly.

After hearing this, Reans picked up the pen without hesitation, unfolded the scroll, and was about to fill in his pseudonym.

Then, Reens saw something unexpected but very familiar appearing on the scroll.

A scale pattern.

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