The instructor's death declaration did not scare the trainers in front of him.

Because everyone had expected it.

The usual training is to train to death, so how can the final assessment be simple?

Death is just a normal possibility.

However, the instructor only stated the requirements of the assessment, and he didn't have any scary ideas at all.

Compared with the punishment of death, the trainers are more concerned about the content of the assessment - monsters.

Most of them, like Reens, have never really come into contact with monsters.

Their knowledge of monsters comes from word of mouth from others, and it was not until they accepted Marvin's teachings that they had a sufficient understanding of the concept of monsters.

And now they are asked to kill this powerful creature that they have never come into contact with.

No matter who it is, it is inevitable that they will feel a little uneasy.

This is no exception for Reens.

It's just that Reens is confident enough that he can definitely pass the assessment.

After all, he is the second strongest person in the entire training camp. If he still can't pass this "graduation assessment", then others can go take a shower and lie down directly.

Since the Glenbagen family has set up this training camp, they naturally want to recruit people.

Reens doesn't believe that they will set the assessment standards to the extent that even he can't pass.

"I have said what I should say, let's start quickly... If the assessment process is faster, maybe I can go back tonight to report the news here to the Earl."

A man standing next to the instructor said coldly.

In addition to him, there are 4 other people, and Reens noticed their specialness early.

Because the clothes they wore were out of tune with the entire training camp.

They gave Reens a feeling that was very similar to a person he saw more than two months ago who also stood next to the instructor.

Although they were not as fat as that person, and there were no maids around to serve them.

But their exquisite clothes and the disdain on their faces were not much different from that person, with an attitude of aristocrats looking down on common people.

"They should be from the Glenbagen family... Since there is an assessment, there must be people to review it."

"At this time, it is normal for the Glenbagen family to send people to harvest the "fruits" they have cultivated."

Rians thought to himself.

"Well, let's start."

The instructor nodded in agreement.

After that, the instructor forced Riens and others to line up in a certain order.

The reason why it was forced was that the instructor also knew that no one would take the initiative to line up in front of such a life-and-death matter.

So the instructor arranged the order directly according to the distance from his position.

Those who were close, lined up in front; those who were far away, lined up at the back.

No one dared to resist the instructor's arrangement, but some unhappy and fortunate voices would always sound unconsciously.

Reens was not very lucky and was ranked in the front.

This was mainly because Reens wanted to observe the people standing next to the instructor carefully, so he was closer to the instructor.

This also affected Ben, who had been standing next to him, and caused him to be ranked in the front.

"It's the same. With the height of the wall, we can't see the specific situation inside from outside."

"Even if we are in the back, it just increases the time of anxious waiting."

Perhaps seeing Reens' displeasure because of being in the front, Ben comforted him.

Yes, this wall built with logs is more than two meters high. Standing outside, they can only hear some sounds but can't see what's going on inside.

Hearing Ben's comfort, Reens looked back at him and didn't say much.

Ben said so, what else can Reens say? He is not really worried about himself, but Ben.

You have to know that Ben's left arm is not fully healed yet, and he can't exert his true strength.

After all, it was only a day, and even with the help of the diluted version of the [Healing Potion], it would still take some time for such a big wound to recover.

As the saying goes, it takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone, so Ben's condition will take at least half a month to fully recover.

"I hope you can survive, Ben... If you lose the 'alarm clock', even I will feel a little troubled."

Rians prayed for Ben in his heart.

As the first person followed the instructor into the 'ring', the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Even the mumbling that had been unstoppable just now

The sound also slowly disappeared.

Everyone was listening carefully to the sound inside the wall, silently waiting for the result of the first person.

Time passed slowly in silence.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar sounded.


It was the roar of a lion and tiger, and Reans was sure that he had not heard it wrong.

Although he had not seen lions and tigers in this life, in the information age of his previous life, the roars of lions and tigers were just something that could be found by searching casually.

Reans had naturally watched a lot of related videos, so he was not unfamiliar with the roars of lions and tigers.

It was a sudden roar from them.

"So, the monster inside is a kind of lion or tiger beast?"

"Remember that among the monsters related to lions and tigers that Marvin talked about, it seems that the most common ones are the flaming lion and the howling wind tiger."

"Will it be one of these two monsters inside?"

"If so, how should I deal with it?"

Reans analyzed in his mind.

[Flame Lion, normal lion size, has the ability to spit out flames from its mouth and raise flames on its claws. ]

[Roaring Wind Tiger, normal tiger size, very fast, and can emit deafening roars to intimidate and attack enemies. ]

Time does not stop because of Reans's thinking.

So when Reans kept recalling the characteristics of lions and tigers in his mind, the movement in the "ring" disappeared after a climax.

"It's over? Win or die?"

This is the doubt of everyone standing outside the field at this time, but no one spoke out because of it. Everyone was quietly waiting for the result.

And this result did not make everyone wait too long.

When the figure holding the bloody sword and covered with blood appeared in front of everyone, at this moment, even those who had a bad relationship with him would be happy about his appearance.

Because at this moment, he represents hope.

Yes, the first person came out alive.

Although he was in a mess and had wounds from high temperature burns, he was able to come out alive, which meant that he had killed the monster and passed the test.

The success of the first case gave everyone great confidence.

They knew that the "graduation test" was not a test of certain death. On the contrary, it might be relatively easy.

They all had hope of survival and the possibility of eating the "big cake".

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